Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)



Oh, wow.


Thank you, I try…

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You must activate the volume as the clip comes up mute…“It is My Theory”, “My Theory, which is mine, is…”


I am almost speechless.
I recommend no one reply because that comment all on its own may be the end of this thread.


Rape victim here (raises 🤚🏼)

I don’t see the rape victim and the shooting victim in the same light, being one of the former. The majority of rape victims don’t harass their attacker beforehand, so I take issue with you comparing the two.

Nobody (except for the crazy lady from Dressage Hub) is excusing MB for shooting LK. They are trying to figure out what may have been contributing factors to his mental anguish (as stated in his countersuit).

I’m sure he was stressed, probably severely, but I’m not sure I believe that he was temporarily insane and I don’t think that he should be let off easily.


I’m a rape survivor and am utterly flabbergasted. But GEE is right…best not to engage.


:lol::lol: excellent

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Makes about as much sense…you read through that entire post and it makes as much sense as Anne Elk (Miss)

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I don’t know how to do the quote stuff but WOW!
"Why don’t you tell us about all the attempted double murders involving a big time Equestrian celebrity in which the USEF and SafeSport have been so intimately involved."

Who is the Equestrian Celebrity? I have no idea who this is - do we need to start a new thread? this just gets more and more interesting and btw: that was a sinister comment… kinda scared me…

Michael Barisone is the presumed equestrian celebrity. It certainly isn’t Lauren Kanarek!

To quote, simply hit the “quote” button at the bottom of the post you want to quote and a new dialog box will open for you to add your comments.

sorry - late - got it after I read the post - stupid response… it sounded like she was talking about someone else…


If that is so, why would it matter what we said after the comment? :confused:


“Who are you?"
“No one of consequence.”
“I must know.”
"Get used to disappointment.”

“Inconceivable!” (Interesting tidbit…this word is part of LK’s FB profile)
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

“I’ll tell you the truth and it’s up to you to live with it.”

“As you wish…”


Oh, dear! You forgot the parenthesis! Ann Elk, (Miss). Fixed it for you. :smiley:


Hey! Welcome to COTH. You’re relatively new here, I suppose you were lured in by this thread. You sound familiar, do I know you from somewhere?


I found his LLC, it is in NC and there was a lot of discussion about the fact that NJ doesn’t care about the dollar threshold or making yourself an LLC who then breaks a job into ever-smaller pieces of $499 or less as a work-around. You do renovation work? You have a license or you are owed nothing. Worse, you are possibly owing the homeowner 3x the cost. The burden is on the contractor, not the person who hired them.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹You also have to be licensed in NJ. Robert Goodwin has no professional license in NJ. I looked. I even copied and pasted the info from the website.


Thanks, MS. That’s good straight forward facts.

As for Inigo Montoya - wow. talk about false analogies. Cant you come up with a comparison to Nazis? That’s the correlation I really care about!!

The only one who says LK was shot by MB is LK. And I don’t believe her. It may come out in the trial that she was indeed shot by MB, but it will take the trial for me to believe that, not anything LK or you, her boon companion, says. MY theory is that the gun went off accidently, or was aimed at the dog, and she was shot when LK jumped on MB, or when RG jumped on MB, or perhaps was brought to the scene by LK or RG, and MB took it away from her, or him, or tried to, but everytthing was an entire mistake. So just because you’re all self rightous, doesn’t mean I believe you. But you have a right to have a theory. Just don’t shame anyone else for theirs. And shaming people on this thread because you think they wouodn’t beleive a rape victim is…just magical thinking. See how I used the elipsis there? Three dots. Back to the shaming.

Shaming people because they don’t believe LK’s story is useless. Her reputation precedes her. How and why she was shot is up for debate and unproven. So we will discuss that, with or without your indignation, thanks.


Did you notice who the principals are in this LLC? Out of interest.


Also, I believe Jonathan Kanarek is retired. If so, he no longet has a license to worry about.

LK stated she is the one who urged RG to set up the LLC to protect himself. If he were licensed in NJ and Barisone or Sweet Grass Farm failed to pay him for services rendered, then RG’s LLC would have grounds to sue. Nothing. Remember, we are talking $50,000 or thereabouts. That is quite a sum to let go unaddressed.

RG is the sole principal. Someone in TX is on the form. Resident Agent? I forget now.