Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

that sounds kinda nutty… but I don’t think shall should be used in front of try… I think you WILL try your best…


It was meant as sarcastic humor


oh, so sorry… I am clearly nutty… :slight_smile:


Lets ALL move into the kitchen, shall we? Come on, everybody up. Kitchen, people!

I said it at work just the other day after a meeting.

Lets see. I’ve also said, Shall I be the one to meet them at the trail head? I can bring the trailer and by there in half an hour!


I have also, many times, at the end of a meal, had my BF said, finally, "
Well, shall we?" meaning, get going and leave.


Welcome to the club!

I had not thought of it until I read your post, but that is how we say it too. Example, if we are at a gathering and we are getting ready to leave - hand gesture and “shall we?”.


I also just realized that my dog uses the word shall frequently.

He just used it. I told him to do something and he did not do it and I spoke for him and “no, I shall not, thank you very much”.

So even dogs like the word shall.


haha… Knights Memaw is kinda cool.

Gah, the misuse of ‘shall’ in contracts drives me bonkers on the daily!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I prefer (as the Plain English movement dictates) not to use shall at all in legal documents. As you know, shall is used with first-person pronouns in English. [I shall; we shall, never you shall, they shall] If I draft a document, there is no use of shall at all. Will, must, require are my go to substitutes.

If I am marking up a document drafted by the other side, I allow shall only the arguable ‘legal sense’ in the instances in which it can be replaced by the phrase, ‘has an obligation to’. This means that the subject must be a person or entity capable of forming an obligation. E.g., Company shall identify such information as confidential at the time of disclosure; Buyer shall satisfy all Conditions Precedent by or before the Closing Date.

Never, e.g., Articles 3, 5, and 8 shall survived the cancellation or termination of this Agreement; or Samples shall be considered confidential information for the purpose of this Agreement. Articles and Sample are not capable of forming obligations.

But this is just laywer-to-lawyer drafting wonk talk! :joy:

As for CH’s word :face_vomiting: : This holds true for all English. I do not make any distinctions between British, Irish, Scottish, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, etc., etc. English.

ONLY CH did so, first citing British English b/c she seems to be one of those anachronistic anglophile sycophants who think things British are somehow posher or more correct :roll_eyes: All speakers of all languages butcher and get their language wrong on the regular, including those in the UK. I also don’t distinguish among French spoken in France, Belgium, or Quebec, even though there are major differences in usage, pronunciation, even counting. They are all French as are all the other forms of French spoken in countless African nations, Switzerland, Haiti, etc. Anyway, baseline clever readers get my point; others can continue to flail, not my concern.

And then CH did her most favourite thing and tried to disparage me - again, for the umpteenth time because it’s all she ever has. She cannot keep up on her wits, writing and knowledge alone, so she relentlessly attacks people personally in the hopes of looking or feeling - for a fleeting moment - like she got the upper had or, even, just kept up.

And she without fail ends up looking foolish - again. “oh, you are putting down American English” Nope, not once, not even a veiled reference - that’s all you, CH, you dishonest, trifling lightweight. And, “oh, you won’t tell me b/c I bet you don’t know” - someone order this (presumably grown woman) a tall glass of grow the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: up please? She gets utterly humiliated for her complete nonsense on the daily yet keeps coming back to try to prove she really is the cleverest or really can read for comprehension or truly is capable of this level of intellectual discourse.

But, she never is. She brings a crayon to a pen fight every time, be it in English or Latin. :joy: Adults are talking and I know it’s hard to follow sometimes, but :shushing_face: less type-y, more listen. Maybe you’ll learn something and grow to be more clever, clever, clever one day.

But, even if you do, I shall always remember when I read whatever palaver you come up with: falsus in uno; falsus in omnibus


When we were kids, we used to mimic a cartoon of I think chipmunks dancing oh so properly, and one says “Shall we dance?” and the other says, butchering the usage, “Oh, yes! Let’s shall!” so I still often will say, butcherin the usage on purpose “Yes, lets shall!”


:joy: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

I love it! How many more times must she be proven completely wrong and utterly out of her depth until she stops?

I guess it’s a form of entertainment just to see what smack down will happen any given day.

If she wasn’t so petty and mean in her attempted ‘gotchas’ it would be mildly diverting. But her continued attacks on people personally, what she ‘believes’ we know, even about English, Jaysas wept, woman, never have I seen such small-minded attempts at superiority. I use shall in spoken language all. the. time. It’s a real word, like whilst. No one group of English speakers owns it. What a ridiculous confused and, I suspect from the writing/reasoning here, under-educated approach to life!

And then she claims she reads along and is so ‘scared and terrified’ she just has to run away, poor pet. Yeah, that charade died a death many, many posts ago. She makes nasty and repeated personal attacks as her MO. And, mores the pity, she never runs away, just fades back briefly after a particularly spectacular fumble or exposure, only to come roaring back, petty and personal as ever, shortly (oh, far too shortly) thereafter.


@FitzE you are truly the modern day Julia Sugarbaker! I tip my hat to you friend!


I hadn’t give my explanation yet b/c…pearls before swine WRT CH and all.

But, I also find it sad and smacking of some weird petty jealousy when people suggest that if your vocabulary or language usage, while correct, is different from others or some perceived common level of usage, you are affected or whatever insult they have to hand. It makes them look jealous at best, willfully ignorant and anti-intellectual at worse. I get the latter vibe from our resident ‘affect police’.


Oh dear, my Achilles heel! Affect or effect…always my dilemma!


Indubitably. Or, shall I say, I don’t believe her that she knows the difference. :roll_eyes: :rofl:


I loved when she would go off on someone! She was expert level Jedi Master in her verbal slapdowns!


Very nice explanation. It should be forwarded to all bill-writing committees. The wonky use of shall in statutes happens far too frequently.

Nonetheless, that seemed like a strange tangent for the conversation. Then again, we’ve seen arguments about whether or not NGRI is an acquittal. It just seems odd to me to try to parse words that don’t need to be parsed.

It feels a little like:

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”.

Some of us have apparently reached the pound the table stage.


Lord of the Rings + My Cat - YouTube

I use “shall.” (Midwest here.)


You shall not pass!


And I seem to never get it right.

You nailed it.
And really, that is kind of the story behind this whole (LK versus the world) situation.
(No, I am not saying that CH is LK or anyone else, I am making a comparison.)