Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I find the effect of using the right words is affected by my ability to remember the rules of English.


In this case I didn’t mean the old affect v. effect (which I mangle routinely, FYI, and always triple check myself), but that old CH has set herself up as the authority who determines if and when someone’s use of English is an affectation or their own natural usage regardless of from whence they hail. It’s baseline a dumb thing to do but unfathomably dumb when most folks on here don’t know where anyone else if from.

Not that a complete lack of logic ever slowed the roll of certain posters. :roll_eyes:


I always heard it was if you haven’t got the facts or the law, baffle 'em with bullsh*t.


Well, we are seeing some great examples of that theory to life here!


That whole danged post was fantastic but I’m quoting only this part in the interest of brevity.

You win the Internet today - or I guess yesterday. (I was away for 12 hours or so.) :grin:


But Tolkien was British, so he is allowed to use “shall” - and yes, I am being facetious. :upside_down_face:




~ Throw your heart over the whence and the rest shall follow ~



I am a writer by profession and I often have to double-check myself to make sure I have used the correct word. :smiley:

Affect is usually a verb - it acts on something.

  • LK’s relentless campaign of psychological terror affected MB’s sanity.

  • The testimony of the Prosecution’s star witnesses revealed them as liars, grifters, and psychological terrorists, which affected the jury’s decision.

Effect is usually a noun.

  • The effect of LK’s relentless campaign of psychological terror was to cause MB to have a psychotic break.

  • The effect of the testimony by the Prosecution’s star witnesses resulted in NGI and NG verdicts, as the jury recognized them as liars, grifters, and psychological terrorists.

(Bringing things back on topic - and I think I am correct but I haven’t finished my first cup of coffee yet!) :grin:


@DownYonder, I am not sure I understand affect/effect thing yet, can you please give us all few more examples of each word? Your sample sentences are helping a great deal, but maybe more of them will just make it totally clear


I usually remember it by:

  • affect is usually an action
  • effect is the end result

Unless, of course, you’re talking about affect as FitzE described, which can be a noun or verb having to do with appearance… which is an entirely different matter!

  • Mr. B’s convincing argument affected the jury’s decision.

  • The effect of Mr. B’s convincing argument was the jury decision to acquit MB of all charges.

  • The severe beating that MB received during the incident affected his memory of the event.

  • The effect of MB’s severe beating was a loss of memory regarding the incident.

  • LK’s admission that she wanted to destroy MB affected the jury’s decision.

  • LK trying to play the innocent victim had little effect on the jury, especially after she admitted wanting to destroy MB.

  • CH’s constant yammering about [whatever] is affecting the direction of this thread.

  • The effect of CH’s constant yammering about [whatever] is that this thread keeps changing direction.




Thank you @DownYonder. I think it is getting more clear.
Anytime you want to post more examples please do. We want to make sure we all understand the proper usages.


Hahaha and kinda are weird words for a 69yo woman dontcha think?


We passed weird a long time ago!


I’m just popping back into the thread to announce I am now caught up. Phew! :sweat_smile:

What a long strange trip this thread has taken over the last few days. And then there are the YouTube comments. I still need to catch up on those… but WOW. :exploding_head:

One definitely gets the impression that there is QUITE a bit of this going on right now -

  • The testimony of Dr. Simring and Dr. Hasson affected the jury’s decision more than did the testimony of Dr. Schlessinger.

  • The testimony of Dr. Simring and Dr. Hasson had more effect on the jury’s decision than did the testimony of Dr. Schlessinger.

  • Rosie’s role likely affected the way the incident played out.

  • Rosie’s role likely had a great deal of effect on how the incident played out.

  • LK’s continued rantings and ravings on other SM channels is negatively affecting how people think about her - in short, she is losing sympathy instead of garnering it.

  • LK’s continued rantings and ravings on other SM channels is having the opposite effect than what she desires - in short, she is losing sympathy instead of garnering it.

  • Seeker1’s continued insistence that MB was found guilty of attempted murder is not affecting the ability of most people on this thread to understand what the verdict really means.

  • Seeker1’s continued insistence that MB was found guilty of attempted murder has little effect on most people on this thread, who have a better understanding of what the verdict really means.


Squeaker’s attempts to effect changes of opinion on the part of most posters on this thread have largely been unsuccessful.


The effect of an investigation into LKs behavior by USEF has affected the behavior of some posters.

Is that right? Affect/effect useage I mean?