Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

And he ended up watched continuously, handcuffed and searched by the second officer after he placed Rosie in the door, and was taken to the police station and questioned for hours before being released to check on LK.


Please don’t be so naive. After he freely roamed the crime scene supposedly trying to catch the dog! Totally against accepted police standards. Officer Heymer had no idea who the shooter was and took RG’s word for it all including RG saying it was all on tape. Cops have been killed being so incompetent.


Okay, I’ll play since you are being rude and obtuse, exactly what have you said that I don’t allow?

I’m glad you have finally recognized my authority! /s


Hut, where did your post go?


Deleted because I put it on MHM’s post instead of Eggbutt’s. Eggbutt saved it. Don’t worry.

Well then, your post makes even less sense. Bless your :heart:


You have actually toned it down a lot. You’ve been known to tell people to stop posting if they stray off what you have decided to be the politically correct story.

So there is that. Congratulations.

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Prove it. Cite a post of MINE where I have told a legitimate poster to stop posting if they don’t follow “my politically correct story”. I’ll wait. You people really are rather pathetic - dropping ridiculous, immature posts making claims you can’t back up. Grow up.

I do understand that crow is quite tough to chew since I, and several others, have been correct and honest since day one. Sorry your “facts” never stand the light of day.


I think you have eggbutt confused with our old friend YankeeDuchess


This scenario is absolutely insane. I can kind of understand that many of you are cultish when it comes to supporting MB, but some of you need to dial it down a little bit. MB admitted to his attorney that he took the gun out of the safe and drove to the house where LK and RG were living. LK was shot twice in the chest. To get to the point where you want to believe so hard that RG is the one who shot LK twice in the chest, you might as well just make up a story that a Unicorn with opposable thumbs showed up and stole the gun from MB and shot LK.

It is so unbelievably crazy to me that there are people here who actually still believe that someone other than MB shot LK, and some of them actually believe that the jury verdict reflects that belief. If the jury had believed that MB did not shoot LK, they would have found him not guilty. That they found him not guilty by reason of insanity indicates that they believe he shot her. Anyone who has been following this story since August 2019 who isn’t a complete idiot has known all along that MB shot LK.


I agree that the idea they shot LK on purpose seems far fetched.

I see (i) a simple struggle over the gun with accidental discharge thereof, no knowing whose hand was the one that caused the misfire; or (ii) MB on the ground being attacked by the dog and one to two other people (given the direct evidence provided by MB’s injuries) and firing in self defence, are the most believable/obvious alternatives to the unreliable witness version.


If any of this actually happened, my guess is that MB would have remembered it because it would have helped his case. Bilinkas wanted to introduce the self defense aspect of the case, but that would have required at least one piece of evidence from MB, and he was unable to produce any evidence of anything after he left the barn in the truck with the loaded gun and drove to where LK and RG were.

I don’t get why you MB supporters are continuing to cling to this hope that he isn’t the shooter when MB’s own defense admitted that he did in fact shoot LK, but again, this is what cults are made of.


Did the second officer testify to searching RG? I recall the him testifying that he placed RG in handcuffs after RG put Rosie away, but I must have missed the part where he said he searched RG.

I also wasn’t sure if any of the officers searched around the house, since RG and LK said in their depositions that LK disappeared for a while.

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My memory is that the first officer handcuffed MB. The second officer helped with LK (fetched the first aid kit to seal the hole in her lung) and handcuffed and searched RG after he placed Rosie in the door. The third officer searched MB and found the magazine. They all arrived within a couple of minutes or less of each other. The second officer was part of a 3 man team which searched the house. Within minutes, they had 50 plus LE. The crime scene investigator had to clear the area. Plus, it started raining.


This pre-supposes that he was lying about his lack of memory. If he wasn’t, then your guess makes no sense. In fact, if he doesn’t it only makes it more tragic as he could not aid in his own defence.

Don’t be uncivil. I think it has been explained many times by actual litigators that his defence did NOT admit what you ‘cling to’ saying they admitted. It’s been explained many times by experts, so there’s nothing I can add to assist your understanding.

But, cult? Really? Not only is the labeling/name calling juvenile, it comes off as desperate. Would you consider yourself, with your continued counter arguments, the cult of LK? I don’t consider you that and wouldn’t need to stoop to insulting you like that in order to discuss our differences of opinion.


Thank you

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It’s hard to know where to start with regards to responding to this post, but I’ll try.

First, you accused me of being uncivil in my response to you, and I have to ask for specific examples where I have been uncivil towards you.

Second, not one person in MB’s entire court case denied that MB shot LK. This became clear as soon as it was made public that MB was going to attempt to plead self defense and insanity. MB’s own attorney (Bilinkas, who many here refer to as a god), never denied that MB shot LK.

It’s odd that MB got the best possible outcome for his trial - he admitted that he shot LK, and he was found not guilty because the jury believed he was insane at the time - and yet so many here are still trying to push the idea that MB wasn’t the shooter after all.

I’m pretty sure I posted a while ago that this would happen - that the MB supporters would never accept the outcome of the trial unless MB was totally acquitted, and here we are. MB actually got a fair outcome, and they are still putting forth crazy scenarios where MB wasn’t even the shooter. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Two things can be true at the same time. People can accept the jury’s NGRI verdict.

They can also believe the exact sequence of events involving the shooting have not been conclusively defined. Did the gun go off in a struggle and hit LK? Did MB get attacked by LK or RF or did he attack them? We. Don’t. Know.

We likely never will know so we accept the decision, but wonder if it would have been more clear had the police performed even the most basic elements of their job.


My responses in-line below in bold.

FWIW, if you did make such a prediction, I think you were/are wrong. I think most people do accept the outcome and are now focused on what’s happening to MB post-verdict.