Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

@MHM are you implying that they do not like to share?

(quote has nothing to do with the question)

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Oh yes he has. As a matter of factā€¦ I was told that he assaulted a police officer in Floridaā€¦ and that he drank bleach in the PAN AM games and was almost got the US kicked out. Believe or not, verify or not.

Heal your daughter first and then we might discuss your theory.


KKā€™s fake befriending is disturbing. Asking for pictures of grandchildren is disturbing. The nicknames to appear to be closer to someone is disturbing. Asking how KK can do a favor for someone and encouraging people to send KK their names is disturbing.

The amount of dishonestly and manipulation this family exhibits is astonishing. Fortunately, they are very bad at the game they wish to play and the red flags are apparent, immediately. But truly it is sad that they devote SO much time and effort into this game when they could instead be decent people and actually create positive change around them. Instead they choose to do this. LK had every opportunity to change her behavior or relent when it came to MB. I can certainly see why they would project their sadness onto others when they are so deeply unsatisfied themselves. Truly sad.

Iā€™m off to enjoy the day. :slightly_smiling_face:


Accurate edit!

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LK lies and Seeker swears to it. Lol.


Well, it sounds like LK did not want to share her trainer with anyone. Maybe itā€™s a genetic trait.


The cop thing was no conviction and that wasnā€™t the story anyway. So not going to work there, Seakelp.

The other thing is just made up. Didnā€™t happen. A lie. I donā€™t believe you.

But Seakelp I did notice how fast you put down your Gumbaya candles to point a finger at MB.


Yep. It isnā€™t lost on me that we had a few ā€œnon-connectedā€ posters insisting that MHG was part of a current investigationā€¦.and then all of a sudden, after the fact, we have LK on YouTube talking about having to defend her riding dreams from discriminationā€¦.


Knights_Mom. I am not God. I can heal no one. But thank you for giving me so much credit. I wish I had the power to heal the world. Sadly, I try the best I can to just do the best I can. I know you are perfect, your family is perfect. Probably anyone who has ever been around you is perfect just by being in your presence. I bow down.

For some strange reason I keep visualizing someone trapped in a Kumbaya bubble, surrounded by a heavy fog of marijuana smoke and with their head in the sand.


Court records indicate differently. Please note the disposition, which is clearly not a conviction. Nor do the charges themselves reflect an assault on an officer.


Seakelp, you have WAY bigger things to worry about than me.

But no thanks, I just ate so no need for the platitude sandwich.



I wonder who the misunderstanding was by, and why anyone would think they would be the center of their trainers attention? /s Iā€™ve never had a professional trainer, other than one ex, and I never expected to be the center of his attention at the barn.


Thank you for sharing. Not Guiltyā€¦ a tussle. a report. Nothing more.

You have seaweed lingerie?
Sounds daring!


At least everyone is laughing. Laughter and grattitude are always the best medicine.

Told by whom?

Your daughter, who testified under oath in the courtroom that she lies a lot?

Were you awake for that testimony, since you claim you were present in the courtroom?


Itā€™s too easyā€¦