Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

That is adorable!!! Thank you!!!


Saw my name. I would never expose someone’s identity. And as I said in my other post, just because I know who LK thinks eggbutt is doesn’t mean I agree OR know if she’s guessed right or not. I don’t talk about my activity here with anyone.
I don’t know MB. Never heard of him before the Colbert segment. Forgot about him until this event.
I just came on to share my story. I’ve received plenty of threats about lawsuits from her, it’s pretty typical behavior for her. It amuses me more than anything else because if we went to court it would be a waste of time. I’d represent myself and win because she has no case.


The CIVIL SUIT is about what was happening that led up to the shooting. Not what has been written on social media afterward. Plus Barisone hasn’t written a thing. He is in jail. All written and telephone communication is read and monitored if his jail is like every other jail in the US. He can hardly write to dozens of people and direct them to post information or ask particular questions without it getting noted. Nor would his attorney direct anyone to do so and risk losing his license to practice.

    We had an explicit ruling from the moderator shortly before that last thread was shut down that speculating on someone’s identity was NOT against forum rules. People had speculated that I was Lauren Kanarek, her father, her mother, the Shelley person, etc (all irl names). Someone speculated just now that Inigo was the Shelley person. It’s NOT against the forum rules, and NONE of those posters have been banned. 

    So why do you say it’s a cardinal sin and the quickest way to get banned?

      Great idea suggesting “we” “not allude” to a poster “who thinks they are doing people a favor by not mentioning real names”. Just exactly who are you “alluding” to?

Could someone please explain to someone that “speculating” about a poster’s identity, which is ok in these forums, is vastly different than “outing” someone’s personal info, which will incur immediate banishment on any forum. Im too tired to get into it. TIA


I did read it. And it makes sense that his attorneys would be sharing claims and the same evidence. I was just correcting you, that it was his civil attorneys who were collecting the evidence. It is his criminal attorney that has collected it.

However, you are blathering on about LK’s civil suit and her attorneys using our posts on this thread (up to what 9 months(?) later) as proof of harassment on the part of MB in the civil suit.

Are you aware that LK’s civil suit makes no claim whatsoever to any sort of harassment on the part of MB, MH, RC, or SGF, or Jon Does 1-20? Let alone harassment from, what did you call us…MB minions…discussing this on a public message board. Why on earth would LK’s attorney waste their time collecting evidence of this so called harassment when he isn’t even making the claim in the first place.


Exactly. Nothing that is written by anyone other than the people involved matters, in either the civil or criminal proceedings.


Her civil suit against him is for his shooting her. He has a counter claim against her alleging emotional distress from cyber bullying and stuff she did on SM. The case her civil lawyers build to defend against his COUNTERCLAIM having to do with cyber bullying is distinct from the case they will build to pursue their original suit against him for the act of shooting her.

If someone is willing to pay the billable hours, then maybe they are collecting it or accepting it on behalf of their client and a future lawsuit? I mean, I doubt it, but anything is possible. I guess. But I don’t see why any attorney would bother with it.

“Help me sue the people who read what I write, try to divine my intent and then don’t agree with me. They criticize me too! The nerve! The effrontery of the rabble! Make them STOP!”

I am waiting for her to state she has an enemies list.



Of all the pathetic epithets this is the most laughable. “If you don’t agree with ME you are a minion of MB and an apologist and…and…and…” It’s sounded rather desperate the past couple days. That’s like saying anyone who thinks Carole Baskin killed her first husband is a Joe Exotic minion and apologist who worships him.

Sorry, no. Two bad people can be involved in one crime. Pointing out one is bad doesn’t mean you think the other isn’t. In this case, there’s just an overwhelming amount of evidence about one party’s behaviour and very little about the other party’s behaviour. Oh, and the first-hand accounts of harassment here which are completely ignored. Concern for one victim doesn’t seem to extend to other victims.


LK mentioned my forum name from here in one of her SM rants awhile ago and I found it hilarious, as I can 100% guarantee whoever she thinks I am - I am not that person. Her legal team is welcome to subpoena my real identity for a deposition if they like - it’d be a total waste of their money and time.

I’ve tried to be pretty tolerant of her antics. I think she’s a completely spoiled brat that has been indulged and enabled her whole life. I’ve asked, in what I like to think was in a relatively polite way, some questions that have nothing to do with the events of the actual day that LK has ignored. Which is her right.

I truly want to understand what happened that resulted in her with gunshot wounds to her chest. I had not really considered what was posted a bit ago, where someone commented that if LK had audio of a conspiracy to murder both of them, there would be a whole lot more people in jail awaiting trial right now. That is a very interesting and excellent point.


Way to read for comprehension. Bleating that you know who posters are IRL and saying you’re nice for not outting them is a really crappy threat. It is never okay to out someone. Outting a poster by name is a really fast way to get banned.

I know people here IRL and NEVER use their real name.

I don’t get why you think this is okay? I truly don’t get why you’re even on this BB let alone this thread.

    You could report “minions” to the Moderator and I’ll see if it gets replaced by [edit]. But you’re above all that, I know. 

     But you’re still indulging in the bickering that gets threads shut down. Fine with me if you get it shut down.
    You could report “minions” to the Moderator and I’ll see if it gets replaced by [edit]. But you’re above all that, I know. 

     But you’re still indulging in the bickering that gets threads shut down. Fine with me if you get it shut down.
    You could report “minions” to the Moderator and I’ll see if it gets replaced by [edit]. But you’re above all that, I know. 

     But you’re still indulging in the bickering that gets threads shut down. Fine with me if you get it shut down.

Any of the lawyers on this forum, feel free to correct me, but um…no, unless maybe LK is the only paying client. I would think most attorneys have too many other clients to spend that kind of man-hours on monitoring their client SM reputation. Their focus is on whatever they have to do for the case with the next deadline.

But sure, if LK wants to collect it, the attorney is probably fine to accept it. But that doesn’t mean it is relevant to the claims they intend to argue in court. YD seems to think LK’s attorney is collecting and will be using pages of evidence of harassment of LK by nominally anonymous posters in a civil suit agains MB that isn’t even about being harassed by MB.


The poem didn’t work - fingers in ears, singing la la la la la la, while scrolling with your elbow…


Perhaps the “future threat” is if LK loses her civil suit and MB wins, she may sue all of us, or at least some of us, for slander, liable, defamation, whatever, to make up her losses. Good luck with that.


Bet YD helps her. OMG could you see the initial filling? LK vs eggbutt et al


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Heck, YD will be her legal counsel. She’s learned so much from this thread about legal processes. :smiley: