Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

If, as LK said, its true that LK had RG create an LLC for his contracting work, thenn RG’s liablity for his big mess of mistakes and lack of being licensed, his liablity is very limited, and he and might get off having to pay any penalties for his mistakes.

Daddy Kanarek may have helped RG create the LLC, and advised him about contracts and how to keep him out of the liablity loop, and may have had some conversations with RG (and LK) when the work was cited as illegal and either shut down or taken apart for inspection. I would imagine that RG, LK and JK all three are on the LLC for his work, now that I think about it. If RG was actually making money, you can bet that LK wanted to receive some of it, and not getting that 50k would be a big blow to her, seeing as how she doesn’t work. That would make some sense, that all three were on the LLC, and go some way to explain why LK and JK are so involved with this disaster. Remember once LK was walking down the driveway near the barn screaming over the phone on a conversation with her father, and at MB about things?

Now add to this mess the idea that MB got some insurance money, say, for the mess that RG did, and how RG ruined things, and MB refused to pay RG? And the insurance money came his way precisely because RG made a mess of things, and perhaps fixed them? Or, the deal was to pay RG from the insurance payout from the previous winter’s pipe burst, but by the time the money showed up, RG was cited for being unlicensed, the COO was denied, the fire marshall had inspected and found umpteen hundred problems, nailed notices on the house that these parts of the property were uninhabitable, and MB refused to pay a single penny to RG? How pissed would LK be? How involved in this back and forth would JK be?

Now there’s a theory.


I believe that he was advising her on the landlord-tenant issue. What father wouldn’t?


Or he was advising her how to get the money that she felt that they were owed.

 Why would an insurance company pay out for a botched renovation job ?
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“Now you say say it gets you an [edit].”

Now now now now
You you you you
Say say


[B]We Are Walking! This is as much for all of you as it is for me!!!

Walking the Mile. Walking the Green Mile. [/B]


In the first thread didn’t LK insist all would be revealed and it involved money they (LK & RG) were owed by MB?


I think that document may have been a waiver of liability for any damage or harm that might come to her or her horses or dogs while remaining on the property. He probably saw a lawsuit coming if she stayed and she sustained an injury. His insurance would not cover someone living in a condemned house. Maybe he was afraid, rightly or not, that someone might set up an injury so that they could sue to get the money for the repairs one way or another.

I could see her twisting the “no liability” into “waiving all criminal and civil liability”.


@eggbutt Yes. But she also said it’s no ones business why MB owed them 50k. She then, when asked again, said where are you getting 50k from.

I did a cursory glance over her posts to see if I could see the ones about her yelling at her Dad on the phone.


I didn’t think I’d have to expound upon my theory presented a few days ago but unfortunately many members seem unwilling or unable to understand it.
First…I plainly said from the start it was my THEORY. Despite that several participants immediately said it sounded like a threat. And someone…Eggbutt I believe…immediately dumped on my theory by saying that is not what the USEF or SafeSport do. Oh really, Eggbutt? Why don’t you tell us about all the attempted double murders involving a big time Equestrian celebrity in which the USEF and SafeSport have been so intimately involved. Has it crossed your mind that this is such a special delicate situation that they wanna make sure they do everything right? That they may be doing things they don’t ordinarily do? That in 2020…in what was supposed to be an Olympic year…they don’t wanna be embarrassed? Remember…this is just my theory.
Further, although I didn’t mean to imply they give a damn about what any of you say individually or who you are IRL ( unless you’re a USEF official or judge, etc.) they don’t want to be seen as having any tolerance for victim shaming…again…just my theory.
So, I’ll stay with you, Eggbutt…for now.
You’ve claimed many times, including today, that you are not an MB apologist…just a person involved in a discussion about what may have happened in the matter in LK and MB. Do you think we are fools? Your comments have been 100% one sided since the beginning…and here’s why you are dangerous…in my theory, of course.
Despite the fact that MB tried to murder two people you constantly try to make the case that his victims may not have been ideal citizens. SO WHAT? He shot them?
And, since you seem to know so much about SafeSport you’ll know that much of what SafeSport deals with are allegations of sexual abuse of young girls. I suppose we can expect you to come to the defense of these sexual predators by saying “well that 10 year girl was a spoiled brat” or “ that 12 year old girl is a real bitch” or “ that 21 year old girl was expelled from school and has many disputes on SM.” You are clearly not beyond defending a rapist if you don’t like his victim because you are clearly defending a would be double murderer because you don’t like his victim!!!
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. Two days later Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Neither Ruby nor his attorneys raised the defense “well it was Oswald so it was excusable. No! That’s not a defense.
What you are doing here is NOT a non partisan discussion of a crime. It is victim shaming…just like it would be if you speaking badly of a sexual abuse victim. And that’s how the USEF and SafeSport see it. And that’s not a theory!
Just to be clear…I have no dog in this fight. I’m only interested in the sport of Equestrian and what not only the USEF will think but also what the US and International Olympic Committees will think of us.
Sorry to pick on you, Eggbutt. I certainly have no idea of your true identity and you are not alone here. But I seriously ask all of you to ask yourselves…”would you treat a victim of sexual abuse as shabbily if you had questions about her character?” I hope not.

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You are one sick puppy.


@Inigo-montoya disagreeing with your theory doesn’t mean people don’t understand it. It means people disagree.

MB is not a big time equestrian celebrity. Sorry. Also when you use the word “us” and “we” who is that referring to?

What does the IOC have to do with anything? 2020 is no longer an Olympic year. You see the world is facing a pandemic right now, and the Olympics were postponed.




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Her answer as to why she didn’t leave was that MB owed them $50,000.


Perhaps, just perhaps USEF/SS is waiting until after the trial before suspending or banning Ms Kanarek to keep from any poor optics against their organization. She may honestly think MB is the only victim who has reported her behavior. How naive. How very naive.

As far as me being pro-Barisone…it is more likely I am anti-Kanarek. Remember, I’m from NC…the state where dressage goes to die…but LK’s reputation and poor behavior is very well known.

So discussing published legal briefs is victim shaming? Got it. Discussing published 911 calls is victim shaming? Got it. Discussing the victim’s own words is victim shaming? Got it.

So glad YD and LK have company now. So many similarities but I don’t care about real identities. Such vehement passion. Good for you.

  It’s in the Barisone 911 calls.