Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Much like so, so many things I’ve read or watched in court in this mess.


I took it as a reference to the criticism of the Christian forgiveness references.


I understood entirely and correctly the point of your lie. As did literally everyone else commenting. You are alone in your backpedaling.

It has nothing to do with “British English”. It has to do with English. As a lawyer, I battle the rampant misuse of ‘shall’ every damn day. I have a standing memo about it for my ESL colleagues - and many native English speakers as well. You do not deserve my labour as you are dishonest - and not just about your edits. You lied about/misrepresented me before (and were called out by other posters that time, too).

In which case it would have been nonsensical for you to do so b/c it wasn’t a lie. You made a deliberate choice to describe your actions as you did with no qualifiers whatsoever.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.


And you are “reading them closely” now? If so, then why do you keep demanding people explain themselves ad nauseam and point you to “evidence”? I’m a bit confused.


Also another confusing possibility.


Yes, sired by Otto P. The naming conventions for this year are T, U, V. I’d love to name him but his new owner gets that honor! :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing this! I don’t know how those conditions are supposed to be helpful to anyone’s mental health, but at least progress is being made.

I sent a card before I knew that cards weren’t allowed. I’ll send a letter tomorrow.


That you don’t even see that your post describes you and all your buddies here just makes me laugh and laugh.

All of you have so much free time that you literally spend ALL DAY, EVERY DAY posting here because you are “hooked” on constantly discussing LK and her family. It seems like none of you have friends who want to spend time with you, so all you have is the COTH forum to fill your lonely days.

You all come across as codependents who enable each other. I wonder if any of you have someone who could arrange an intervention; don’t any of you have family members who function as normal, rational, and decent members of society who care enough about you to help you try to get off of social media and live normal, productive lives? :thinking:


None of us are plotting to FINISH THE BASTARD.

None of us are going ninja style around our barns at night.

None of us are filling FB and YouTube talking to ourselves in the third person.

As for me, I managed to do all sorts of stuff today like my exercise, housecleaning came and we worked together, went out to dinner, cooked in the morning, did several loads of laundry etc

You’re just mad because you don’t like what we’re saying so your only out is to find a way to try and demean and shame us but guess what? It’s not working!!



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Normally the day before yesterday I would have gone to the local Supermarket, after feeding our horses and put up bread for 2 hours. Then I have paid another guy to do the second truck with a different company. Then a 2 and a half hour drive to the first Aldi Mystery Shop and Audit, followed by 4 other mystery shops and Audits. Back home and put in 10 reports, get 3 hours sleep and do the same thing yesterday morning with only 4 Audits and 1 mystery shop to do, so as I can get home early enough to work a horse and feed cattle. Then put the reports in. Tomorrow in to deliver junk mail by bicycle.

Nope we are flooded,so I can’t ride a horse, so I get to choose what I do with my time, not you!

From our back deck. We now have million dollar Broadwaterviews!


No time to go through them all, but just in case you don’t know, Michael has finally been moved>

Ann Klein Forensic Center
Attn: Michael Barisone
P.O. Box 7719
West Trenton, NJ 08628.


WTHeck? He has nothing but a blanket for two weeks? What a ridiculous set of rules. If someone (g) isn’t already dealing with mental health issues, they will be after two weeks with nothing to distract them. It sounds like something from the Dark Ages.



You’re still dedicating your free time to this tirade?


I really feel for MB with just a blanket. I hope he has at least a mattress.

This situation REALLY shows that happiness comes from within.

You cannot rely on someone else for happiness.

You can not think I will be happy when…

If you think I will be happy when I get a car when you get the car, your mind just changes it to I will be happy when I get a job, when you get the job, your mind changes to I will be happy when I get a horse and so on and so forth. You will never be happy as your mind just changes all the time.

You have to be happy now.

You have to be happy with the person you are and what you have now.

Even if that is friends who love you, your belief in yourself that you are a good person and a blanket.


Wow. You posted pictures like this not long ago also. Is this normal weather in your area? Please stay safe! :kissing_heart:

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Each year is different. This is the 2nd time this year. One year we were flooded for 3 months with a few days in between.

One year 5 times in a year.

One time twice in a year.

2 years ago, we had a drought and not a blade of grass on 100 acres. That was worse we had to sell most of our over 70 head of cattle. We kept 6 weaners too young to breed and the bull. We bought 5 Brahmans after the drought broke. We lost one of those with a calf too big and backwards last month.

They cut the calf out and I still feel sad and that all we did was torture her as I could not get her to eat afterwards. She was a lovely cow.

Most have had 2 calves since the drought broke.

The annoying thing is that I can’t go to work and I can’t ride because the arena is flooded. I really would like to put up an indoor arena.


So sorry to hear about the loss of your cow and her baby. How heartbreaking. :cry: Hang in there. Sending good thoughts your way.


Awww I’m sorry you lost mama and baby cow!!


And yet here you are…