Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The Long Game, when ending with the prize, is the sweetest. Besides, it sounds like she’s close to getting bronze.


And you wonder what MB/MH/JH/RC and other boarders had to contend with IRL.


Can you blame him for explicitly seeking out people who had SM disputes with LK prior to the shooting? If you’re so convinced it’s complete nonsense, then the whole campaign by Eggbutt and the other anti LK partisans won’t affect Barisone’s counterclaim at all, so you can just laugh it off. LOL.

If Barisone’s civil attorneys have collected tens of thousands of pages of SM to document bad behavior by LK, which they have, it seems likely to me that her attorneys are collecting thousands of pages of SM attacks on her. Maybe you are right that it won’t affect MBs case, since it’s not by MB himself. But that doesn’t mean that her lawyers are not pursuing the angle. Purely hypothetically, a prominent poster who happened to be a longtime friend of MHG might be considered a surrogate for MB, for example.

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You mean the older “lady” who acts like she’s 16? Definitely not the same posting style.


Such a dream is statistically more likely to come true when posters do not respond with “Stop posting nonsense”, but dream on!

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She’s not throwing out enough kisses and love you’s and gushing comments of adoration.


That is so odd. I thought Michael Barisone was the defendant and Lauren Kanarek (State of NJ) was the victim and prosecutor. Why would Michael’s attorney’s look at anything posted here to defend him? No one here has said they are close to him and definitely no one was there the day of the shooting or while LK was living there. BUT, LK has posted all sorts of things on SM about MB and MH and various other people, including DH and SW, and many others that shows her behavior. What on earth could benefit Barisone from the CoTH threads??? Nothing except LK’s own words. Yet, WE are accused of on one hand helping him and in previous posts hurting him. I just don’t get it.

And astonishingly enough, someone here is posting on behalf of Barisone via Mary Haskins Gray??? Seriously? MH is happily pursuing her career in FL riding under Robert Dover, her long time coach, keeping her head low, working very hard and raising her children. Imagine that. BTW, that information comes directly from MH’s social media pages, so there’s no intrigue or secret.


Key word: Speculated. Take note that this is not the same as making stuff up. EVERYONE here has speculated, including the person who derides people for speculating.


It would be his criminal defense attorney that has collected these thousands of pages of harassment as a defense against a criminal complaint. If LK has an attorney doing the same thing, that attorney would not be the DA. I’m not even sure there is an obligation to share evidence between criminal and civil suits.

You should really try not to conflate LK/MB’s civil suit and the criminal suit between MB and the state when evaluating evidence.


I think that’s on purpose. LK reads enough to know we’d sniff it out.

WRT who posters are, I’ve probably run into many here at one point if they were showing up and down the east coast and especially if they were active with NEDA. I was a groom for an excellent barn who made time for me to learn in addition to my grooming duties.

Just because LK says she knows who people are doesn’t mean she knows. People here have probably met me before. No one cares.

As far as being nice to not mention names? That’s the quickest way to get banned. Never mind committing a cardinal sin on a BB such as this. With that said I suggest we ignore, not mention and not allude to the poster who thinks they are doing people a favor by not mentioning real names.


She already has a civil suit against Barisone, Cox, and SGF. He has a counter suit against her alleging cyber harassment, emotional suffering, etc. Her lawyers may be gathering evidence that she was and is being subjected to cyber harassment to show the SM bad behavior was not one-sided, even if the harassment against her is not coming from MB himself. Maybe she doesn’t even care about your individual identities. Maybe the mockery, insults and accusations her lawyers can document from these threads is enough to put her posts in context.

  Given that Barisone’s civil lawyers are already counter suing based on issues of SM harassment, I think it would be surprising if her lawyers were NOT monitoring the ongoing harassment. But I’m always the minority opinion. 

  Eggbutt’s claim that these threads have been nothing more than “polite conversation back and forth” is ... a remarkable statement.
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Right. So I mistyped before and I changed it. But you are exactly right.


My thought, too. Explicit threats should cross the line for sure.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. Nope. The case has to do with what LED UP to the shooting, it has nothing to do with speculators who talk about it afterward.

Try again. That was super funny. We love a good joke.

   I said that Lauren’s civil attorneys may be monitoring the threads to provide context for her SM posts and document that she has been the victim of a SM campaign against her. That is relevant for defending against MBs countersuit.  The SM campaign is not by MB himself, since he is in jail, but by a group of supposedly anonymous posters who defend him and apologize for him and cast her as the villain. Very few posters here have close contacts with either MB or MHG, but I suspect a few do. 

      I have never said that I think these COTH threads could help Barisone. I’ve said a few times that I don’t think you are doing him any favors.
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  Did you read the counter claim written by his CIVIL ATTORNEY in response to Lauren’s CIVIL claim?  That’s what I am talking about.
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People do get some bizarre ideas about the legal system from watching T.V.

What strangers on a BB are saying to each other, or to LK, is irrelevant to LK and MB’s legal issues.

What LK writes and what MB writes is relevant.


There are different scenarios that could have played out. I don’t see him plotting murder. I mean, in the scheme of things, LK was a middle level AA rider who was struggling to get a Bronze. It is hard to imagine how someone fairly inconsequential would have been on his radar enough to drive him crazy enough to shoot her. I can see it being a huge pain in the bum, but I don’t see any of this limited information explaining how he slid that far down into the pit of despair.

I hope they have a trial and we learn a little more about what happened prior to the shooting. The actual shooting will always be her word (and RG) against MB. Unless there were cameras trained on the yard?


THREE PONIES, By Arthur Guiterman

Three little ponies who didn’t like their hay

Said to each other “Let’s run away!”

Said the first “I will canter!”

Said the second “I will trot!”

Said the third “I will run if it’s not too hot!”

And they all started off

With their tails in the air.

But they couldn’t jump the fence

So they’re all still there.