Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

No, not familiar. Looked it up, wasn’t hard to do at all.

Thanks for sharing that.


I could be wrong, but I don’t think claims in a civil suit can influence or need to be the same as the criminal trial. Then again I cannot think of a case where the civil suit was initiated before any real headway in the criminal trial.

So he could very well plead not guilty and claim self defense in the criminal trial while using a different reason in the civil trial.

I hope one of the lawyers here will correct me if I’m wrong.


Thank you. Provocation defense is probably the thing that ties what everyone is saying together for me. Your answer makes a lot of sense.


We can only see the Civil documents. Yes, he is apparently claiming battered syndrome defense. Much is mentioned on page 1 of the thread.

Snippet from post #5:
“As a direct and proximate result and consequence of Kanarek’s wrongful acts, actions, and omissions, Kanarek cause injury to Barisone including but not limited to: (a) placing him in fear for his life and physical wellbeing; (b) placing him in fear for the lives and physical wellbeing of Barisone Family members; © placing him in fear for the lives and physical wellbeing of Barisone’s business staff, clients and the horses owned and/or boarded by Barisone at his dressage farm; (d) emotional distress, including emotional distress with physical manifestations; (f) traumatic stress; (f) emotional breakdown; (g) post-traumatic stress; (h) battered-person-syndrome; (i) psychiatric ailments and eventual breakdown; (j) destruction of his state of mental peace, tranquility, enjoyment and stability; (k) injury to his business; (l) injury mental state; (m) unlawful invasion of his privacy; (n) property damage; (o) irreparable harm; § financial harm; (q) physical harm; and ® other injuries.”


This 100% describes me. No connection whatsoever. Saw it on horsey friends’ fb pages. Came here (actually for Olympics tix) and found these threads.

But, beware, you will now be accused of nobly stating that you aren’t pro-MB. Mocking and dismissing your own presentation of your own reality based in truth is a classic technique of the abusive. But you know you don’t know or care about MB, as many of us don’t, and we believe you.

This is clearly the dressage version of Tiger King. Everyone involved is unattractive in their own way. No good guys, literally no one to root for. Just chaos, mess, pathology, and incredibly bad decisions at every turn by every participant. The analogy is almost too spot on.

I keep trying to make the distinction between MBs defense in the CIVIL case, in which I have said bringing up the harassment and emotional abuse is legitimate, and his defense in the CRIMINAL case, in which I claim it is not. 

If he had brought a CIVIL case against her (for cyber bullying, harassment, defamation, eviction) before and instead of shooting her, there would not be a need for the criminal defense lawyers.
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So happy the obtuse person now has a thorough knowledge of criminal law and what Ed Bilinkas may be planning. I’m not even sure MB knows what strategy he will take at this point. But you keep on claiming away. It’s all good.


Then there’s a lot that can’t be explained to you, because you are obtuse A LOT, and when we try to explain, you still don’t get it. I truly thought you were faking it, but maybe not.


Normally, I’m on board too. But this was just too much. I’ll try to do better


I think YD just needs to open her mind. Until then, I doubt anyone has the patience to type their responses in a See Spot Run sort of way.


So true. No explanation goes without dissection, twisting, word salad throwing, and disingenuous “gee, I just didn’t/don’t understand.” So why bother.

Plus, when you come out with something that reprehensible, if you have a shred of decency, you check yourself and apologize EVEN IF your blunder was unintentional. You don’t demand others take on even more of the emotional burden and shepherd you through your own ignorance. The very suggestion is astounding.

Edited for: just so many typos


It is. My personal story doesn’t include a court case but I have friends who have gone through the process. Blaming rape victims is still a widely used defense.

Most recently a friend of mine called the cops on her husband. He had physically assaulted her (not sexually but it will give you an idea on what victims who press charges go through). The cops came, took info etc then told her there was nothing they could do because they didn’t see anything happen. Cops then proceeded to chat and laugh with her husband. My friend pulled the female cop aside and asked why nothing could be done, was told the above, and then told my friend, “well you married him.” That’s a female cop telling a woman it’s her fault she was being hurt because she married the wrong guy. (Positive news; a week later he tried to kill her…she’s bruised but okay and he was arrested and faces felony charges.)


Thanks. I have some reading and consulting to do then.


Well I’m in the clear then.


Your quote in your previous post was from the civil counterclaim, right? So not from the criminal defense lawyer Bilinkas?

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Sorry guys. You probably won’t miss me anyway, but all the recent posts have got me really living in the past. Not a pretty place. I’m going to spend some extra time with the horses out in the field. Lots to do this time of the year anyway. The best to all of you. Stay safe.


Sorry to hear that. Take care!


Not necessarily. Many of us for whom there is not a shred of text evidence that we have ever said anything like “she is responsible for somehow causing MB to shoot her” have been accused of doing so because we, too, share intense dislike.

You’re never really in the clear with some folk.


Take care of yourself and stay safe.


No, I think I did figure out what you meant, which I originally misunderstood, and have apologized. I did not notice that you tried to explain, though.

Once again, if I say I don’t understand something, or may have misunderstood, you may take that to the bank and mock me for being obtuse as much as you like!

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