Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The real meat will be in the interrogatories. Those won’t be made public. They are the source for the actual claims/facts that will be argued in the case.


What she has posted here is PG-rated compared to her Facebook posts over the years along with quite a few text messages sent to various “enemies”. I’m sure she’ll appear in court all made up, in nice clothes, probably professional hair and make-up (like for her NYT photoshoot) but as a past presidential campaign taught us, you can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig (Barack Obama). I doubt it will take long for jurors to see through the veneer of the true LK.

Like others, I am interested in why her attorneys decided to move on with the civil case prior to the criminal case. As I understand situations like this, that is unusual and a gamble.


I don’t think she has ever followed through with a law suit. Just the threat of a suit since daddy was an attorney seemed to be enough to get people to back down. Or as she or someone else pointed out on this thread, a nice letter to a victim by an attorney was enough for them to give her what she wanted.


My advice to her attorney is to make sure his malpractice ins. Is paid up. If this goes pear-shaped, a bar b!tch will be the least of his problems.

And this will not open her eyes, losing is for losers. And she does not strike me as a loser. She is for sure a tiger-blood-drinking winner!


Depositions are stressful and you feel like you were run over with a truck when you are done. I don’t imagine she’d handle the stress of them very well. Also, for those who have never done one…a deposition would be recorded: audio and video, and a court reporter would be present. She would be on the record as if she was in a trial setting in a court room.


I missed this. Good god, really? Anne Elk?

You are going to report Ghazzu for outing Anne Elk?

This will be the second time that Monty Python has been “reported”. :lol:


This. And then the post mortem i should have done… which some folks try to correct at the trial


Excellent point re: malpractice insurance. As I said way back in the single page numbers, she is the type of client no one I know or have ever worked with would ever in a million years take on as a client. In fact, a client like this tells a lot about the attorney who will take her on. No fee schedule would justify putting up with this circus.


Probably. You’re probably right. But he may not be able to say that yet if the criminal trial hasn’t gone down. I imagine it’s complex, but I still think anything might have happened.


My statement about victim blaming in rape cases referred to victim blaming in explicit court cases. Perhaps you did not understand the context in which I made the statement when you responded to my post.

I do know that many rapes are not reported to the police and of those reported to the police, many don’t go to trial. In my own case, I reported it to the police within minutes, but it never went to trial because the rapist was never apprehended.

I fully understand that young women are and should be advised not to dress too sexy or drink extensively as preventative measures, even while they should be told that sexy dress or intoxication does NOT excuse rape.

I have already noted that you never bothered to explain what you meant by saying “As someone who reaped what she sowed”, and that I think I do now understand what you meant. And now that I think I understand, I have apologized. I will delete the post, or not, as you prefer.

I think that girls and women should be advised on what preventative measures they can take to avoid rape, such as not wearing overly sexy clothes, not being so intoxicated that they lose control of the situation, not being without their car keys if they want to leave, and not walking alone at night.

If the woman makes choices that make her more vulnerable to rape, that does NOT mean that the rape was her fault, or that she was sinful, or she deserved it. If the “people” who told you you were a “piece of chewed gum” were not part of the official court system, that’s not what I was talking about when you responded to my post. Perhaps you misunderstood what I was saying.

I think that the Me Too movement indicates that IN THE CONTEXT OF RAPE CASES THAT GO TO TRIAL, which is what I was talking about, the extent of victim blaming in rape cases is much different from 30 years ago.

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Well, I would have thought that there’s an important distinction between a Facebook post and a sworn statement, but that’s just me.


Hey man, even Saul gots bills to pay!

but in all seriousness, even the BSCs need representation, and more power to him for taking her on as a client. He might have a deft touch with folks like her and can mitigate the fallout if it goes wrong.
He’s a litigatorand probably had a thick skin where clients hurling insults are concerned. If you can keep them focused on the process and their goals you can do ok.


You’re killin ’ it, skydy! :lol:


So sorry I didn’t get the joke.

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Oh, that made my day! Thank you so much for linking that.

Putting on my speculative cap, I wonder if the shooting victim indeed plans to show up for the civil trial (glammed up as @eggbutt mentioned) absolutely confident that the jury will rapturously hang on her every word and find in her favor?


Hahahaha! You are right, even the BSC need a rep. He may indeed have a talent with this type of person. However, the prominence of his TV-worthy work on his website suggest he’s in this for the moolah and the media.


Please quote x-halt-salute correctly, she said “someone who apparenty what she sowed”. That word makes a big difference in meaning.


You’ll have to unmute the clip when you get to the link.

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I still think there was no contract for the renovations. I think there was an “in kind” agreement. Whatever his name is, the boyfriend, would do the renovations and LK would get vastly discounted or free training. The renovations were crap, MB says he wants to void the in kind agreement and LK says, “Sure, after you pay us $50,000”. Maybe that is what they decided the boyfriends work was worth.

So MB tells them to either sign the standard training contract and start paying, or leave. And so it started. Then Colonel Mustard showed up in the library with the candle stick.