Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Why would COTH be subpoenaed on any issue other than to reveal the identity of posters? Why would COTH be subpoenaed regarding LKs identity? The order compelling her to submit her COTH posts also asked she stipulate that she was LaLa PopRider. It’s hard to imagine her denying it.

While the criminal case is state of NJ vs Barisone, the civil case is Kanarek vs Barisone and others.

Rest assured I will never send you a message. But you should definitely block me if you’re worried.

Despite COTH saying that they are not responsible for what posters post, they provided lax moderation during the initial thread (while the gun shot victim was in the hospital in a coma). The bullying and victim blaming was apparently severe enough to warrant space in the NYT, complete with illustrative quote from @eggbutt.

It seems unlikely to me that COTH lawyers would consider it a good move to have the forum ban her.

Why would posters need to be revealed? No one here assaulted her or is being accused of assaulting her. No one here is being sued civilly for the assault. No one is a witness. No one is a perp.

There is absolutely not one iota of justification to subpoena anyone here on any existing case.

As for any potential case, well I’ve already dismissed that citing the issues.


If Barisone’s defense has to do with his “snapping” mentally due to her cyber bullying, then her SM posts could be relevant. But they would need to be considered in the context of the whole thread, i.e., the other posts and posters. Posts by Barisone insiders are relevant, but how do you know who is an insider without the irl identity?

If you read over these threads you find general speculation and second hand accounts like you find on any true crime news chat, much milder than most. And then there are random posts from the victim, most of which are internally contradictory and often incoherent.

All of this occurred after the incidents that are the focus of both the criminal trial and the civil suits.

If various lawyers want all of LK’s social media posts to paint a fuller picture of her mental state and intentions and self presentation, they will need to read the threads these posts are embedded in.

I doubt anyone can make a case that other people’s chat threads that started after the incident carry any responsibility for the incident. And neither MB nor anyone legally involved in his side has appeared here so there’s nothing to mine for a picture of their mental state.

So I doubt anyone would be launching a lawsuit against COTH or its members for damages. The most damaging things on these threads are the posts LK makes as herself because they help paint the picture of her claimed in the suit by MB upthread. Which might suggest a line for the criminal defence lawyers to pursue as well.

I hope LK’s PM are part of the package of SM that are taken into consideration.


I did my bit to provide information re: Lauren’s behavior (Lauren’s PMs to me) to anyone with a legal interest in the cases. Including her attorneys.

ETA for clarity: No attorneys have contacted me regarding this case (or any other). My decision to post her PMs to me publicly is what I referred to when I wrote that I provided information re: Lauren’s behavior. Including anyone who was hired to represent her.


YD: Totally not relevant and no matter how hard you try you cannot make it relevant. Also subpoena power from lower courts don’t cross state lines unless it’s like an interstate UCCJA type of case which this is not. There is therefore no power or authority to compel a gosh darn thing from out of state entities or people.

The People of the State of NJ is the Plaintiff in the criminal case. The D.A. couldn’t care less about what folks post with the apparent exception of MAYBE the genesis of the gun OR that MB brought a gun because he thought LK had a gun due to her online postings saying so as evidenced by other posters also reading it. . Apparently how the gun got there and/or state of mind is a sticky spot and that’s why posts saying they read that LK spoke of guns has been quoted. I’m just guessing. But no the D.A. won’t subpoena anyone either.

As for the Civil case, no one here has any relevancy at all. So no subpoena there either.


By the suit by MB, are you referring his counter suit in LKs civil suit against MB, SGF and Ruth Cox? Everybody is suing, counter suing and cross suing everyone else.

If posts by LK are pertinent to this web of lawsuits, it seems the posts she was responding to are also pertinent. I don’t understand why you see Lauren’s posts in isolation as useful for anything.

LKs posts show state of mind.

No one else here is relevant as they are not named in any case. Therefore their posts are not relevant either. No one here EXCEPT LK is a plaintiff or defendant in any case.


Why is Lauren’s state of mind after the shooting relevant?

I am guessing the point they are making is that Lauren shared what her state of mind was, before the shooting.

Edit to add: to clarify my poorly structured sentence - After the shooting, Lauren shared here what her world was like before the shooting


On another note, can you believe Bill Cosby has been released?

Walk on by @Knights_Mom. Arguing with one of these posters generally is exhausting and not worth the time.


Actually, she posted a couple months before the shooting how fortunate she was to be training with Barisone.

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Shows pattern of behavior


Yes, this ^^

LK’s PMs are classic Lauren (remember Joey?). This is how she has operated for years…demand and threaten. Absolutely her behavior before and after the shooting is relevant, especially against total strangers.

I can imagine some close to Lauren (family and attorneys) have told her to stop her harassment and late night posts. She can’t and she won’t apparently.


Actually, it was a year before the shooting.


Oh my… I thought there must be an update to see so many posts in the thread.

Same old thing. Those messages are horrible though. Wow.


I was surprised, but then the USA Women’s Soccer Team still doesn’t have equal pay!


Just a suggestion, but…since this thread will probably end up locked, perhaps any NEW threads (yes, I realize that this is an old thread bumped up) on this topic could be started in the CURRENT EVENTS^ forum instead of the Dressage forum? (Thanks for the correction BigMama and Joanne.) For one thing, some posters have been banned from CE but not elsewhere on COTH so it might help reduce the odds that a thread gets locked, and possibly reduce the pedantic bickering that takes away from the actual discussion.