Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

For your reading pleasure, here is the preliminary statement of the attorneys for Sweetgrass Farm regarding their recent court action:
The parties in this matter are not on a level playing field. Defendant Sweet Grass Farm,
LLC (“SGF”) comes before this Court seeking an Order to rectify that situation. Specifically, on March 2, 2021, SGF served a subpoena on the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office seeking
Plaintiff’s social media postings as well as police reports, witness statements, and other parts of their investigative file. The documents sought are already in possession of one party to the
action (Barisone) and were authored, in part, by Plaintiff. Nonetheless, the Morris County
Prosecutor’s Office has refused to comply with SGF’s subpoena absent an Order from this Court. SGF is entitled to possess all of the same information that the other parties in this litigation possess. SGF is willing to take the requested information pursuant to a Confidentiality Order. Therefore, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office has no legitimate reason not to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena. As a result, SGF hereby moves before the Court for an Order compelling the compliance with its subpoena.
As the Court is well aware, this case is inextricably intertwined with the pending criminal
prosecution of Defendant Michael Barisone (“Barisone”) for the same incident that forms the
basis of Plaintiff’s Complaint. SGF has no desire to interrupt and/or interfere with the County’s prosecution of Mr. Barisone. Rather, SGF simply seeks copies of records that were: 1) authored by the Plaintiff and previously placed in the public domain; and/or 2) already produced by the Prosecutor’s Office to at least one other party in this litigation (Barisone).
By way of background, Plaintiff’s Complaint alleges that on August 7, 2019, Plaintiff
was shot by Defendant Michael Barisone on the premises owned by SGF. Plaintiff’s allegations against SGF sound in: 1) strict premises liability (a count that is unsustainable as a matter of law and will be the subject of future Summary Judgment motion); and 2) negligent security. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff was a frequent poster on Facebook and made
numerous statements about her interactions with Defendant Barisone and the incident in question
prior to and after August 7, 2019. For reasons unknown, the postings in question are no longer available on Plaintiff’s Facebook page.
On October 16, 2020, SGF served upon Plaintiff interrogatories and a request for the
production of documents. Those discovery request specifically requested copies of Plaintiff’s
social media postings on Facebook related to the incident and/or Barisone. (See Certification of Counsel (“Counsel Cert.”) at “Exhibit A”).
On February 19, 2021, Plaintiff responded that she did not have copies of the postings in
her possession. (Id.). Upon information and belief, the Morris County Prosecutor’s office is in possession of 19,000 pages of contemporaneously made statements about the incident and Defendant Barisone posted by the Plaintiff on her Facebook account and other social media platforms. (See CounselCert. at “Exhibit B”).
In fact, the Plaintiff’s Facebook postings are referenced in the August 3, 2019 9-1-1 call
placed by Defendant Barisone. (
Upon information and belief, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office has already
produced these exact records to Defendant Barisone in conjunction with discovery in the
criminal prosecution.

On March 2, 2021, SGF served a subpoena on the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office
seeking Plaintiff’s social media postings as well as police reports, witness statements, and other parts of their investigative file. (See Counsel Cert. at “Exhibit C”).
In response, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office has refused to turn over the requested
documents at this time absent an Order from this Court. (See Counsel Cert. at “Exhibit D”).
Production of the requested documents to SGF would in no way prejudice or otherwise
interfere with the prosecution of Barisone’s criminal action because: 1) production can be made subject to a Confidentiality Order; and 2) the documents in question are already in the possession
of one party (Barisone) and were authored, in part, by another party (Kanarek).
The parties are attempting to schedule Ms. Kanarek’s deposition, but cannot do so when
there are hundreds, if not thousands of relevant statements about the incident that have not been
produced to SGF and are not available to SGF by any other means. As a result, SGF makes the
instant application.


In reading all these posts, I have come to realize I HATE this new format. Too many posts that are repeated over and over and over, The old one was much better.

Oh, and YD is really, really annoying…


LOL indeed. I find it somewhat amusing that those who constantly employ those tactics seem to think that they are free to do so despite any pesky “rules”. And then fuss when said rules actually apply to them.

