Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

^^^^^ Sadly, I kinda think there is always a next target.

       If others have reported LK to SS after the shooting (and SS handles cases of alleged bullying against adults, which is contrary to my understanding), then there is no evidence that SS has issued imposed any sanctions on her as yet, but perhaps they did something much more mild, like write her a letter advising her to cut back on provocative SM posts, if that is what you are suggesting. Who knows. 

       If she is holding back because of some warning or communication she received from SS (or USEF), presumably she’ll continue to hold back rather than choose a new victim. 

      I’m not sure I’ve read all of the first thread, but I’ve read enough of it to know that you and GirlJoey were major players and to understand the houseguest phenomenon in which some players created alters with September, 2019 join dates.


You mean, like when she argued with me about building permits and totally IGNORED two of the three articles I posted? The ones that proved the opposite of what she was pushing.” {Quote}




Dang. There went my “healing theory”.


Here is my theory as to why LK has been quiet lately: Both SafeSport and USEF have assured her they are jointly monitoring some of the frequent contributors here and are fully aware of everyone’s identity. Perhaps they will not tolerate anyone supporting a felon, perpetuating lies and the USEF has possibly gone directly to SafeSport to report individuals who are embarrassing the sport. Perhaps the USEF and SafeSport are a lot smarter than people here think and are aware Barisone and his supporters have tried to play them for fools and they’re not happy about that.
Of course, I have no inside information…but I’m pretty confident that’s what’s going on.”


Believe me, 1) SafeSport and USEF have much better things to do than monitor this thread, and 2) they don’t give a rat’s behind who I am.

This might be one of the most laughable posts on here yet!


Hahahahaha! Yes, for a new alter, that is not what USEF or SS does. They don’t “monitor” anything. And let’s understand something, MB is an ACCUSED felon. So posters here, including myself I assume, are perpetuating “lies”?? How would you know what might be truth or a lie?

By the way, Princess Bride alter, SS would be much more concerned about public posts on other social media that have actual names attached to the harassing posts.

Bless your heart.


This is one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while.


Does MB have 6 fingers?


So this post must have been designed to strike fear in our hearts. But your aim is off- it hit me right in the funny bone


Mother. Of. God. oh, just, wow. jaw to my chest…


Indulging excessively and posting half-baked threats are traditionally reserved for Saturday night, not Sunday. Did someone lose track of time?


So there was a discussion in a previous thread about defamation suits against internet posters who posted anonymously. I’m glad to hear you’re not worried.

LK has not been overly subtle in indicating she knows your real life identity.

ETA. MB is an accused felon. But does the prohibition on USEF members “aiding and abetting” banned members also apply to members who are suspended? Is he suspended or banned at the moment?

You stated that you think (claim to know) that people have accused LK of cyber harassment after the shooting. If that’s true, why do you think it improbable that she would have filed a complaint of cyber harassment against various people by name? Lots of posters here are relatively safe in their anonymity, but not all. IMHO.

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Wow, wow, wow. Hasn’t read anything for 40+ pages but references the very recent discussions of JK and the 911 call. Hah, wow, okay. That was a rush!

Funny that Inigo and LaLa have the same style: all your postings are being reported to the authoritays!


oh, my … just re-read a few times… I didn’t think it could get worst … oh, my…


worst meaning proclimations from LK.


cutter - was this posted and then deleted? I don’t see the original. And, wow, talk about unhinged. Scary.


Well I guess I just don’t know what the USEF and SafeSport do. Thanks for educating me. But you know what…I’m gonna double down on the theory I suggested anyway.
Good luck.

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Can I be monitored too? I’m bored.