Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

      USEF or SS would need subpoenas to CONFIRM identities. LK thinks she knows who you are, and OMGITSME and I both think we know who LK thinks you are, all of which means you’re not really anonymous. 

       I think it’s awfully nice that none of the three of us has dropped an IRL name.
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And there’s this: 17. As a direct and proximate result and consequence of Kanarek’s wrongful acts, actions, and omissions, Kanarek cause injury to Barisone including but not limited to: (a) placing him in fear for his life and physical wellbeing; (b) placing him in fear for the lives and physical wellbeing of Barisone Family members; © placing him in fear for the lives and physical wellbeing of Barisone’s business staff, clients and the horses owned and/or boarded by Barisone at his dressage farm; (d) emotional distress, including emotional distress with physical manifestations; (f) traumatic stress; (f) emotional breakdown; (g) post-traumatic stress; (h) battered-person-syndrome; (i) psychiatric ailments and eventual breakdown; (j) destruction of his state of mental peace, tranquility, enjoyment and stability; (k) injury to his business; (l) injury mental state; (m) unlawful invasion of his privacy; (n) property damage; (o) irreparable harm; § financial harm; (q) physical harm; and ® other injuries."


COTH has a CYA type statement on the forum rules saying that they, COTH, are not responsible for what a poster posts. But no one has said that identities have been handed over yet. It’s more of a threat for the future.

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By the way, is this a threat?



Apparently this is a threat!


One thing that that list @eggbutt just posted makes me think: LK loves to threaten screen shots of people’s posts and I believe eggbutt was recently admonished to worry about her postings wrt a libel case that was noted on another thread since LK may have guessed eggbutt’s identity.

Now that LK and the admonishment here bring up the topic, I imagine LK is far more exposed for that kind of charge than anyone else involved in the entire saga, let alone anyone here. 10,000 pages of SM posts, lots of threats, lots of disparaging of people’s businesses, skills, ethnicity wrt to their ability to manage a barn, etc. Perhaps that concern is best turned toward LK herself.


Okay Mom. Walk on by. It makes no difference who any of us are IRL. No one has done or said anything to be concerned about.


Sweet baby Jesus - that is unhinged!! Not okay at all.


Patience of a saint, eggbutt. Look at that rolling off your back like a duck! Well, played.


I’ve said it dozens of times, it makes no difference who any of us are IRL. No one has posted anything derogatory or ugly. No curse words, no defamation. Nothing but polite conversation back and forth. Only one person seems to be threatening others. Sad really.


Ok well this houseguest is not anyone involved in what happened the day of the shooting nor do I know any of the parties involved. The whole post about USEF/SS coming after everyone in this thread just made me lol. I’m not here to defend or report back to anyone. All parties involved could’ve done things differently for a much better outcome. It’s very sad & seems that someone hasn’t learned anything to change behavior.

I pop in here to see if anything has progressed with the case. I was shocked about this event as my knowledge of things going wrong or issues in dressage were crazy boarders that tell you your horse is garbage if you don’t take out a loan to pay for it, backing out of a horse sale the last minute, & someone you hired to help with your freestyle stealing it & using it for themselves. Maybe I’ve been sheltered having never boarded at a dressage barn & usually being at a multiple discipline or H/J barn.

I’m usually on FB in our local horse group asking questions & going to my current BO for questions about the barn, pasture, etc. I have commented on the NYT article & some COTH FB threads about this so it’s not hard to click on my name & see where I live if you want to dig through all that. I’m not hear to stir the pot, just interested in the case & how things transpired. I couldn’t wrap my head around what happened & although LK should not have been shot I would’ve never guessed at the past behavior that has come out.

   I was referring to the Inigo post. I read that as a pretty explicit threat. BTW, I am not Inigo.

Living In The Sticks: A few posters seem to have a connection to one or more of the people involved. But, other than that, I think your post nicely sums up why most people are here. A high-profile true crime story that’s in the news. That’s something that people comment and speculate on all. the. time. Heck, half of the streaming shows seem to be true-crime related. Wondering why people are interested is almost odder than being interested.


So - let’s say LK wants to sue someone for libel. Doesn’t she have to file the case in their home state/county rather than wherever she resides? That would mean a lot of spare time, money to do it and of course, to return for the case. Plus an attorney licensed to practice in each state. Or would she file it in her home state and then have to have the defendants served and they have to travel. If she lost, would she be responsible for their court costs, travel costs, etc.?

Seems like a lot of silly buggers to me, chasing after people who she insists just aren’t that important.

As for USDF/USEF monitoring this thread and getting ready to come down on participants - well - if they have nothing else to do or a better way to spend their members money (which I doubt), then it would highlight how little they do to promote the sport and support the participants. Again - I do not believe for one moment that they give this thread more than a passing glance. If that much attention.

    On Barisone’s counter suit his lawyer is very obviously going after LK for cyber harassment and defamation. So it’s already happened. Perhaps it is for her defense against his charges of cyber harassment against her that her civil lawyers are monitoring SM and COTH for harassment by MBs minions against her. For that purpose, perhaps they don’t even need IRL identities, perhaps all they need to show is a bunch of anonymous MB partisans carrying on with victim blaming and insults. 

     I agree with whoever said that the thing she let slip may have been the reference to not needing 4 people to monitor the thread. 

     [Pause for high minded, noble posters to protest that they are not MB minions or partisans and never met the man ...]

Ridiculous. You can’t blame MB for other peoples actions. The very idea is absurd especially as he is locked up. Stop posting nonsense.


Right? I mean, look at the people who are convinced Carole Baskin killed and disposed of her husband. If she wants to track them all down and sue them, she can but boy will that take a lot of scratch and time. Plus she is likely to lose because she is a limited public figure so of course people are going to speculate.

Plus he is in jail. All of his mail is read, any phone calls are monitored (unless with his attorney). It’s hard to pull people’s strings from within a jail. Despite what we have all seen in mob movies and on television.

Don’t tell YD what to do or not to do. There are consequences for doing that.


This is key: everyone is so beneath notice and such nobodies, but simultaneously must be constantly surveilled, reported to mods, screen shot for obvious legal reasons, reported to sport governing bodies, and eventually, it is implied, sued.

The mind reels.


Dream a little dream for me!!!


Walk on by.