Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Elvis has NOT left the building!


I can truthfully say, as a lawyer, that if someone was feeding me/my team a constant stream of multiple, useless SM posts like the one about the dually, I would fire them as a client. No fee structure is worth that kind of nonsense.

Maybe that law office hasn’t reached the point at which they can pick and choose their clients more carefully. Or perhaps they have taken on this case in connection with a personal or professional relationship with the family. But, wow, I do not envy them the countless hours (some of which won’t even be billable) of fielding that kind of nonsense. We all chuckle at all the threats of having meaningless SM posts forwarded to lawyers, but imagine BEING those lawyers. Oy, vey!


This is horrendous and shows how low we’ve become as a society.


This whole thing is a tragedy. I have many blood relatives who are part asian, all of them born and raised in the USA, some who have never even traveled outside of the states. Don’t start us on politics, or they will have to shut down this thread. It will get very ugly.


I’ll take this as evidence and I’m sending a screenshot to my attorneys.

And sending to my Momma. She loves you. Especially your bare chest.


New filing from Ruth Cox, denying all complaints of course, establishing her stance about cross claims, and then demanding a claim against LK including interogetories and trial by jury. Good for her. I think that’s what I get out of it.


I went to check LK Fb page to see what she had to say about that. Her page seems to have gone poof. Maybe someone finally convinced her to stfu.


@Sparky , it’s still there, you must have been blocked.




Seriously? THAT was the incriminating evidence/post? That was a reply to me and I did not for one nanosecond (or a fraction thereof) believe it was anything other than snide sarcasm. If THAT is now being presented as The Truth… just wow. Mountains out of …less than molehills.

In other news… I wish I had Netflix. :frowning:


Yes, and we wonder why she didn’t provide the offending post when I called her on it and she said she didn’t have time to look it up. Then she accused me of gaslighting. It was a nothing burger. Her credibility definitely isn’t something to put trust in, is it?


Having seen the movie, “Bubbahotep” I can attest that this is true!

  The signed and dated order denying Lauren’s motion to appoint a fiscal administrator preventing Barisone from selling horses appeared on the NJ court site today, March 27. 

   It is dated today, March 27. 

   Somehow Knights Mom claims to have seen a signed and dated judge’s order on the motion two days ago.
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Seriously, you’ve gotta find something better to obsess about.


Give it up. Now you’re just being ridiculous. OF COURSE a newly signed order would have the date it was newly signed. Is it that you can’t understand or you just don’t want to understand?

But other than that, think what you want. Maybe I’m boffing the judge. Shining his gavel. Rubbing his robe.


Everyone needs to stop obsessing over Lauren Kanawreck. She is quite a piece of work. Go back to watching daytime soap operas if you have that much time on your hands…


Does anyone want to argue this now??? Sorry, but the judge’s signature didn’t come through. And so I am not accused of not capturing something relevant, I copied everything on the page and it is posted here without edit.

01013 Christopher L. Deininger, Esq., N.J. Bar ID No. 004271996 DEININGER & ASSOCIATES, LLP 415 Route 10, Suite 1 Randolph, New Jersey 07869 (973) 879-1610; Fax (973) 361-1241 Attorneys for Defendant Michael Barisone LAUREN KANAREK, Plaintiff, v. MICHAEL BARISONE; SWEETGRASS FARMS, LLC; RUTH COX; JOHN DOES 1-30; ABC CORPORATIONS 1- 20, Defendants, : : : : : : : : : : : SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION – MORRIS COUNTY DOCKET NO.: MRS-L-2250-19 ORDER THIS MATTER having been brought to the Court by Order to Show Cause application made by the plaintiff, LAUREN KANAREK (“Plaintiff”), on notice to all parties, seeking preliminary relief in the form of (a) an Order appointing a special financial agent to ensure that the assets of defendant MICHAEL BARISONE (“Barisone”) are not dissipated pending the outcome of this litigation, (b) enjoining Barisone from transferring assets absent permission from the courtappointed special fiscal agent, and © granting such other relief as may be deemed equitable and just (the “Application”); and papers in opposition having been filed on behalf of Barisone; and the Court having held oral argument on March 20, 2020; and the Court having considered the papers submitting both in support and opposition to the application, as well as the oral arguments of counsel; and, for good cause shown, IT IS on this 27 day of March, 2020, ORDERED the Application shall be and hereby is denied, without prejudice, for the reasons stated by this Court on the record; and it is further ORDERED that a true and correct copy of this Order shall be served upon all counsel of record within 7 days. ________________________________ WILLIAM J. McGOVERN III, J.S.C. SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY


For your sake stop trying to make this poster understand. She did the same thing in the safe sport threads. Unending what ifs.


Do people still watch daytime soap operas??


Of course she understands it. She’s being purposefully obtuse.

So, Knights Mom, I have a question. If Kanarek, of course, and also Barisone, and Sweet Water farms, and now Cox Also are bringing a counter suit on Kanarek and all are demanding a jury (of 6) trial, do they get four different juries, or do they get one jury, and hear all the complaints, one after the other? Or each seperately?

I’d love to know how this circus of monkeys works.