Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Unless, of course, any evidence collected was going to refute RG’s claim that MB was the shooter. Then these two and their families would have been just fine with the non-action of LE immediately after Lauren “Who Does That?” Kanarek was shot.


So I work in a state mental hospital and by law we have to have a bed available within 7 days of the judgement. If we don’t, we are in contempt of court and we get fined ALOT of $$. Like thousands per day per bed. I think at one point we were backlogged about 300. Some people were in jail for over 2 years before we got them a bed. I work in a 725 bed hospital with 2 campuses 60 miles away from each other. It took a few hefty fines and we are doing much better making beds available. However… the psych patients have to go somewhere, and there are also no beds in the community. So often times after discharge they are discharged into a hotel for 3 days then back on the streets. It’s truly a catastrophe on so so many levels.


How do they “…make beds available”? Release the patients who are the least likely to harm themselves or others? Release the ones who have a stable support system? Interesting.

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Yes. You can Google Oregon State Hospital contempt of court and get lots of deets…


I never thought I’d say this, but I agree with Hut Ho and this is very well-put.


I know, right? I agree with Hut-ho, too. Once. Oh, and maybe another time where they said be nice.


BS - the police are exactly who you call in these situations and they did nothing.


What? There absolutely is doubt who shot LK. MB might have brought the gun to the scene but there’s no evidence he shot the gun because the incompetent cops didn’t collect this little thing called evidence.

Let me hypothesize. MB shows up to confront RG and LK and at some point a struggle breaks out and he drops/looses the gun. RG and LK beat/choked MB unconscious. In here somewhere the lawyer calls. LK doesn’t answer because she starts wondering how she can turn this to her advantage. She then hatches the idea to call the lawyer back (or wait for him to call again) and declare that MB is there and has a gun. She then has RG shoot her in the shoulder thinking he shouldn’t hit anything vital.

Alas, we will likely never know what actually happened that day leading up to LK getting shot.


That’s a mess! I’ll bet it is going on all over the country, too.

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Ummmm, I’m not too sure about this part—some of the rest of it is feasible.

I just think that the difference in LK’s height and MB’s height and the shot that went through the door—up two, three steps from the patio and no third casing……hummm.


Gun experts here, could a dry fire be mistaken for an actual shot especially if you did not expect it and were hearing it over a cell phone call?


Dry fire is a click. Live round is a loud bang.


Unless we listen to all 3 mental health experts, law enforcement, imperfect witnesses including the ear witness, the prosecutor, and the defense attorney.

Thank you

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Only 3 people were there when it happened. Once of them does not remember the event. 2 have stories that don’t match each other, and have both been proven to be prolific liars. So no, nobody knows what really happened. Certainly the police had no way of knowing when they arrived on scene.


And the jury believed that he shot LK twice. NGRI is not NG. He did get the NG for RG.


That’s the one I’m listening to! You must have recommended it. It is great and Ms Matney and FITS are doing amazing work.

I’m just really far behind as I don’t get to listen often enough. I’m only maybe 10 or so episodes in.

But, point taken: you make the distinction between investigation being done but suppressed (Murdaugh case) and simply not being done at all (Barisone case). I stand corrected and it is a substantive difference, you are so right!


I went back and watched Ruth’s testimony. She said that when she gave her gun to MB there were two clips in the case. One was full—7 rounds. The other one she could not say for sure, but thought maybe 2-3 rounds.

Why would MB put the near empty clip in the gun and not the full one? There was talk that he had the full one in his pocket, but I don’t remember that coming up in the trial except for the picture from the trunk of the police car :woman_shrugging:t2:.


One really has to wonder exactly what was said in that conversation that LK claims was very clearly heard in her recording. Maybe they weren’t used in the criminal trial because they undermined the prosecution’s case more than any other reason….

There was in my opinion a lot about the state of that box of bullets that RC claimed wasn’t hers, that was left very much unexplored……


Pretty sure we all know that by now, but thanks for the newsflash.

But the jury believing MB’s team proved its affirmative NGRI defence is not an explanation for why the police simply accepted RG’s statement upon arrival at a chaotic crime scene, and why they neglected to properly secure the scene and collect forensic evidence.