Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I genuinely did not understand what she meant by
”reap what she sowed”. It automatically rang a bell for me that the people I consider victim blamers of LK say things along the lines of her “reaping what she sowed”. If you explain it to me and I was wrong, I am happy to apologize.

I can’t explain it to you, Ibecause i don’t have that skill set. 'm sorry you don’t understand.


Of course that excuse still happens in court. You can’t be that naive. I never reported my rape because not only did I not have evidence, I walked into the home of my rapist after two glasses of wine. He was my friend. I didn’t have bruises or witnesses and I knew I would hear about the wine I had and the fact that I willingly went to his home. I was sitting on his bed (only furniture in his room was computer chair and bed and he was in the computer chair…until he wasn’t.) All of that would have been used against me.


Ok. I’m still happy to apologize if someone is willing to explain it to me. As I have said before, any obtuseness on my part is not feigned.

Am I victim blaming for sharing my personal LK experience? I strongly dislike her, so am I victim blaming?


If it was not feigned you would be willing to actually apologize (not say 'if you give me a reason to, I will) since pretty much everyone seems to agree that your posting on this topic particular post is 100% out of line. You would not be waiting patiently for someone to hold your hand and tell you all the details of how what you said is not right. :disgust:

On your whole ‘How dare Ghazzu name names’ gasping… Google is your friend.


Based on the reaction to @Inigo-montoya’s disgusting post, I hope “LK” doesn’t get the idea that would be a good opening statement for the prosecution to use.


No, you are not. Sharing your experience and others agreeing with you is being manipulated to look like that. But reasonable people all know it’s not true.

Why some people feel it is “so important to go on and on and on about how much and why” it’s not her fault she got shot when the vast majority aren’t saying it is - well one can only speculate.

For some, negative attention is worth more than no attention at all. {shrug}


I submit sensitive nerves were hit with the discussion of Jonathan Kanarek’s possible involvement or whatever and RG’s license situation. It was after that all decency went out the window and the rampage began to divert and blame others for their opinions.

The trial should be fascinating.


I was not aware that those explicit methods for blaming the victim of a rape were still being used in court in this day and age. If it is, that is appalling.

You saying that you did not report the rape because you feared that your actions would be blamed is not quite the same as saying that you took it to court and were actively blamed for the fact the rape occurred.

I remember the previous poster as signing off as someone who had “reaped what she sowed”. If she had signed off as someone who went to trial and had been told by OTHERS that, based on her actions, she should accept that she was merely reaping what she sowed, that is a very different statement. Perhaps that is what she meant. Thank you for explaining it to me, albeit in a somewhat roundabout way.

I was aware that that type of victim blaming in rape cases occurred 30 and 40 years ago, and was not aware then blatant victim blaming of rape victims is occurring now.

You are not victim of blaming LK by reporting your own reasons for intensely disliking her, unless you start saying that she is responsible for somehow causing MB to shoot her, I.e. she should be blamed because she did not leave, harassed MB, etc.

Anyone here familiar with the concept of an extinction burst?


Well dang!!! Even MB’s high dollar attorneys are now subject to victim blaming if they stated in their brief LK was on the property illegally and she should have avoided any injury by leaving the property. Goodness. I guess we’re in good company at this point. But, but, but, but…they are paid to do that, right?

"The counterclaim allegations tell the story of how Ms. Kanarek stalked, harassed and threatened Mr. Barisone, intentionally inflicting upon him emotional harm and distress of such magnitude that she cause the incident to occur. "


I had no idea who MB was when I first heard the news of the shooting. People were posting the news reports on Facebook and I read them. I’m not into Dressage so the names were not familiar to me. I do live in NJ but about an hour from where this happened. I was curious about what happened. But there wasn’t much details. Then someone on Horse Show Diva mentioned the victim had a reputation and was arguing with people on the forums here. So again I was curious and I’ve been hooked ever since. Mostly because
LK posting is so fascinating and you can’t make this stuff up! And have followed every thread.
I came into it not on any side. The posting by LK both here and on other social media sure paint a picture by her own hand. No she should not have been shot. But I like the comparison someone made earlier…just because I don’t like Carole Baskin doesn’t mean I like Joe Exotic.


Yes, yes I am. Interesting perspective…likely correct.


You and me both!


So then does that mean he is claiming self-defense in the court documents? That’s what I don’t see, And why I can’t connect the dots.

Yes. When someone chucks a tanny I think it’s good. But when we hit a 20-year low in decency I think naming and shaming is the better approach.

But for the regular schtick, yes, I’m on board 100%.


Yes. He is claiming self defense, and by extension battered person syndrome.

You misunderstand the point about Ghazzu naming names, is that I don’t think naming a name gets you banned, as Denali claimed. 

  Is this Elk person some important “cultural” reference I’m clueless about?  I assumed the Elk person was a real person. 

I also admit to not following the referees to the Tiger person (although I’m guessing that’s a TV show.)

   I am happy to apologize if someone explains the dimension on which I misunderstood. I’m not inclined to apologize just on the basis of the whole group expressing disgust. 

   Despite her saying “As someone who reaped what she sowed”, I now assume (not that anyone has bothered to explain it), that she meant “In my court case, there were overt things said to the effect that the rape was at least partly due to things I did”, I.e. that she was a victim of rape and also was victim blamed. 

   If that is what she was saying, I apologize.