Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The ruling was that the district attorney’s office had to turn over SM material to SGF. Lauren had been compelled to turn over all her posts on COTH in the criminal case, so she would already have gone over it with her lawyers.

??? Of course it isn’t. I said she was ordered to turn over her COTH posts to the court.

I’m a bit surprised they her lawyers didn’t advise against communicating with posters whose identity they were having subpoenaed, though.

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There is plenty of information available online regarding the Civil case uploaded in May and early June. You might want to read it.



The screen shot posted by KM was a PM sent to her on June 5, 2021. Lauren didn’t understand the reference to the 45th** POTUS and thought KM was referring to Lauren’s age.

Within the screen shot sent to KM she infers they (“we”) know the identities of various posters, including myself.

Sorry KM - I thought the screen shots would be copied.


Subpoena me? Ha! I double dog dared her.

How about extradition? I think she should being I dared to write that I remember posts of hers which mentioned her being a gun owner.


Petty. By removing the screen shots, you deny other posters the information as well. Are you going to PM the info to everybody you like?

It sounds like COTH was subpoenaed to provide the identities of people Lauren thinks defamed her. It also sounded like the defamation charge would be stronger if a poster stated something and added that they had direct, personal knowledge of it. To determine whether the statement of direct, personal knowledge was true, a court would need to know the poster’s irl identity.

Weren’t you the one who said that the COTH threads on Barisone might be useful for his defense because all the “negative”, shall we say, posts about LK would “show the jury what Barisone was dealing with”? If that is an issue in the criminal trial, the prosecution would need to provide the context for her posts (that is, the posts she was responding to). If some of the people she claimed defamed her are somehow in Barisone’s circle, it’s going to be ugly. Of course irl identities would be needed to establish a connection, or lack thereof, with the Barisone.

Well, if everything you (g) have posted is all true, including statements of direct, personal knowledge, I can see why no one is worried.

Question: Is it allowed under forum rules to publicly post the contents of a PM?


No one here is worried.

The criminal prosecution and defense have mountains of evidence and posts. You are confusing the Civil and criminal cases.

I am not about to post 27 pages of legal briefs on this forum that you can easily search for and read for yourself. Some of us have actually taken the time to read the available-to-anyone legal documents. Some of the responses have been eye opening.


Why wouldn’t it be?


No, I think it was COTH that was subpoenaed to disclose the identities of posters, including you.

It is difficult to see how your saying she was a gun owner could be defamation. If you stated that she had a gun with her in NJ, when she didn’t, that’s more problematic.

Very similar to private messages threatening posters.


Well, I dunno, it could be an implication of the word “Private”.

Just so I’m clear - does anyone know for sure that Kanerak/Barisone/SGF/etc has actually subpoenaed COTH for any information or are we taking LK at her word on this?

Second, I’m by no means a tech specialist, but unless you’ve actually provided your personal info to COTH, the most they’d be able to provide would be IP addresses used by our user names to post here. Her legal team would then have to subpoena additional sources to acquire the location and/or owners of the IP addresses. That sounds like it could be a true waste of time and money when LK has claimed over and over to have mountains of admissible evidence without the anonymous postings on a internet BB.

But that’s just me.


Don’t want me to post a PM don’t send me threatening PMs. Easy. BTW I reported them to the mods because of the allegations that identities were released. Strange they weren’t for Peronace.

And FYI there is no Internet Court. Can we say jurisdiction, boys and girls? Where would LK sue? What if you ignored the subpoena? Who would issue the subpoena?

The whole notion is ridiculous.


I got a PM threatening legal action as well. Blocked her.


Your ignorance here is showing. Subpoenas are court actions. No one can subpoena someone without an active legal case. That involves a process or filing a suit, serving notice, and issuing discovery. LK is not suing COTH or any of it’s members in order to get a subpoena issued to confirm their identity online and none of us are parties to the MB cases to justify a subpoena to confirm our identity.


YD you mean the same “private” implication like illegally installing cameras on property you do not own? Like that?


So is that a “yes”?

What is “very similar to private messages threatening posters”?

I do believe they are called messages here. The P part is just people with old habits.


I stated that SHE POSTED SHE HAD GUNS. Many people saw it. I have screenshots of folks agreeing they saw it too. At least half a dozen.