Most of the people reading these threads (which have become a personal soap box for a few posters who are not connected to anything or anyone in the case in any way) just rolled their eyes at the ID speculations and discarded that nonsense - no matter who was making such claims.

Many posters sincerely suggested to LaLa that she was not helping herself with her posts - some of which were… well, rambling and inappropriate.

Sharing personal info on another poster who is not known publicly on the forum - whether to “just one” or a hundred or hinting at it in posts… well, that is one of those darn pesky “rules” again. Go figure.

But hey - one can always PM others to… suggest that they refrain from publicly posting their “sincere personal pleas” that the thread and the forum not get shut down due to personal bickering… and tell them that expressing their “observations and concerns” is not welcome.



I’m not sure COTH would have any obligation to disclose if its records had been subpoenaed in private civil litigation.


Is a publicly posted professional profile considered “personal”?

You’re right that it seems that the key is that half-assed speculating on someone’s identity as a way to mock them is fine, especially if all your guesses are wrong, but connecting the extensive dots a poster provides in the course of bragging about her professional status is unacceptable if you are correct, even if you don’t post it. But now we know.

I still don’t understand how the droves of demeaning and insulting personal comments directed at LK in thousands of posts is A-OK with the mods, and my looking at a poster’s LinkIn profile and revealing neither the information nor the identity is offensive. Are you saying that sharing all the “information” on Lauren is OK because her identity is known, despite the username, while finding professional information on an poster still anonymous to the forum is not? That seems backwards. To the extent that I understand it, I think that there is safety in numbers. If the there’s a gang bullying LK, the mods can’t keep it in control except by shutting the thread.

Can you find a place in the posted rules that says one cannot guess someone’s identity and look up their publicly posted profile? I couldn’t. Learning by doing.

Can you find a place in the rules where it says that publicly posting a PM from someone is, or is not, OK? I couldn’t. Proper email etiquette is that one does not forward an email to a new recipient without first getting the author’s permission.

Another possibility is that if COTH was subpoenaed regarding posts on Barisone, perhaps they’re belatedly tightening the moderation.

The complication is that it appears that the issue is that the SGF’s defense on Lauren’s suit that SGF is responsible for Barisone having a gun is that IF it was known or likely that Lauren had brought a gun to NJ, then her having a gun is partly responsible for the Cox gun being present, and the culpability of SGF is diminished. It’s COTH posts on the issue of LK having a gun in NJ and bragging about guns that they’re interested in.

On that issue, the criminal defense would also be interested in establishing that Barisone may have reasonably thought LK’s having a gun in NJ, if she did, was a threat. The court order was that the criminal prosecution hand over the material to the SGF lawyers. It’s an issue on which the criminal and civil cases overlap.

I think.

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After spending about two decades on various internet forums, there seems to be a general rule of thumb regarding sharing the identities of users: users are free to publicize their own identity at will. Once they have made their identity public, there is nothing stopping anyone from searching for them or for other public profiles.
It is considered extremely rude to publicize the identity of a user if they have not already done so. This includes sharing that information with others, posting the identity publicly, or messaging them with an “I know who you are” type message. Different boards have different rules. I don’t see anything in the COTH forum rules about sharing personal information, other than keeping personal matters within private messages.
LaLa made her identity known. Dropping credentials is not the same as identifying yourself.


Is COTH obligated to members of the forum to let them know that their identities are being made public?


Re: the bolded… the incident was very public and in the news. Lauren made herself known. She said who she was - so even people who did not know at first (like me) were made aware. She went into details about the case that were probably best left unposted… and many of us voiced concerns about that… SINCERELY and with concern. It was not all a gang bullying - as you seem to insist while holding yourself up as Lauren’s great protector… or something of the sort. There were a few belligerent posters. Not everyone - as you always imply.

You can look up anything about anyone that you like… but sharing it is frowned upon on most if not all forums. Minus the insane political ones where anything goes and conspiracies are the norm. Some posters had personal links to their farms etc. on their posts as a signature for a long while - Manni comes to mind at the moment. Most do not and did not. Some posters freely share their info and basically announce themselves (a bad example of that is Nick P) - most do not. It is not your place (or mine) to decide who should be outed and whose credentials should be shared and/or sneered at…

“Belatedly tightening the moderation” !! … maybe you need to read the TOS/disclaimers again.

