Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Also he is establishing he perceived a real and actual threat to his person and was concerned for his own self preservation.

It’s like if you’re getting on a naughty horse on a windy day. If you’re riding such a horse and know SOMETHING might well happen - a spook, buck, etc - then if the horse so much as trips you might instinctively snatch the reins up, where you might normally not riding a 20 year old dead broke QH on a warm day.


YAY!!! @Knights Mom!!! I’ve missed you. Hope all is well.


It’s horrifying to know that in this small sample of posters there are several rape victims. With empathy, I offer my thanks to each of you for sharing your stories.
In no way do I compare the ridiculous circumstances in this rodeo from hell to your experiences. Best wishes for healing.

In regards to LK and MB, I really think they do share similar personality traits. It’s like when two fools met. Gasoline on the fire. Neither of which would ever consider backing down or compromising. Push, push, push, from both sides. Why keep up the confrontation?
I know none of the parties involved. I’m in the camp of placing equal blame. No, LK should not have been shot.


YD made a decision tree apology: if…then…which is pretty much her MO for getting to not apo-lo-gize, but then gets to say she did, didn’t you read everything?

   I do think that one can advise women to proactively avoid making themselves vulnerable to rape by pointing out that dressing too sexy, being significantly inebriated, not having access to their own means of transportation or walking alone in a sparsely traveled place at night in order to reduce the statistical chance that they are the victim of a crime like rape AND AT THE SAME TIME say that just because they chose not to take these preventative steps does NOT mean that they are at fault or responsible for having been raped. 

    Do you think that providing advice to women on how they can proactively limit their exposure to rape, even if the advice involves, if taken, guys down on their person freedom to dress how they want, drink how they want, walk wherever they want, in and of itself constitutes victim blaming? I don’t. 

    If you think that advising a woman on proactive measures she can talk to reduce the probability that she is a victim is, in and of itself, victim blaming, that is where we disagree. 

     I have only one experience of rape, and the nature of my experience was that there was not an issue of victim blaming. I don’t really have control over the exact conditions under which I was raped. 

      I said I would delete the post, or not, as you prefer.  Until I hear from you that you would like it deleted, I will leave it.   I have apologized, several times, for misunderstanding what you were saying. 

       I still think the victim blaming of LK on this thread is analogous to victim blaming of a rape victim. I understand lots of posters don’t agree.

Aaaand, I’m dead! :lol::lol::lol:


There is yet another sociopath on this thread and that sociopath will follow and get nastier no matter how many threads are stopped or started. I was married to a sociopath and my heart is beating fast, have a sick stomach and shortness of breath reading those posts. Sorry, I don’t know how they are allowed to post on this/these boards.

   See last sentence. Apology to Grand Prix for misunderstanding her post.

Woman, you need to stop taking us to church or I’m going to have to tithe.

I’m just going to compliment you on your ability to be eloquent and focused while you shut down Grade A asshattery like a boss. And all while generously bringing your experience to bear in a way that helps us all (well, those open to genuine reason and wisdom) gain valuable insight into something that effects far, far too many. You have shown such grace under BS here today.

I wish you peace, the beverage of your choice tonight, and a good night’s sleep. You’ve done yeowoman’s work here today and, while the task is Sisyphean, thanks for setting things to right.


I wonder if there’s some BB wheel of fortune that is spun in order to come up with new tactics?

spin Say You’re Being Bullied
spin Say You Know Who Posters Are IRL
spin Nazi Comparison
spin Answer Question with Question
spin Apologize By Implying It’s The Poster’s Fault For Being Offended

Just wondering.


How will we know how the trial is proceeding?

Media reports?

I’m guessing it won’t be Pay-Per-View!




Honestly, now that you post this, it’s the only thing that even vaguely makes sense. Though you forgot:

spin Apology by way of, “IF x, then I apologize” scrupulously not admitting to having done x.


Have no fear…the “threadstarter” will tell you!!!


Well, hold up. Given that lawyer’s website, pay-per-view doesn’t seem entirely off the table.

All of your symptoms can occur with Covid.

Okay everyone, take a deep breath, click this link, close your eyes and recenter. (Those who “don’t bother” don’t need to participate.)


Yay, threadstarter! Didnt Steven King write a story about you? No? Well, he shoulda done!

Threadstarter, scourge of the karkerkrek!

Ooh, that kind of makes you sound like a pirate!


Better than a king slayer although I’d love to have a dragon.


Unfortunately prosecutors have to deal with personalities that are worse than her.