Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Or you can “ban” them yourself by using the ignore function. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you want to eliminate certain posters from the mix, it would need to be in CE, not OT


WHOOOPS!! You’re right, I’ll fix it. :face_with_monocle: :grimacing:

Wait, which is it? I seem to recall that a contentious poster was recently banned from OT. Maybe it was CE, but I can’t find the thread/post now. Do the mods include CE when they ban someone from OT?

Edited to add: Fixed the earlier post.


From a thread in Current Events:


What?! I remember the HUGE fuss she made when someone wondered if she was a relative of LK. She went on and on and on about how, isn’t guessing at identities not allowed? I’m going to report it to the mods and let them answer. Etc., etc. She made such a big deal about it.

How then did she go so much further and actually dig up someone’s personal info after kicking up such a fuss when someone merely speculated about hers? That’s a stunning level of hypocrisy.


Would you expect anything less?


Yes, I asked whether publicly speculating on identities was permitted, and told by the mods “yes”.

I was speculated to be Lauren, her mother, her father, her sister. All OK. All incorrect.

I figured out another poster’s identity, did not post it and looked at her publically posted professional profile on LinkedIn. Did not disseminate the professional information publically, and PMed exactly one other poster with information on her academic credentials.

Meanwhile, a non anonymous gun shot victim can be publically accused of being mentally ill, a heroin addict, and a former escort who took a shot at a former boyfriend. All OK with the mods, apparently.

Go figure.

It’s like covid, if we all got vaccinated with the ignore feature, it would go away taking it’s mutating behavior with it.


If we start a thread in CE please someone send me a private message. I have CE blocked. I would hate to miss out on updates on this topic just because they are hidden away in the CE section.


The papers filed by the defense made allegations about LK. WE did not. What WE did is simply discuss what the defense asserted just like what’s done WITH EVERY SINGLE DEFENSE/CASE THAT MAKES IT TO THE PUBLIC’S ATTENTION.

This case is not special because these things are being discussed. Any case spoken of in the media or on the news on TV or in social media has these things discussed.

The difference here is that usually the real life participants know better than to become involved with what’s in the media and social pages and they don’t threaten or harass folks discussing the case.


Here perhaps YD this will help you to understand. And this is why folks involved with the case usually don’t sway public attention against their side of the story. THIS IS DONE SO THE DEFENDANT RECEIVES A FAIR TRIAL.

Click on the box for further explanation.


I woke up to YD quoting some of my old posts. I wonder what that game is. Lordy, how tiresome. Honestly, after being set down like that and banned from part of the board, I’d have left or at least I’d be trying to make myself more likable and welcome here - more part of the community.

But, some people have no shame so I guess that’s that.


I’m confused about what you’re saying here. By the defense do you mean Barisone’s defense in the civil suit? Who is we?

There were a number of threads that predated the court filings. I don’t see how the posts on LK in those threads could have been a discussion of a defense filing. Has the defense in the criminal case made allegations?

I don’t see how posts on Lauren owning guns matters for anything unless it was stated or implied that she had a gun in NJ.

Do not respond, do not respond, do not respond…

(me reminding myself to not feed into the trollish behavior.)


YD clearly you are intentionally being obtuse. You can dwell there yourself.


YD’s sole intention is to get this thread closed (how they continue to open back up is anyone’s guess). I have her on my Ignore list and scroll on by the “content ignored” notice. I learned from this thread in the past few days that a person you my have blocked or ignored can still see and respond to your posts. I’m not sure I like that but so be it.

Don’t feed the troll, walk on by, no one deserves to be shot even if they provoke the daylights out of someone!


Can someone please tell me when and how I’ll be served? I want to make sure I don’t have manure in inappropriate places when it happens! LOL!


To get us back on track, here is a screen shot from one of the recent briefs regarding deleting posts on SM. It is interesting how quickly all those ugly posts of hers disappeared from FB. Of course, I believe she said “she” didn’t delete anything from FB.


Is it possible for a moderator to clarify here if names and personal information from this bulletin board have been supoened or released for any reason? @Moderator_1

It would be nice to have the truth clarified here as there as been so much speculation. Why not go directly to the source!

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I do not think the moderation staff simply reads threads. If you want them to read you have to tag them or flag a post.