Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

So let me know if I am using the right word here, it is still so confusing.

LK insisting she is the best rider at MB’s barn and that she had Olympic level horses might negatively affect her ability to get a trainer in the future, and that is not taking into account the effect of all her admitted ‘finish the bastard’ action and lying.


For the most part, if you can use “the” you use “effect”.

But then there is the version of affect which has to do with a person’s emotional appearance (Flat affect etc) that messes this up!

And some people like to use torturous language like “effect a change” so…


I don’t consider this tortuous, but rather a common phrasing – see @Ghazzu above


This is a reply to @FitzE.

This explanation of will/shall (link provided by @OntheFnce) indicates there are two different conjugations of the verb “will”. For a simple, objective sense, one uses “shall” for I and we, and “will” otherwise.

However, this article says there is a second conjugation for a more emphatic emphasis, or command, in which case it reverses, with “will” used with I and we, and “shall” used otherwise.

So, one would say

“I shall be arriving in London by train.” (simple case)
“I will try my utmost to suppress the rebellion.” (emphatic case)

“You will be served in great luxury. (Simple)
“You shall stop posting on any legal matters. (Command)

I was not asking about the use of will/shall in legal
terminology, but in everyday speech or writing. However, the rule that one uses “shall” with he/she/you/they when using the emphatic or command mode explains why legal documents would say things like:

“Landlord shall give 30 days notice to end the tenancy.”

If not using the “command” form of the verb, the document would need to say, “The landlord is obligated to give …”.

The conjugations also carry over to would/should, and the article noted that when asking for a catalogue, the proper phrasing is:

“I should be grateful if you would be so kind as to send me a copy of your most recent catalogue.

Other stuff I’ve read says that, aside from use in legal documents in the command form, “shall” survives mostly as a part of an invitation:

Shall I call a taxi?
Shall we dance?
Or, as KM used it, “Shall I post…”

The discussion of shall/will is, to me, by far the most interesting thing discussed in these threads in days.

Ok. I’m catching up on some of the YouTube comments and… :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

I won’t share most of them to this thread, but these two comments from 4 days ago caught my eye. LK is now claiming she was paying MB’s staff, and his utility bills.

WTF?!? I hope Deninger is tracking her social media comments given the impending civil suit. The time for :poop: posting is definitely NOT while one is in the middle of a lawsuit situation. She’s an absolute fool to be going on and on like this in public comments…


I still love “let my boyfriend help,” it’s very magnanimous of her.


Can you give me a link; cant find them…

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I regret that I don’t remember who was the poster that informed us how to see the “gross post count” (ie before deletions). I wonder if this poster knows whether the post count I see on my scroll bar vs the gross post count is affected by posters on ignore? Because at one point I had a discrepancy of 600 posts. That’s seems like A LOT of deleted posts.

ETA I may have posted this in the wrong Barisone thread but my eyes are starting to cross.

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I just scrolled across a hidden response, and the dynamic post count incremented by one from the previous to the following post - i.e. it did not reflect the hidden post. So I assume the both dynamic and total post counts in the green rectangle leave out hidden as well as deleted posts.

ETA: Also have no idea which thread we were discussing this in!

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I am not that person but I am guessing it does not count those posts.

I base this guess on me doing a search in a thread for my posts, I then noticed that the list post count total was only the total number of my posts.
I figured it would say that I was looking at post 17/(whatever the thread total count was) not post 17/(what my total post count was).
In other words, it made it hard for me to even guess where that post was in the full thread because it was my post #17, not post #17 of the thread.




Oh, brother. She claims he “beats the shit out of horses and is…very good at it,” yet she didn’t think that was a good enough reason to pack her horses up and get the heck out of there. :roll_eyes:

The thing about liars is that eventually they will lose track of all their BS and it will come back to bite them in the a**.


And on the other hand, what horse person does not recognize that as a joke? You know, when you bring up old Unflappable for shoeing. I’ve said such things myself of the ones that are so good the hard part is keeping them awake.


Yes, and she is more than willing to go back to MB if things work out that way, as long as MHG is properly ruined. Don’t forget that part.

Edit to fix my computer being a jerk and quoting poor DownYonder three times. Over achieving is good except when it is my computer doing that.


The real reason she’s mad at all the support. If MB has other people willing to lesson and clinic with him, he has no need to be desperate enough to grovel back to her….


Now this sounds Pennsylvania Dutch to me.

Kinda like “throw the horse over the fence some hay”.


What jumps out at me is that she says she’s living her dream. No mention of any lingering pain or that she is not able to achieve her dreams, or that anything has slowed her down. so no long-term damage from those gunshot wounds, which is great for her! I"m glad she’s fully recovered from that trauma!


Kurbside Rek has donated to the GFM. I wonder if Mkay will sue GFM.


Not me brownderby

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So I ran across this little gem at the Goodwill Pound store the other day. I just grabbed it to show my hubby but forgot to put it back and thus it is now mine.

Seems to fit this thread well.

Seems many people have family issues.