Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Brackets Miss Brackets


I am being so good by channeling my inner dharma. Walk on by.


You got this eggbutt!


I genuinely did not understand exactly what she meant by saying she “reaped what she sowed” for wearing a tight tank top and having an alcoholic beverage in mixed company. Perhaps you could explain it to me. Or not.

I agree that there is never a reason for a person rape a person. Also that, excepting self-defense, there is no acceptable reason to shoot someone. And self defense is limited to imminent danger of great bodily harm or death, not chronic danger of nasty SM posts, or yelling outside windows, or being at the barn after 9 pm.

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let’s see if

@Ghazzu is banned. Or receives a stinging [edit].

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I’m going to ask again and maybe someone will answer this time. If it was an accidental shooting, then why is MB claiming battered person syndrome? Why not argue that it was accidental? Is there a legal reason?


@trubandloki thank you for typing something much less offensively than I can at the moment. That “question” is seriously beyond.

@x-halt-salute I’m sorry you were the subject of one of the most offensive posts I’ve ever seen on any BB.

That’s up there for disgusting posts with the person that was banned for arguing that sometimes minors are into sex and pedophiles shouldn’t be punished for indulging them.


It could be argued that battered person syndrome causes hypervigilance… which may make a person more likely to pull that trigger when the perceived threat is moving closer where a reasonable non-battered person would not.

ETA: I’m not sure why they wouldn’t argue straight out accident, other than maybe it would be difficult to prove if you basically have 2 witnesses against 1.


Calling this rudeness is an undeserved kindness. Your disgust emoji was spot on.

@x-halt-salute - take 'em to church if you want. But do not feel the need to respond to anything so beneath contempt as what has come at you. Self care is more important.


We were posting at the same time. Otherwise, I would simply have quoted you and added, “This x1000.”


On the issue of truth in petitions, (and others feel free to expound/correct) the plaintiff is telling the story the way they see it, it’s the defense who has to come in and give evidence otherwise. The fact finder is there to do just that, find the facts.
There’s always a possibility the defense won’t do a good job, and you can’t get what you don’t ask for…


I was doing my best to remain polite.

It was hard.

It feels like a win that I learned about the disgust emoji though. I did not know it existed until I went looking for something that fit there.

Thank you for clarifying for me.


Accidentally shootings are still criminal acts with criminal penalties.

Self defense shootings have certain legal criteria that must be met to be ruled self defense. Several people seem to imply that it is not possible to for MB to have shot in self defense.

In my state, if LK was 4 ft away from someone, screaming insults and threats in their face, waiving her arms around and acting like she might hit them with her cell phone, and potential chase them around a table—It could very well be self defense if she at all aimed at head/neck or torso or continued to advance upon him in a threatening manner after he asked her to stop. No state requires you to allow someone to actually assault you before you are allowed to shoot in self defense.

Battered person comes in to show that he was so tortured by her, that he had reasonable fear of what she would/could do to him. Unless you’ve been in this situation, it can be hard to believe how subtle the threats can actually be.


No problemo, bella!


I’ll chime in here - don’t usually participate on forums but have been reading this. I’m sure his attorneys would use the accidental shooting defense if there wasn’t overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And in all probability, he probably admitted to the shooting to the officers who responded and before he retained legal counsel who told him not to speak. And there could also be audio/video of what went down. Any good defense attorney will grasp at all defenses possible. In this case, it appears his attorneys are going for the provocation defense which will be an uphill battle. The prosecution will show that any reasonable person would not go to another party, borrow a hand gun, drive the distance to the house where LK was all in the heat of passion. Too many steps, intent was clear when he borrowed an unlawful hand gun. The gun charge alone has steep sentencing guidelines (New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation) without adding in that it was used to gravely wound someone. If it was reasonable that a person could shoot someone over harassing words, there would be a lot of wounded and dead ex-spouses. No matter how reprehensible anyone thinks LK is, the provocation defense of SM words and a landlord tenant dispute which heated up in a week or so, just doesn’t fly when a juror has to decide if what MB did was what any ordinary reasonable person would do.


YD, I’m taking you at your word: if you genuinely did not understand that sign off, then it explains a lot about how and why you are posting as you are.

Peace out


Not a litigator, but I imagine you can deny things on certain technicalities of how it was phrased, etc. and avoid charges of out-and-out lying.

Just like here when people “remember” what someone said, “…or maybe it was someone else?” That allows them to disparage and lie about others while still having cover when they are called out. It’s shady, ham fisted, and obvious, but that’s how some folks roll. So, maybe he says she harassed public figures but she admits to only one and so the objection is pinned on the plural usage. That kind of thing.

But I’m sure one of our litigators/court personnel can provide more insight.


It’s all couched as “upon information and belief” baby!


Oh yes. Now I remember that phrase. I had forgotten that.


In the 20 years I’ve been on this board, I have never read anything as reprehensible as that person’s post. Reaching into those depths just to try to get a response that will close this thread is pure evil. Please don’t allow it to happen.