Barisone Criminal Case Update

The irony of allll your posts. How are you so blindly hypocritical.


That happens a lot here. And just did again!


:tropical_fish: just keep swimming :swimming_man:


Eggbutt, you had the info on her current Florida living arrangements, which you interjected in this thread (it had nothing to do with this thread) and commented that she was ā€œcontrollingā€ and ā€œobsessive.ā€ When asked how you knew that (no one else did), you stated she had posted it in another thread.
I browse pretty widely here, but had not stumbled across that. It certainly suggested to me you were searching her posts.

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I can say that I donā€™t follow anyone anywhere on this forum, but I do sometimes notice things people say in other threads.

In other words, having seen what someone posted elsewhere does not mean you followed them there.

For example - I know that LK has posted quite a bit in the SafeSport thread, that does not mean I followed her there. I had been reading it all along. She just made such an impression there that it was impossible to not notice that she was posting there.


impression is a nice way to describe it.


Is there uncertainty in your mind as to why it was flagged?
It has been remarked on previously that itā€™s actually pretty common on this forum for posts which are personal attacks to receive lots and lots of likes. Iā€™ll be interested in seeing if the mods let it stand.

I was NOT the person who flagged it, but it is obvious to me why it was flagged. Same reason as it was liked over 30 times!


ah, semanticsā€¦around my house I am always asked to ā€˜let me seeā€™ such and suchā€¦and I receive eyerolls :roll_eyes: when I just wave the requested item around.
Of course law talk would not allow for such a use of term I am sure.

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So ya think the subject of the personal attack may be the person who flagged it? Brilliant!


Brilliant? Yes I am. Thank you.

Ok maybe not Einstein brilliant but I manage.


LOL, I am thinking the usual suspects got mad that a certain someoneā€™s posts got flagged so they returned the favor.

donā€™t think nothing of it.
And someone blamed it on the cat.

Iā€™d blame fat fingers,


I read the post being discussed that either side could like it.
I would bet that some of the likes that post got were from both sides of this discussion.

That is why I am surprised it was flagged.

Both sides could decide it is about others. It is not a personal attack at anyone specific. To be a ā€œpersonal attackā€ doesnā€™t it need to be an attack on a specific person?


there are about 3 or 4 people I would suspect, but this is childish and fruitless, letā€™s all swim along, shall we?!
:tropical_fish: :swimming_man:


Eh, I would let it stand. Whoever was attacked (and you didnā€™t even mention anyoneā€™s name!) has been attacked a thousand times before on this forum, so what difference does one more pointless attack make?

Obviously, there are plenty of us who enjoy this sort of thing! This is just exactly what gives CoTH its jolly, entertaining character!

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Oh, please. It was an attack on someone specific. This game of ā€œmaybe I wasnā€™t talking about youā€ is stupid.

Do the mods really let attack posts stand if one simply refers to ā€œsomeoneā€, when itā€™s obvious who ā€œsomeoneā€ is?

ETA. Please note that I said that the game of saying ā€œmaybe I wasnā€™t talking about youā€ is stupid, I did not call any poster stupid.

Edited again. I reread the post, and it refers to ā€œa certain someoneā€, complete with the quotes. Are you really claiming that the poster was not referring to a particular ā€œcertainā€ someone? Unbelievable.


You really like to complain about the moderation here. Geez.

I can tell you that when I first read it, I had no idea who it was talking about. That might be because (refer to my other post here) I suck at remembering names and I am too lazy to go track back and see what side of the debate that poster typically posts on.


I have complained about the moderation absolutely never. Upthread, I respectfully stated I would appreciate clarification on the rule on anonymously accusing someone of a crime, and appreciated the modsā€™ clarification when it was offered. Other posters also appreciated the clarification.

Likewise, I thought that post violated the rule against personal attacks, and I am genuinely interested in knowing if there is a loophole in the sense that making the attack about ā€œsomeoneā€ as opposed to ā€œscreen nameā€ makes it acceptable, as some posters have suggested.

For the record, I have
flagged zero posts
Tagged to moderators never
PMed the moderators never
criticized the moderation never

If it turns out that an otherwise objectionable post is rendered acceptable by simply omitting the name of any poster, Iā€™ll make a mental note of that without ā€œcomplaining about the moderationā€.

What would be the point of ā€œcomplaining about the moderationā€? The mods are the mods. For anyone who doesnā€™t approve of the way theyā€™re doing their job, the first and last option is to leave. Duh.

trying to figure out the forum rules =/= complaining about the moderation

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is this a compulsion to proceed on this tangent?

:tropical_fish: :swimming_man:


This is a board that consists of people posting their opinions. If someone is hurt or upset over what is posted, that is their issue and no one elseā€™s. Not everyone agrees, nor should they. We are all different.

If you perceive you are being attacked a thousand times 1) why come back, 2) you might want to consider why you are think you are being attacked, 3) you might want to try looking at things from a different perspective.

No one is forcing anyone to read what is here or forcing anyone to post.


I do not perceive I am being attacked ā€œa thousand timesā€, but I have some empathy for the person who is, as do at least a handful of other posters.

I would enjoy the forum much more if these attacks did not occur. They seem pointless to me. If it gets bad enough, I have always been aware that I can leave.