Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

But what does that say about a person’s character that someone would even consider blaming them for being raped or shot? I mean it says something about those placing the blame, don’t get me wrong, but what does that say about the victim.

I don’t reject the fact that LK was a victim in respect to the fact that she was shot by MB (if that is the case), but as others have mentioned repeatedly, if this happened to someone else, there wouldn’t be such a fuss. So there is something about this person that doesn’t make them the average good doing “Jane” now is that relevant? Well, a court can decide that.

I’m not for victim blaming. However, I do feel as though people do play a part in bringing certain situations on themselves. Not always, but sometimes.


Yeah, that’s why I said no one has to answer the question. They are free to remain anonymous. I don’t care who that individual is, just a general observation.

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Bumping for recent poster. Way back on page 10!




From Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Lauren’s response to a question.

Sep. 6, 2019, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by meupatdoes View Post
Why do you feel your TRAINER owed you $50k?

Have you turned pro?
It’s none of your godamn business why he owed us 50 k (that’s a VERY generous number.) Ask him. He’s in cell block D.


The bolding is mine - Lauren did advise him to start his own business (and get the LLC, I presume). He failed to get licensed in New Jersey though.

I quoted the entire post so it couldn’t be taken out of context. Not because I think the entire post is relevant to the remodeling/licensing points raised recently.


The reason he took the gun with him, either by choice or at the advice of someone was due to poor judgement and PTSD of sorts from having been harassed, threatened, and potentially in fear of the out of control/likes to bite dog.


Plus Lauren had discussed on social media that her gun was “hot”. So he may have thought she had a firearm. Or at least that is brought up in the lawsuit Barisone filed.



Be careful…be very careful. Several of us posted this theory waaayyyy back in the first thread and were shredded with ugly comments for being so harsh and for victim shaming. Heck, I was even quoted in the NYT! :eek: So now many have targets on their backs. Welcome to the club. And, by the way, it’s no surprise that I agree almost 100% with your theory.

Something has triggered a new dose of angst with particular posters. Was it the examination of daddy’s involvement or the further look into RG’s license? It doesn’t make any difference. The constant threat of USEF/SS is interesting for sure. Of all the posters on this thread, being suspended or banned by the federation would be the most harmful to LK’s lofty goals. Sometimes we make the most noise out of what we ourselves are concerned about.

I am relieved that so many are finally seeing the “real” LK. The one so many have known about for so long. I am deeply offended that rape and child abuse victims were brought up in the same breath as LK. No rape or child abuse victim asks for any of the harm that befalls them.

I clearly remember the minute I heard she’d been shot…It was an immediate thought of “wonder who she pushed too far”.

Reasonable doubt. Just one juror. MB is no saint but I haven’t heard one iota of logical defense for LK’s actions provoking so much drama. Note that MB’s attorneys even listed it was LK’s obligation to leave the property (paraphrasing and perhaps typical legalize - I’m certainly not an attorney).


Be careful there, some of what you say can be interpreted as showing intent.

Don’t forget that the offers for help to move her, etal., came from a few states away—for some reason Ohio or beyond sticks in my head, but she needed to move locally and she couldn’t because meanie MB had warned all the local/surrounding barns not to take her in. IIRC.


Or protection based on previous threats.


I think the issue was/is, at least for me, at first no one admitted to knowing the players. So the theory that MB didn’t shoot LK and LK is the only one claiming she was shot by MB and not to be believed was ridiculous. It still is. That’s a theory based solely on liking MB more than LK or just not liking LK. That’s why it reads as victim shaming. Not liking someone and thinking they lie is not a reason to think this shooting was accidental.

I’d be surprised if MB went over there to shoot LK. I also don’t think it was an accidental firing and just so happen to hit LK. One doesn’t accidentally discharge a weapon multiple times. The fact that he took a gun for intimidation, I doubt it was for the dog, just speaks volumes as to MB’s mindset.


Ok, she didn’t ASK to be shot. She did provoke him to anger and POSSIBLY to insanity, but how he handled that was his decision. Resorting to violence is not the answer.


I see your point there. But it could be argued either way in court, and I’m sure it will be.


I respect your opinion.

Do you discount the possibility that he took the gun for protection based on previous threats from LK? Can you visualize the scenario AK put forth that MB could have thought LK (and possibly the dog and RG) were coming at him in a menacing manner and he either perceived he was in danger or the gun went off in a struggle? It is LK who says she was shot “point-blank”. That sounds like a struggle situation to me. Why would he wait until she was within inches of him to shoot her if he planned to murder them as LK imagines?


Several posters have a logical fallacy problem. Two of these posters also use survivors of rape to make their point, which is repugnant, so it’s not surprising.

IF someone blames LK for being shot (most don’t, but assuming arguendo they do) it does not follow that they would blame anyone else for being shot. An even further and more repulsive reach is that they would blame a victim for being raped or abused. That reasoning fails even the most basic logic. It is simply the amoral use of crime victims to make a point and that is truly low.

The singular issue here is that there is a person who has made a name and reputation for herself in the small world of horse sports (and, it is worth noting, enjoys that same infamy outside the horse world, so it is a consistent trait of hers).

Through her active and admitted (and screen shot) behaviour - mockery, ridicule, bullying, name calling, vitriol, anger, revenge, insult - she has cultivated for herself and by her own choice a life in which there are now several of her victims and even more bystanders who deeply dislike and even fear her for legitimate reasons. In addition she has in her past: gun violence, assault, stalking, cyber stalking, a restraining order, a police record.

She herself has wished harm on people in bad situations in a truly depraved way (screen shot from the NYT article: LK wishes GJ to die of an overdose while mocking her about her dead child; she also speculated on what GJ was doing while her child drowned and LK described in lurid detail a sexual situation that LK imagined was going on during the time the child died - sounds very much like the victim blaming YD, IM, Dragonfly and others are so very concerned about).

Someone disliking this particular victim says absolutely nothing about how they view any other victim. This is especially true if such person is also one of LK’s victims. Suggesting it does is logically false, highly manipulative, and ultimately, the way it was done here, a poor reflection on those who have done it.

Shame on those who did it to make their point with not a single thought for the victims that had to read their self-serving blather.


I don’t think he shot her point blank. That is definitely embellishment on LKs part.

I can picture the scenario AK put forth, the only part I disagree with and reads as blaming the victim is all shots were unintentional. I don’t doubt that MB fired intentionally at LK. I do think the gun went off accidentally when he was struggling with RG.


Thank you.

I considered jumping in in the past when others made this revolting comparison, but wasn’t sure I could respond dispassionately.


It is truly beyond the pale and that is really saying something given some of the things that have been posted.