Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

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SZ1xE6N3XcRYX0tpu7kINhtrPljgs97M0hN2xiUGw1Dgdw7VJBkop2nXNC42aS4NfSSn9R9re6fh0tzUA0uxVVlnya2cDppbs1GhQG/QkEAIBL2A6EAjkRdAV9XgFLL pBE7vYEBn6/wBmWGy/4PRk8WuLUBnq72MQH9Gd7OxwDggM9W x2rb lJHIOV8p qAz9dsBiMXvU7nAcW9f0QFHU0U0ZPSRyMPG7XNQD8OLStAbcEDTUaoCQ7HZMjmgAZ25SewpkFXRQXkYB8zfVCDW4jo9rQXDo2vddrgHa/s8VLCJWEVBjla5znkRsYMrm2IJBJPaiBodq9oWP/DnPIzK15GQXBtpqobGCsbiIOgke8tt1TCDqGC 799vmgNNsFAZJ84HVYL3tb6ID0pCQQAgBACAEAIAQAgGailZILSMa8cnNDvVAUNfsLh8181MxpPxNvGfogMziPsfpnawyyRdhs8fzQGXm9mNXTStkBbOxhvdtw7dp1SgKTFY3iV4e0tvlYA5p3bybH7WQE2hjD2uJPvONt 4CwsDu3IQckqS11mueAwBhsYyBc3NgQTdCSdhscs72sjMjyTdrg9pIub9YBo5DyQHrmzWDimiDdMx1cbcUBboAQAgBACAEAIAQAgBACAEAICsxbAaepH50bXEbnbnDxQGdf7O4d0cj2DlYFAIh9mdMHZnSSO1vwCA1GE4LBTC0LA3m74j3lAWCAEAID//2Q==)


You don’t think that happened, accidental discharge, based on……?
You don’t think it is a possible scenario?

ETA nevermind I misread the part I’ve now bolded.

       AK cannot control others if they want to speculate on the identity of Inigo or others in the thread. She may choose to refrain from speculating herself, but she doesn’t set the forum rules.
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According to KM, an eviction is filed as a civil suit, and the only civil suit filed against LK (as well as MBD) was filed by SGF in October. So there is no court record of MB proceeding with an eviction through he courts.

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Point blank does not necessarily imply the weapon was within inches. Point blank means the shooter did not have to adjust their aim up or down to account for distance. Even in popular usage, someone can be several feet away and still be shot point blank. Everyone is familiar with 6 feet of social distance these days - most people would still classify that as point blank.


The only person claiming point blank is LK.
Therefore it is her use of the term that may be flawed in these ways.


Well, apparently MB is not an accomplished marksman since he missed both RG and the dog. “Inconceivable!”


You are assuming he took it for intimidation. Or did he take it for protection from dog or from LK/RG from ganging up on him? Or he was carrying it around as protection from a perceived threat and happened to have it when he decided to got to the house. You are assuming he had a totally coherent thought process to why he brought the gun. Nobody but MB 100% knows why he brought the gun and he may not really know if he had a lot of jumbled thoughts going through his mind. We have all made decisions that at the time seemed reasonable and in hindsight think “What was I thinking???”


Sort of like how LK thought her plans were reasonable?

    My understanding is that bullying of adults is handled by USEF , not SS. Supportive evidence is that USEF investigated claims of bullying against LK by two women and decided not to take action, as reported by the NYT. Eggbutt seems to claim that bullying against adults is also sometimes handled by SS, but there is no publicly available evidence to that effect since SS has never suspended or banned anyone for bullying of an adult. Bullying of an adult is prohibited by SS rules. 

    The main point about SS, USEF, and the civil courts is that those are the legal avenues he should have used to get her under control, instead of using a gun. He had legal, non lethal means to address whatever form torment she was dishing out, and he resorted to using a gun, instead. 

    In addition to LK being the victim of a shooting, it looks to me that she is being victimized a second time as the victim of victim blaming. 

     IMHO, you’re the one with improbable theories cooked up in your imagination.
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And I’m out. Try and provide one piece of factual information and get snarky comments in return. Should have followed my rule of not engaging the personalities on this thread.

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I apologize…I support your post. I was being humorous and obviously failed. I didn’t mean my response to be taken as snark.


@eggbutt , if it makes you feel better I read your post as you trying to make a funny, not as you being snarky.

I never knew that ‘point blank’ did not mean up close and personal. That is an interesting tidbit.


This has been addressed to you before, but Safesport absolutely does investigate bullying of adults.

 And in jury selection, when they ask you if you think you can be impartial, what would you say?  What you just said here?
 And in jury selection, when they ask you if you think you can be impartial, what would you say?  What you just said here?
   I’ll be surprised if insurance will cover unlicensed, botched repairs that you, yourself as the property owner were responsible for, but I’ll google it. Thanks.

I am not going to quote it again… but that lengthy discourse from Inigo Montoya (you would have been better served using Vizzini as your screen name) was both eye-opening and appalling. You clearly do have a dog (or an entire pack) in this fight and are not just concerned about “the sport of Equestrian”. Odd phrasing, that.

Just wow.

When we start getting lectured about JFK’s assassination as a way of proving Something Or Other and get into cavalier comments about rape victims, this thread has reached a new low. Unbelievable.

And yet apparently that post received tacit approval from those posters who constantly correct and dismiss other posts and insist that the thread stay rigidly on topic and all posts should be speculation-free etc. etc.

Again, wow.

As I remember it, it was Knights Mom and Grand Prix on the renovations stuff.

[bolding mine] This. LK and that poster always get a free, unexamined, and unchallenged pass on really bad behaviour by their “cohort” on here.

The hardest thing for some folks to grasp is: many/most observers feel unsympathetic toward LK solely b/c of LK. That’s not the same as thinking she deserved to get shot, nor is it the same as blaming her for getting shot. It’s a lack of sympathy towards someone who has positioned herself as a standard bearer for lack of sympathy - and who stands by - nay, doubles down on - that persona when challenged.

It’s easy to try to diminish that fact by braying on about people being MB fans, MB apologists, victim blamers, etc. But it doesn’t change the fact that that’s mostly not true. People are reacting to LK herself - her behaviour, her history of hurting people, her reputation within the community for destruction and hate, her lengthy on-line documentation of her own behaviour.

She herself has bragged about this behaviour and her reputation. She has shamed victims. She has threatened people and gloated about it. She has publicly disparaged people’s skills, personalities, and professional lives (even bringing in their ethnicity for a little extra racism dog whistle to add to her attempt to ruin their business). She has never been shy about any of this, so why ignore it?

<Mad, bad, and dangerous to know; you wouldn’t want to meet me in an alley; I’m not responsible for what my other personalities do; mention of her guns; > just some of the stuff we’ve all seen here.

I guess it’s easier to call people victim blamers than deal with your own favourite victim blamer’s documented behaviour, most of which does not hold up in the light of day and, in many instances, demonstrates behaviour you are accusing posters here of displaying.