Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

She mentioned to a friend of mine who was riding at the same place that she is still doing regular physiotherapy and using some kind of shoulder brace to help recover from the muscle loss - it affects her ability to sit up and sit straight.

Interestingly enough she didn’t mention anything about being shot to my friend, just that she was recovering from a serious injury and surgery on her chest.



Maybe she didn’t want to be recognized/identified?


You know I’d say that could be a positive but then again…

My friend had never heard of her, or MB or the shooting anyway so no chance she would have recognized her. She was quite surprised when someone else at the barn filled her in.


As I said in a previous thread or maybe at the start of one of these, I’m pretty sure MB would be tackled in a giant rugby scrum of everyone who knows him if he ever thought for one second of going anywhere near her again.

Not that I think he would do that under any circumstances whatsoever.


Yeah she probably didn’t want to be recognized because infamy sucks.


So is there an official complaint made to USEF and Lauren Kanarek? If not, can that be done?

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Well, Daddy bought and paid for him to be a companion, love interest, house boy, groom, laundry assistant, dogsbody and general sh*t-kicker for his baby girl, so I’m guessing it’d be a breach of his employment to work for another person unless she says it’s okay. :wink:


Exactly how is this not like buying friends? A la Carter Bryant’s/MGA Entertainment’s famous doll series?


I believe part of the testimony from the trial was about the complaint that was sent in about LK.


Unfortunately I haven’t been a USEF member since I was a teenager or I would file a report just like I did with SS.

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I am behind but having read this far, I would totally bet that ‘seeker1’ is not KK, that it is someone who shall remain nameless but whose initials are lalapoprider) and her sister or some flunky Gertie type pal, and they are having a hilarious time entertaining themselves posting these crazy kumbaya posts and watching people respond.

Its just too posed and perfect, methinks.

Ill keep catching up, sorry if this has already been posited…


No sorry required. We have all been there.


While I can’t speak for USEF, I can say that I know from fairly recent personal experience that Safe Sport investigators do indeed read postings on social media, including COTH threads. Not for factual evidence, but as a means to gather general information and potentially contact individuals who might have some verifiable information. The mere possibility that a case All About Me might be pending with either organization would make me really think about what I posted.

Just sayin’. :wink:


No, she’s claiming that Barisone wrote in a text that he claims he’s very good at beating the *** out of horses.

Well, there’s the 750 page complaint filed by MHG on Aug 6, 2019. You mean besides that one?

I doubt it phases non-members or those who aren’t showing anyway.

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We have two threads on this topic dealing with essentially the same lines of discussion, so we’re going to arbitrarily select this one to close to keep the discussion in one place.