Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

When did MB admit he shot LK? Can you please direct me to that? Court testimony? Or any source that shows that?

Also, asserting an affirmative defense is not an admission. It’s saying “I’m not guilty. But if you think the State proved otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt, here’s why it might have happened.”


Precisely and concisely summarised. 10/10 recommend.


Furious only if they wanted the whole truth to come out.


[quote=“ekat, post:142, topic:772113, full:true”]

**When did MB admit he shot LK? Can you please direct me to that? Court testimony? Or any source that shows that?

Also, asserting an affirmative defense is not an admission. It’s saying “I’m not guilty. But if you think the State proved otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt, here’s why it might have happened.”**


Please see above and read.

Then read again.


You must not be reading these threads very well. Not one hu? Isn’t there a post up thread, right here, that you are rebutting where someone says just that? So that starts the count at one. There are more, lots more.


You can’t be serious. Do you have any idea how ridiculous this is?


Pretty hard for them to deny he shot her if he can’t remember what happened. Guess they could have made crap up like the LK team did.


I know has been discussed but clearly a certain poster has forgotten it. It does not make sense for MB to make up not remembering what happened. Not remembering means he is not able to help with his defense. It would make sense, if MB was not the honest sort, to lie about it the other way and say he remembers and like you suggested, make up a good story like the other side did.

I am so confused why anyone thinks that MB saying he does not remember is some sort of dishonesty.


Did they? Did they really? I’m serious.

This horse left the barn last month and you know it. Do you have any comprehension of the amount of evidence there is in the discovery that will show conspiracy, everyone involved, the actual plans to conquer and destroy MB/MHG, along with illegal activity?

You are certainly free to continue defending “the truth(s) as told by RG/LK” all you want. Don’t expect others to follow your “political correctness” in your insistence we choke on your narrative. The criminal trial is over. Move on.


Did he? Where? To whom? Come on, where is that testimony! You are hellbent on believing this fallacy. I’m guessing you believe the major beating MB took left him completely coherent and for sure he must have been faking memory loss all these years. Sure. That makes sense. Had Heymer not arrived when he did, I am convinced the “USMarine” would have killed MB and claimed self defense. Again, as has been discussed so many times, if you want to blame anyone for all the lingering questions, blame the MCPD. They failed every single person in this situation. Every. Single. One.


No, many people here insist no one knows what actually happened, without choosing to believe two confirmed liars with agendas. That is not going to change. Who are you trying to convince of your narrative?


Actually it was @Inigo-montoya who declared this remarkable thought.

Yet, here you are continuing to bang your drum. Why? Walk away from this cult of MB Fangirls led by Eggbutt because she has such Supreme power to produce smoke and mirrors. What IS your agenda?


Wow, Political correctness has taken on a new look. I did not know it included calling people names and sending nasty PMs.


The jury accepted the defense’s affirmative case that MB was delusional. However, if the prosecutor had not established beyond a reasonable doubt that MB had shot her (as opposed to self defense or accident), they were instructed to return a verdict of NG, as they did wrt the charges related to RG.

On the two charges related to LK, why did the jury return NGRI instead on NG, unless they were convinced that the prosecutor proved his case beyond a reasonable doubt?

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When I was on a jury, we had forensics, IIRC, from the gun and shells/bullets, as well as DNA evidence from an earring that the defendant lost during the shooting and robbery.


Note to self, If I ever plan to take up a life of crime, do not wear earrings or hope for a totally inept police department like they had in this case.


What was even crazier is that the robbery took place in a jewelry store… I have no idea how they pinpointed the defendant’s earring amongst the rest of the jewelry!

ETA: this was about 10 years ago, I am sure at some point they explained how. Still crazy… and good forensics!


It was too inexpensive (clearly misplaced)? Not part of their inventory?


Wow, that is amazing. Clearly this bunch of officers would not have done that.


Coincidentally, I was just in a jewelry store the other day towards closing time, and the staff was busy taking all the jewelry out of the display cases to put away for the night. It had never occurred to me that it was a daily routine, but I’m sure they have their reasons for it.