Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)



I think the yelling at her dad on the phone was on a 911 call when MB complained to the police she is in the driveway under their window down at the barn, late at night screaming at her father on the phone.


What are the odds then, that a new poster who has only posted in this thread names themselves after a Princess Bride character who says a certain quote… has no relation to LK? Even if they have similar use of language and writing style.

No one has to answer this question. I don’t really care, but just found it weird… As is everything else here tbh. :lol:


We aren’t going to go around speculating about the identity of posters here. At least not on this thread.


And I agree entirrely, that this situation went waaaay out of LK’s control, and that she had intended to make life miserable for MH, and that there was some kind of switch went off on MB because he was creating a fabulous environment of support and horses and a future for MH, which he defended even when LK went off on MH. Removing MH’s children from her partner, or hopefully her, was a goal. Making the business MB had built up fall apart was a delight. If MB wasn’t going to train LK with the intesnsity he was putting into MH, and he wasn’t, because it was clear that LK wasn’t putting in the work, or intention that intense training and attention required, then LK was going to make sure he and everything about him and MH was miserable.

When the barn divided into camps and left LK out in the cold; when MB wanted LK out; when everyone was hoping and putting pressure on MB to get rid of LK, he went to an attorney, tried to evict them, tried to get restraints on them in the form of new agreements about how they would handle themselves on the property, to mitigate any future damage they woudl do to the house or his clients, she was a forest fire he didn’t know how to contain. But LK’s delightful summer camp project ruining whatever she could for MB and MH wasn’t supposed to go THIS way. And she was supposed to get 50k from MB, and when he stopped that, and wouldn’t pay it, she snapped. Thats’ what I think instigated this.

And holy cow, people. What if he had brought the gun to protect himself from the dog, but had come to the house specifically as she claims he said - How can I make this right, what can I do? and RG went into the house, disgusted, prehaps, or because it wasn’t his fight, and inadvertently let the dog out, MB turns the gun on the dog, not knowing what was happening, and LK, having come off the porch to talk, sees that and jumps MB, the gun goes off towards the dog/house, then shes on top of him, beating him with her phone, and RG comes out, is on top of him, trying to get the gun out of his hand, and MB is afraid they will use it on him and tries to hold onto it, and it goes off accidently into her. And all she ever wanted was MH to lose her boyfriend and her rides on fabulous horses, and not get the horse MB was going to give her, and have MB break up with her and have to leave with her kids, so MB would then have LK as his “star pupil”, but MB already didn’t think LK was any kind of a star pupil, what with her cancelling her classes, and not working on her training. So this whole thing erupted out of her plan to stalk and harrass a man and his family and barn and employees and business.

That’s my theory.


And what is this thing you have, LK, YD and IM, about Safe Sport? Who cares? Whatever investigatiosn they do, they will do. What is this hat you people are hanging on Safe Sport that you are incensed about anyone else saying something about SS you don’t agree with? Let it go. Give it up. Who cares about Safe Sport? They will do or not do whatever they do. Why postulate how they will or won’t act based on your imaginations?


I’d like to point something out about the self defense stuff.

In my state, and as far as I know in any state, you don’t have to let your attacker physically put their hands on you before you are allowed to shoot in self defense. Depending on the circumstances (that are actually pretty legally nuanced and vary by state), the act of approaching someone in a threatening manner with the intent of causing harm to vital areas (head/neck, torso) is enough to trigger self defense.

LK has stated that SHE approached and got within 4 ft of him and there is a random phone loose in the mix. She implies she demurely approached him, but that image is a bit contradictory when you consider how comfortable she is slinging insults from the keyboard and the 911 calls about how she walks around screaming into the phone and under windows all night. If she approached him swinging her phone around, yelling and screaming insults and threats at him, I can see this being enough to trigger self defense; especially if there is any proof to the claim that she has a history of shooting a gun at her boyfriend.


Ya, mon.


That’s a point. If you come up to these kind of crazies, even with the best intentions of trying to work things out, and she comes grining off the porch and right up to you, and the dog come out of the house, and the boyfriend is coming out, say, and perhaps, you are backing up, and she keeps coming, dialing the phone as she goes, grinning, and the dog leaps, I don’t know what all might happen.

She does admit she right came up to him, so who knows how that might have been interpreted. I mean, your arm is three feet. Knowing her personality, and who she is, I would not consider being within 4 feet of her a plesant experience. And, who knows if she was stopping.


Anything is possible. Lauren made a big point in stating that her dog, who was never unleashed, suddenly (magically?), WAS untethered and part of the fracas in some way. I think it was noted the dog bit a police officer on the scene that day, or another time when the police were summoned. I was surprised that the dog hadn’t been shot by one of the officers in response to being bitten. Or hauled off by animal control.

Not that it matters, but as long as we are speculating about what occurred that day I thought I would toss that into the ring.

