Court date for Michael Barisone?

Hmm….hearing last week, nastygram this week….coincidence?


And, she is back…


Welcome back. It’s been a while since “you’ve” posted and your post is vaguely familiar. Seems I’ve heard this tired diatribe before from “you”. Bless your heart.


Let me make a side pitch about “North Carolina being the place Dressage goes to die”…I sincerely doubt the developers of Tryon International Equestrian Center (friends by the way) would agree with your, or Barisone’s, description of this beautiful state. Imagine the World Cup coming to a podunk state like NC with a run down facility like TIEC. Hmmm,…makes one think.


JJ Tate is in Tryon and others - and MB would never speak derogatorily about JJ or the others that are there…


@Inigo-montoya didn’t you post April 2020 warning us that USEF/SS were monitoring frequent posters and getting identities? Let me refresh your memory:


Apr '20

Here is my theory as to why LK has been quiet lately: Both SafeSport and USEF have assured her they are jointly monitoring some of the frequent contributors here and are fully aware of everyone’s identity. Perhaps they will not tolerate anyone supporting a felon, perpetuating lies and the USEF has possibly gone directly to SafeSport to report individuals who are embarrassing the sport. Perhaps the USEF and SafeSport are a lot smarter than people here think and are aware Barisone and his supporters have tried to play them for fools and they’re not happy about that.
Of course, I have no inside information…but I’m pretty confident that’s what’s going on.”


She doesn’t even make sense. There’s no consipiracy. Its not how professionals act, and is no more possible than Nick Peronace saying the judge told him that COTH people live in their mother’s basements. We’re only talking about the facts presented at these hearings, and how they reflect, or don’t reflect, the bizzarre narrative LK has tried to present. It doesn’t embarass anyone in the industry, except for people who might have lied about what happened to them. I don’t know. Narcissists only tell two stories, the ones which make them the victim, and the ones which make them the hero. Neither are usually true. LK may have been shot, but I doubt it was under the circumstances she has narrated, but we’ll all see some day to come what really happened, probably.


Bolding is mine. ^^^

Oh, the Theory! Again.

The sound must be activated (ie un-mute)


Why do the posts from this person sound so familiar? Hmmmm. I just do not know why.

BTW, just so you know, there are many here to whom SafeSport and USEF mean absolutely nothing. They have no jurisdiction in the sports we compete in. But then again, these are just more idle threats.

Maybe SafeSport would be interested in your identity @Inigo-montoya for your blatant attempts to bully here. I mean really now, if SafeSport and USEF know the identities of posters here, they certainly know yours as well!:wink:

ETA: Just another side note, in order for someone to be the president of a “Cold Blooded Murderers Fan Club”, someone would have had to been murdered!



I’m sure MB said that NC is where dressage goes to die specifically because of a poster on CoTH known as Eggbutt. That’s funny. I don’t know MB or Eggbutt, but find that a bit far fetched. Now if he said something about some corner of Nebraska, I’d buy it, but I think there are some respectable riders, trainers, and venues in NC, but I could be wrong.

Man, this is like NP and his penchant for claiming people said things they never said, twisting their words, and/or completely fabricating to fit his narrative. Perhaps a collaboration on a book is in order. “The art of avoiding libel and slander, but still saying people said things they never said” maybe that could be chapter 1?

But really, there’s no proof that he did or did not say that so :woman_shrugging: on the other hand, he could’ve made a joke and someone chose to ALTER what he said. Who knows. Still mildly amusing.

And what does Eggbutt have to do with a magazine? I’m confused. Isn’t it Cutter that works for CoTH? :rofl:

Of all the people to call someone nonsensical, the irony.

Re the recent development, glad things are moving forward for all involved. Hopefully this does go to trial asap. Then the rest of the cases can get rolling too.



Yeah that threatening thing doesn’t really work anymore LOL



… which must be slightly confusing, as it’s worked so well for her entire life so far.


Funny how Inigo-montoya didn’t know MB and his “sayings” just last year.


I don’t understand why SS would be interested in a bunch of individuals (some who may or may not compete/participate in a sport/level that even involves SS) voicing various opinions on a BB. I’d like to think that SS can make wiser use of their time. I mean, if there’s an actual issue, they should definitely pursue it, don’t get me wrong.

As for SS knowing everyone’s identities, I doubt it, but even if they did, does that really matter or change anything for anyone here?

As for embarrassing the sport…ohhh boy, if SS went after everyone that did that, they’d have no time for much else :joy:

No one here is “playing them for fools” either. So :woman_shrugging: but I mean, some (not) rando person online says they’re pretty confident that’s what’s going on, so must be true!

Again, if there is actually something for SS to pursue/a matter that concerns them, they should follow their process, I have no issue with that. I’m just not sure that’s the case here? If someone has actual proof otherwise, I’m more than willing to listen.


It was reported that MB’s lawyer is claiming self defense as well as insanity(affirmative defenses).
“Defendants usually offer an affirmative defense only when they have more or less conceded that the prosecution can prove all of the elements of the crime. A vigorous disputing of the prosecutor’s case in chief may not go down too well when the defendant proceeds to offer an affirmative defense. There’s a reason why the old line, taken from a closing argument, elicits laughter: “Ladies and gentlemen, you must acquit! My client wasn’t there! If he was there, he didn’t mean to do it! If he was there and meant to do it, he’s crazy!””
Or in this case saying he did it to defend himself, but was crazy when he did it? And doesn’t remember that he did it, but knows it was in self defense. Not sure how these two defenses can go together.


Interesting question. How does one claim self-defense and plead insanity/claim they have no recollection of the event.

I think the self defense is being used to say why he shot LK and got into a scuffle. The insanity plea might be that he was under a lot of stress, had/has a mental health condition, and cannot remember some or all of the event, but doesn’t deny that the event happened. I think it’s possible to use both self defense and insanity in a defense argument. Will it or has it been successful? I don’t know, because I’m just not well versed in this stuff (criminal law and case law relating to the matter). You can be insane and still act in self defense, I think.

I can possibly see how a good lawyer can tie this all together, and there very well could be something we don’t know.

It’s definitely an interesting point. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Isn’t LK the one who is actually from North Carolina? Or lived there, anyway?


He is charged with gun charges as well as attempted murder. Perhaps self defense is the defense for having the gun on him and insanity is the defense for firing it.


Don’t think a good defense for an illegal gun charge is …I thought I needed it for self defense.
Insanity may work…

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Omg lolololololololololololol!!! Thanks Inigo for the first coffee spit of the day!

I lived in NC in the 90s and there wasnt a huge dressage resource at the time, though Cindy Sydnor was there. But now there is an excellent dressage presence there, its ideally located to be able to go to Wellington, and Tryon is amazing. Jeremy Steinberg is in Aiken now, Robin Brueckman is in Greensboro, just to name a couple of excellent resources.