Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

There are two active court cases. I was assuming the subpoenas were issued in conjunction with one of them. LK mentioned “two birds with one stone”, which I took to mean identities obtained via one of the court cases would be useful for a future defamation action.

What is your interpretation of “two birds with one stone”?

Regardless of the nomenclature, they are messages conveyed privately to a single user as opposed to conveyed by public post.

It was an honest question. I don’t know what the forum rule is.

Then I can’t imagine you have anything to worry about.

Here is a link for you, in case you also did not know where to find them.


Oh, I know where to find the official rules. I always find it amusing that one of the rules is that “insults, diatribes, and sniping comments are … unacceptable”.


I did not see where the rules specifically address the issue of publicly posting a private Message.

As I posted previously I was at no point worried. But I do have half a dozen posts from LK trying to make me worried. Desperately trying.

There seems to be an ever growing list of people getting threatening messages.


Posts or PMs? So block her.

I did at that time.


I was just looking at the number of views on the thread. I cannot believe that Lauren has looked at this thread over 100K times! :rofl: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


No, I don’t think I’m confusing the criminal and civil cases. The latest development, as I understand it, is that the prosecution in the criminal case was ordered to hand over SM material to the SGF lawyers in the civil case.

If COTH has been subpoenaed to reveal the identities of posters, it would not be surprising if they have tightened up the moderating. For that reason, I agree it is safer not to post legal briefs.

The only poster whose identity is relevant to either case is LK’s. Neither case is about COTH posters being mean to her. The criminal case doesn’t give a flying flip about anything we are saying……just LK. Even if COTH was subpoenaed about the threads….it would not be to asked release our identities to them, but to confirm hers.

More to the point, the criminal case is not LK’s case against MB; it is the State of NJ’s case against MB. She is not entitled to all of the evidence that is being collected. She is a witness and nothing more.


I was inquiring about the forum rules, not the legality of it.

You’re not worried about post # 6 in this thread?

Why would there be a subpoena issued against a poster here for a case or cases that has NOTHING to do with that poster? It’s ludicrous. They are not a witness, co defendant, expert witness, etc.

It’s like issuing a subpoena on a political forum against someone who said something you don’t like. Mere words cannot adequately express how moronic the entire premise is.

And I’ve already discussed the jurisdictional issues on suing a poster. And I’ll toss in 1st Amendment protections as well.


YD why on earth would I be concerned about post #6?

I typed nothing not factual. I described what publicly available court papers spoke of. I indicated no one should be shot.


Back away. Not worth it!



I am sure if COTH had been subpoenaed to provide names we’d hear about it.

We do know LK has a long history of cyberbullying. Perhaps her PM activity should get her banned or suspended?


I can’t see either YD or LaLa’s posts and they are unable to send me messages. Ignore is a great feature.


Having @Moderator_1 close this thread again until there is actual news would solve the problem.