Also, Sonia Beccera is the registered agent of Ronert Goodwin’s LLC. Not resident agent.


Any chance a portion of that payment for the basement reno Bob the Builder hashed up, from the burst pipe insurance payment potentially, LK had her eye on to pay board/training fees?
or does daddy Law Bucks pay those?


If it was LK that had been raped, of course there are people here that would treat her shabbily. Of course they at first wouldn’t even believe her, wouldn’t believe that she was even attacked no matter what evidence of the assault exist. Then they would say she asked for it or had a devious plan that got out of control. Maybe even she was the one that actually assaulted him! And if he did do it who could blame him (a mythical attacker, not accusing anyone), he just was under a lot of stress from her behavior and lost control. And while they would not believe anything she says, they would quote things he said before he was arrested and also his defense lawyer after as the absolute truth and evidence. They would then add ”but of course he shouldn’t have done it”. But she is a terrible person and the world needs to know. The hate for her(and animosity for anyone expressing a different viewpoint) here is so obvious no matter how many times people say “we are just politely discussing the case.” And anyone that doesn’t agree with piling it on the victim in this case should shut up and leave.
Also, all this discussion about LK removing the last comment she made, the mod said she removed several comments of posters bickering, perhaps that’s what happen. IDK. And as far as knowing who people are, several of you have posted on Facebook, telling the same story and using same words on this topic, not hard to figure out, if for some reason anyone wanted to know.
And I will say goodbye again for now, it is only the polite thing to do when leaving a conversation.

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Since LK hasn’t been able to say her profession yet (it certainly isn’t her talent with horses), perhaps the screaming had to do with money from Daddy (or lack of)? There’s so many theories! I’d LOVE to be on the jury just to be appalled at the stories. I’ve been on 2 juries now and both were sooooo entertaining with all the acting!!!


But, does it make sense that MB would receive an insurance claim in September, for a burst pipe, around 9 months earlier in the year…and for LK to claim it is fraud?

She so hung up on RG’s renovation job (and not a burst pipe) that it makes more sense that MB received an insurance check related to RG’s renovations. If RG was doing work that required inspections and permits, when the code violations were flagged, his work would have to be undone/halted until it passed inspection. So, if anything that requires inspection and permitting was behind drywall (as an example) the drywall would have to be removed and the work inspected. Afterwards the work would then have to, at a minimum, be recovered in drywall. Depending on the terms of the policy…that post inspection repair from improperly performed work could be covered by a claim. That scenario makes LK’s claim of “insurance fraud” seem more likely.

And YD, yes, if you google it, there is literature aplenty out there about under what conditions fixing unlicensed repairs might be recovered through insurance.


Nice try. For the record…I also saw it in real time and was actually trying to decide if it was worth responding to when it up and disappeared…so, no, LK deleted it, not the mods. She even messed up the quote display when she made her edits.


Knights Mom went out of her way to lead us through that maze. The upshot is RG is owed nothing. So did FitzE.

I don’t recall what pages the discussion occurred, but it is worth reading. I may do it shortly but everyone is done eating breakfast and want to go back outside to stand with their butts to the wind, ignoring their hay and their run-in shed to look sad for the neighbors.

“We suffer. She never feeds us ( suck it in everyone!) Bring us carrots.”


When you get to the moment when you use survivors of rape and child abuse as human fodder to make your point, you have lost. And lost in every possible way that means anything. You are a profoundly bankrupt person.

Sorry to all the survivors who had to read that and to the poster targeted by those cheapest of cheap shots.

Some people have no shame, no sticking point, no bottom.

With that post, I certainly have a new perspective on what the people at the farm were living through and it’s deeply disturbing.


I follow a lot of what you are saying, but then why is battered person syndrome MB’s response (in the counterclaim)? Wouldn’t he just day it was an accidental shooting?


If you are talking about YD, my problem (I can’t speak for others) with her is NOT that she has a different opinion, it’s her method of stating it. Several times, she purposefully twists what someone says, and she says people said things that they never said, and she attributes the wrong posts to the wrong people, and she acts like she doesn’t see posts that disprove what she has said, to name a few.

She is not the only one on these threads who have brought in a different point of view. Those people participated in the thread with no problem. Even some of the people who regularly post have pointed out arguments from both sides in order to get closer to what the heck led up to the shooting and how it all happened.

So you can think what you want, but your accusations of the motives of this group are not accurate, IMO.


FWIW, regarding the “screaming on the phone at her father” – didn’t JK tell the 911 operator he was hard of hearing? My father has 100% hearing loss in one ear and 70% hearing loss in the other ear, and since he won’t wear his hearing aids, I find myself practically screaming (well, yelling) trying to communicate with him.

Then again, she may have been truly screaming at JK because she was agitated about something and either wanted him to do something about it, or at least tell her what to do. And maybe what he was telling her to do wasn’t what she wanted to hear…