Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

You will be missed. It’s sad that the wrong people are driven away, not by their own behaviour but by that of others.

Take care and enjoy the outdoors and the animals.


Take care of yourself, and pet some velvet noses for me!


My blunder was unintentional, and I have apologized.

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Take care of yourself and enjoy some horse for me.


That’s a fair point.


I am so sorry. This breaks my heart. And, you are wrong, we WILL miss you.

People need to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.


I will say this one more time for your benefit and I will say it slowly and clearly…

There. Is. No. Public. Information. Regarding. The. Criminal. Trial. And. Probably. Will. Not. Be.


You will definitely be missed. Take care of your body and your soul.


I refuse to participate in one of YD’s dog and pony shows of pedantry and willful misunderstanding.

If I had more patience for her tiresome tit-for-tat I might point out that only a tiny fraction of rape and sexual assault cases reported to police end up in criminal court. And that only a small fraction of rape and sexual assault incidents get reported to police in the first place. So while women most certainly do get blamed for their own assaults during court proceedings, most sexual assault victims never get a day in court, often because of the blame assigned to them by people with power or authority outside of courts. I’m surprised that such a zealous victims’ advocate who is so gravely concerned about victim blaming wouldn’t already realize that. Moreover, it’s none of her ever loving business whether a traumatic event in my past resulted in a court appearance. And finally, if occurring in a criminal court is part of her criteria for victim blaming, then nothing on this BB will ever meet that criterion and her analogy falls apart in yet another way.

I might also point out, in response to her pantomimed confusion about my sign-off, that it’s similarly irrelevant whether I agree with the people who told me I was like a piece of gum that’s already been chewed or that sinful choices tend to create hardship on earth long before we are judged for them, or that a smart girl like me should know that men can’t help but see bare skin like pornography. Does YD want to know if I repented for the sins that invited evil into my life, as I was counseled to do? Too bad. I will give YD’s request for clarification all the consideration it deserves, which is exactly zero.


Going back to LK’s counter claim in this civil suit, she denied a bunch of stuff that she admitted to here and on other SM platforms. Could those posts be used?


Yup. Applied to this circumstance?
time to ignore LK?


No one has said that anyone who dislikes LK is automatically guilty of victim blaming just for expressing dislike, however intense. At least I haven’t. The issue is whether the poster makes statements suggesting that because LK exhibited annoying and obnoxious behavior that created stress and emotional pain to MB and/or MHG and refused to leave, that she should “take responsibility” for being shot.

Sure, but that may not be the most useful way to use it. I think she’d get herself pretty tangled up in a deposition that used her SM. I would use interrogatories out the wazoo, and try to schedule more than two depositions, just because I don’t think she could keep her story straight in a three hour session, much less with time in between each event…


The 911 calls that have been released? The court appearances? You don’t count those as publicly available information about the criminal case?

Lady, when you take the pulpit I don’t even know why I bother typing. Brava. I wish I could like this more than once.

It is never your job to educate the ineducable - especially when they are willfully so. People who shift the emotional labour of their own BS are not only tedious, but toxic. But, thanks once again for sharing your experience and wisdom.

You touch on an important point: so much of this repulsive behaviour is not consistent with a zealous victims’ advocate. Nor is advocating for a victim against her victims. And the inconsistency you caught wrt the criterion for victim blaming. It’s like an inconsistency stew!

That “request” deserves less than zero of your consideration - that’s the only addition I have.


I can feel your pain, anger and horror. I am so very sorry this happened to you. You owe absolutely no one an explanation nor do you need to defend your actions or life to anyone on this forum. Love and peace to you.


Yes. Everything is fair game in a civil trial. She can deny all she wants but her written word on her own accounts will be introduced. Even if she has deleted her entire social media account portfolio, there have been screenshots taken of almost every incendiary comment she’s made.


So interesting. That is a great strategy.

I wonder, have any of her threatened lawsuits ever resulted in her having to be deposed or making an appearance in court? I imagine this level of…whatever it is we are witnessing…would be hard to keep a lid on. If this civil suit goes through it might be the first time her threats went all the way to actually preparing for trial. And that new experience might be quite an eye opener for both LK and her enablers/hangers on.


Well thank god for screen shots and “QFP”


Good point. Fascinating that she too is asking for a jury trial with it.