Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then


@Omgitsme, I edited the end of your post for you, bold italics is what I added. (see @CurrentlyHorseless, this is how you edit a post made by someone else, you tell them and point out your edits.)



EXACTLY!!! Yes, there seems to be lots of noise suddenly about SS/USEF in other circles. I can imagine Barisone’s suspension will be appealed and lifted sooner than later since I hear there is already a sign up sheet of those wanting him for clinics! Isn’t it wonderful the support this professional is getting from people willing to wait for him to be ready to teach again? The future is limitless for Michael now with the strong, ultra protective team he has supporting him now.

Question, can/will MHG pursue her own legal issues against the Kanareks now? Surely defamation comes to mind.


Not to con artist shooter swindler criminals. There is no expectation of kindness to them or their ilk. Sorry there Squeamish.


ANd I should point out Knights Mom, I am not commanding you to do anything. I am merely letting you know how I feel you could be happier and lead a more fulfilled life. Listen or no. Your choice. We all make bad choices and some of you on here have made some really bad ones adding to the problem. Some of you have actually tried to help me. I tend to focus on those good things because I feel happier. You surely will learn your own lessons because life and its natural consequences is surely the best teacher.


I had to correct my earlier post. McGurk is not an attorney, but it appears that the information is correct. Otherwise the posts trying to lead people away from the topic wouldn’t be ongoing. IMO.


i am telling you how I feel. I, in no way know every fact or the absolute truth of anything. I also have partial information. However having lived this for 3 years watching everyone’s behavior, including many of you, I have formed some opinions. Those opinions are valid for me. No need to correct a post on my account Morgan. Can I call you Morgie? That just sounds so much nicer.

For those who know about these things, when SS or USEF are proceeding with an investigation do they notify the people involved?

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I have the impression that they do, but I don’t have any first hand experience with it.

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Maybe Dressage Hub’s video on the USEF letter they received would be informative about the subject of an investigation.


Do you suppose they notify the person who is under investigation or the parties that filed for the investigation or both?

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Loving the use of diminutives in addressing people. Classy. :expressionless:


terms of endearment

I’m feeling pretty darned fulfilled right now there, Seekash.

You have announced to the world that your predator daughter started this whole mess because she was jealous of another girl. Starved because she is ill and desperately needed to be the center of someone’s universe. This need could not be fulfilled by her paramour and evidently you and your family were also either unwilling or unable to fill the void. So Dadarek paid off some poor horse schlep to take on the role so princess could feel accomplished riding horsies in between drug induced snoozes.

And when MHG stepped in and said no more princess threw a tantrum and set about to ruin lives.

Now that the trial is over I hope MHG and others make such a roar to equestrian powers that be that princess finds that justice she so desperately needs and karma requires.


Why would anyone want advice on life from you?


Well, to be honest, she might have good advice on how to not raise a child who thinks it is appropriate to ruin the lives around you. She has successfully done that and appears to support that theory to life so she can tell everyone how it is done so they can avoid doing it.


Nice try Knights Mm. I have addmitted so such thing. I am admitting that I hope you find happiness in more fulfilling and positive pursuits.

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Ok evil creeps back in. I can only send love to you all and pray for you to change your evil words to kind ones.

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