@Mersidoats - great post.


Which one is it? Did you share the user’s info and/or name with someone else on this site or not?

Here’s the thing, YD - Lauren has been quite transparent that LaLaPopRider or whatever is her user name on this site. Most posters here choose a user name that allows a level of anonymity. It should be up to that user if they want their identity shared with others on this forum, either publicly or via PMs. If you’ve got the time and inclination to try and figure it out, well that says more about you than the user you “outed”.


Honestly LK is her own worst enemy on this forum. Whenever she comes on being irrational, hostile, threatening, inconsistent in key details and facts, bragging, taunting, and returning to old threads to stir the pot, well, her posts make it clear that anything negative said about her by folks with a closer view of the action is true.


Re bolded. I looked up the professional credentials of a poster who constantly bragged about her professional credentials and told other posters, including but not limited to me, not to post on subjects in “her” field. I shared her educational credentials with one poster by PM. It was one of the insane political ones where you claim “anything goes” and “conspiracies are the norm**

Apparently it is not the case that “anything goes”, even in the insane political threads when someone in the minority does something “frowned upon”. On the other hand, even in the dressage forum, a significant gang can lob insults at and disparage a single target with impunity. You’ve pretty much confirmed that the application of the (discretionary) standards depends a lot of whether you’re in the majority (or significant group) or small minority or singleton.

Your last point: just that the moderating is at the moderator’s discretion? Well obviously. I just understand better the application of the discretion.

I agree that it’s all the moderator’s discretion, and perhaps easier to resolve these conflicts in favor of the majority. This will of course amplify the lopsided nature of these (non) discussions as more of the few people in the minority leave, but perhaps that is what they want.

I never really thought of “majority rules” in a discussion. But now I see it.


Aside from all of the nonsense, it would have to be proved that the poster posted the “defamatory” message and not one of those pesky houseguests.


I’m sorry, but that’s creepy. I don’t care if someone on here wants to tell me that they turn into a werewolf monthly. I can agree, or disagree, but I damn sure am not going to cyber stalk them over it.

No one owes you any explanations. This is a discussion forum. You learn whose comments have gravitas in any given topic, and whose don’t. You learn who is likely to beat a topic to death, just because they believe that they have a right to. You got banned because of some pretty shady actions. Obviously, you take pride in what you did. That, in and of itself, may be the real issue.


I shared the educational creds with one poster, but not the identity. A couple others requested the information by PM and I did not respond. I shared none of it publicly.

I have wanted to maintain my anonymity, and therefore and guarded about what identifying information I disclose. Despite my wanting you remain anonymous, numerous posters publicly attempted to out me, numerous times. It happens they were wrong. To me, it seems the offense lies in the attempt, even if one takes a swing and misses. Sort of like attempted murder - it’s the thought that counts.

Yes, Lauren dropped anonymity. But the information publicly posted on the forum has been highly personal and, I think, a lot of it untrue.

As the NYT article made clear, the viciousness of the bullying and victim blaming was in full swing while she was still in a medically induced coma, do the first part of the thread can hardly be blamed on her behavior.

If you reveal information about someone, does it matter if it is true? Is calling her a probable heroin addict OK if it’s just snark, and not if it’s true? Or OK if it’s true but not if it’s false?

It had not occurred to me that looking up someone’s LinkedIn profile was cyberstalking. But now I know.

Re bolded. I don’t see anything about it in the rules, either. I shared one piece of information on her educational creds with one poster in a private message. She herself had made a big deal of her educational credentials in telling other posters whose advanced degrees were not in the correct field they should not post.

In these threads (not just this one, not just this poster) I have wonder if people are combative just to be that difficult person (is that some how fun?) or if they really are that clueless about things.
Sometimes it is hard to guess what the right answer is.

On topic - It is good to see that something is moving forward. Hopefully the criminal case is doing the same.


Why has this turned into the YD thread, yet again? Does anyone really care why she has been banned from a forum? Please engage the Ignore option and stop feeding her need for attention and derailing thread obsessions.