Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

    She was making the valid point that 30 or 40 years sgo, victim blaming of some (not all) rape victims occurred in the form of making excuses for rapist along the lines of “she was wearing provocative clothes”, “she was dancing with him in a provocative manner, then shut him down”, or “she’s known to have slept with 20 men before”. That is, excusing the behavior of the rapist on the basis of “provocative” behavior of the victim. Words like “how could he be expected to control himself“ would be used. 

      Whether you think people here have been guilty of victim blaming or not, the analogy is definitely valid. 

       In some of the recent SS threads, the apologists for the men banned by SS, like Rob Gage, will say of the 13 or 14 year old victim “she was an absolutely willing participant because she wanted to ride the good horses”. 

      I am also the victim of rape. I was never subject to victim blaming because it was a case of forcible, stranger rape in which the rapist was never apprehended.
   My interpretation of that is that you can get treble damages for the actual damage incurred due to a botched job, KM seems to think that you can get 3 times the value of the job even if everything is done perfectly. 

    If the latter is true, one wonders why MB is not suing RG for $150,000.
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I will add that I am not an MB fan or apologist or supporter or whatever other label may get slapped on me by way of haughty rebuttal. I am not an LK fan or supporter or apologist either. I actually feel sorry for her when she constantly cuts off her nose to spite her face by way of SM ramblings.

Contrary to what some have insisted here, you do not have to be on any “side”. You can just sit back - and observe.

I suppose I must add that LK did not deserve to be shot… lest I get more labels haphazardly tossed at me in the hope that one of them will stick.

I just follow this thread the way I would follow an interesting Dateline episode (or sometimes it is more like Live PD) - only this case has connections to things I do in real life - dressage, horses, barn management etc. I know none of the players in real life. I was aware of who MB was - even before the funny Colbert episode. I do not care about the IDs of any posters here.

I am not a lawyer - I do not even play one on TV. If I was one, I would be more like Ally McBeal than Perry Mason.

ETA: I inadvertently lied. I knew SW of DH back she was in Alberta. Not a direct connection to this case - but there ya go.

If he had been licensed in NJ in summer 2019, after forming the LLC in spring 2019, why would he keep is licensed status in NJ through 2020 if he left the state?

 Does finding that he is not currently have a contractors license in NJ establish that he did not have one in 2019?

🚶Walk on by.


Fixed it in the post for you.:smiley:

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   Eggbutt has written many posts blaming LK for being shot. The NYT article was explicitly about victim blaming as much as it was about the shooting itself. Eggbutt was quoted in the NYT article along with the even worse victim blaming of SW. 

    Who said that because Eggbutt is victim blaming LK they are accusing her of victim blaming other gun shot victims?  Or that she would blame rape victims?  I certainly have not said that or read anyone else who has said it. 

     I have also not denied the existence of really bad SM behavior on the part of LK. I’m just saying that documenting really, really disgusting behavior on her part does not in any way excuse MB for shooting her in exactly the same way that documenting flirty behavior, provocative clothes, or a history of sleeping around does not excuse rape. Furthermore, bringing it up and harping on it ad nauseum, by suggesting it is relevant, is suggesting that she is the one who is “responsible” for getting herself shot, i.e. victim blaming.
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Stop. Just stop.

First of all, “she was wearing provocative clothes” is not something relegated to “30 or 40 years ago”. Women and girls right now are getting told that wearing a tight top or not being careful enough about which friends they trust or getting drunk makes them responsible for their own sexual assault.

Second of all, there is a huge difference between those things and the many other mistakes, disadvantages and misfortunes that make women vulnerable to sexual assault, and on the other hand an ugly and escalating conflict between two actively engaged quarrelers leading to violence. There is no conceivable situation in which a man might need to rape someone to defend himself from provocative behavior, but there are many conceivable situations in which someone might take up a weapon in an attempt to defend themself from threats of violence by an aggrieved party who has declared publicly that they are in possession of firearms. Wondering whether self-defense against the victim factored into a series of events that led to a violent crime is always absurd in the case of rape and often within the realm of reason in a two-sided conflict between volatile characters.

Third, I’m sorry you were raped. That’s horrible. But that doesn’t make you the spokesperson for sexual assault survivors nor does it give you a license to declare that what LK faces in this thread is similar to what many of us have experienced in the wake of sexual assaults.

Someone who apparently reaped what she sowed by wearing a tanktop and drinking an alcoholic beverage in mixed company but has never made threats against another person’s physical safety, family, or livelihood


Yes, I understand that people have asserted that. But has there been any publicly available evidence that they investigate bullying of adults, such as suspensions or bans bring handed down? There has been evidence that USEF investigated bullying of adults, and it seems odd to me that the task would be split between the two, but not inconceivable, I suppose.

So what is the basis for your saying “absolutely”? Genuine question.

   I explicitly, not just tacitly, endorse the analogy with victim blaming of rape victims.
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Now this truly is a mic drop. Thank you for your perspective and your bravery in the face of an onslaught of nonsense since last night.


IGNORE! See Cutter99?!?!:slight_smile:


Yay Callista17!

I am just sitting here shocked at some of the things that have been posted here since I went to bed last night. WOW!


Why is it so important to go on and on and on about how much and why you dislike LK, if her actions prior to being shot are 100% irrelevant to the fact of her being shot?

By harping on her dislikabity so much, you are suggesting if not outright stating that it is her actions that are the causal mechanism by which she is responsible for the fact she got shot, ruined the lives of MB, MHG, etc.

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You should not be shocked. The whole point - in my opinion - is to get people upset so they either report the poster or call names (back at the poster) so the thread will get locked. So notching up the rudeness one step should not be a shock to you at all.


You are 100% correct. Sadly, that is what we are dealing with here!


Hey legal people I have a question.

I believe it was said earlier that in those papers we have been linked to the responses do not need to be full of truths. (I think the example given in this thread is LK’s lawyer has said denied about some things that LK has actually admitted to doing.) And that the untruths are just how it is done.

Why is it OK? Why is it done that way? Why are there no repercussions for not being honest about things that are clearly not honest?

Is it just a matter of (made up example) He says she bullied him, she says denied because she does not feel what she did was bullying, so there is some grey area?


I understand girls and women are being told that in order avoid putting themselves at risk for rape, they should not wear overly sexy clothes, not be so drunk that they lose control of the situation, etc.

I was saying that 40 years ago, after the fact of a rape, arguments would be made in court regarding provocative clothes, provocative behavior, and sexual behavior in order to blame the victim. Are you saying that explicit excuses for rape, after the rape occurred, are still bring made in court along those lines?

So are you saying that you reaped what you sowed and were raped and you think you should be blamed for your own rape (reaped what you sowed)? Genuine question.

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OK, I’m going to speculate that this poster is actually Anne Elk.


Sorry ahead, I am failing at scrolling past. I know… I know… But this level of rudeness can not be ignored. Which I realize just proves that YD is trying to be rude just to get comments.

Not even close to a Genuine question and you are well aware of just how rude your question is.
Or maybe not. :disgust:
Oh wait, this is a case of the pretend inability to actually tell what someone is saying, right?

There is self defense… that applies to the whole shooting thing. So the relationship between the victim and the shooter matters. The whole battered person syndrome thing.

There is never, not ever, not even slightly a reason for someone to ever rape another person. Period.