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Barisone Criminal Case Update

This article explains more of the charges against RC as well as info about the gun.

I posted this for those who are interested in discussing the case. Please, lets keep the focus on the case and not personal attacks. I hope the moderators will remove anyone who doesn’t follow this and will bar them from this discussion but will allow the discussion to continue.


Cool. Off to read….


thanks for digging this up


I suppose the most damaging part for the defense is that according to the article, is that MB was the last known person with possession of the gun. Still, so many questions.

I still don’t understand why her gun charge predates the shooting unless it is an error as some have mentioned.


My guess is that there is something in the police reports about the gun or it going missing on 8/5 which is why the date was listed as 8/5 on the warrant……the first time the police were aware of it entering the state. I do believe that was the day that MB went to the police station….maybe the gun went missing then and it prompted him to go in person to report it.

But LK says the gun went missing…and asserted that it was endangering 12 year olds. MB asking RC for the gun that was in her truck and locking it in his office…as per the article….does not equal a gun that is missing or endangering 12 year olds, nor does it equal intentionally giving him the gun for the purpose of murdering her….


That makes sense. If this exchange occurred shortly after her arriving to NJ, it doesn’t seem like she was keeping the gun with her as she slept even if she was staying close to the horse at night.

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Well, RC didn’t arrive until 8/3. We have gun charges listed as 8/5 and then the shooting 8/7. I do believe the last 911 call made by MB was for 8/4. I want to say that one of the statements made in that call was “no…well maybe” to being asked by the dispatcher if LK/RG had a gun……

And we have statements made about things being caught on various cameras that just quite frankly do not add up. One of which was a rhetorical question about why RC was so desperate to get into LK’s apartment that she ignored the instructions not to enter true apartment……(made before the statements about the gun being missing), either the day before or directly after the shooting.

And the the ever curious part of the story about waiting on the porch all day….and insisting CPS couldn’t possibly have been on the farm because they didn’t come talk to LK at the house first….

Not to mention…the article puts a very different tone on the statements RC made to the police than the slant JumpinQueen and LK have implied here on the forums in their posts.


Agreed! Thanks for sharing the link.


Possibly because she gave him the gun a few days earlier?


Where are these statements? I dont see that in the article.

RC is testifying for the prosecution, that’s pretty interesting.


RG or RC? I only saw RC mentioned.

The NJ system uses “offense occurred” in it’s case listing. The actual charges were filed on 10/17. That’s why it has confused you, when looking at the charges.


LK’s, and others connected to the case, have made a lot of statements about this on the forums over the last two years…

ETA: JumpinQueen made references to the statements attributed to RC in this article a couple of threads ago.


The screenshots of the warrant list an incident date of 8/5. The warrant was issued 8/17.


In the very first thread, post 136 or around that post count dated Aug 19th, someone mentions they could hear the shots on their security system. That, the neighbor who came the day of the shooting and the screen shots someone shared that a neighbor posted (some of these may be same person, idk) suggests a lot of activity in the area for a planned shooting. I do struggle with that idea but realize we don’t have all the info and hopefully the trial will reveal those answers.


So she will testify MB asked to see the gun 2 or 3 days before the shooting. Was she involved in the alleged murder plans? :thinking: Sounds like Shellhorn is hoping to introduce the alleged recordings.

As @Sdel points out there are still numerous unanswered questions.


In that article, there is a picture with the caption “Lauren Kanarek and her fiancé, Robert Goodwin, at left, appear in Morris County Superior Court on Aug. 14, 2019.”

Isn’t that her sister? Is the other guy her dad?


It will be interesting if the recordings are admitted and what they contain. I think the validation process they used for the recordings will be important to authenticate them.
I do think if the prosecution introduces them, they could have a backfire effect. I think the idea of them being made could be a turnoff for the jury.


Yes, that is her sister Emily and the older man is Jonathan Kanarek, her father, the attorney, sitting on the other side of Emily.


Sounds like there might have to be another evidence hearing about if they’ll be admitted or not.