Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Make a decision Lauren. Serve me for expressing my opinions on a BB or knock it off. Make up your mind too - either you don’t know who I am (June 29) or you do (posts elsewhere).


She told me in PMs she knows who we ALL are. That COTH released our identities. At least that’s what I was told in a recent PM assault. So which one is it?


Cool. I wonder if she’ll serve me… at my farm.
EIEIOh damn!


@Moderator_1 another old thread that got unlocked in the changeover


There was some new stuff in the other thread that got locked (even with new stuff).


I still say that whackadoodles are tough to deal with. This particular whackadoodle has also told me that there is always “someone watching”. I wish that I actually gave a rat’s ass.


Isn’t the harassment of members a banning offense? Remember which side felt they needed to move into a barn?

These threads are old and posters generally silent on the subject except when a certain someone brings it all back up by looking to see if the old threads are unlocked….


In this case I noted that a thread was unlocked since Lauren apparently overlooked it. I don’t play PM games and anything she has to say to me privately can be shared publicly.


If I had to guess, I think she is going thru every thread, post by post. She most likely simply had not gotten to this one yet.


That is beside the point….she took it upon herself to PM you about posts in a 2 year old thread, that she brought back up so she could start stuff all over again. And what she is sending to Knights_Mom is clearly threatening to a whole list of posters. (Tip: everyone should ignore her in PM) Enough is enough. The moderators are clearly done with this topic, and so are most of the posters.


It seems to me that the timing is related to events going on in the cases.


That makes sense.
In the other thread it was said that there is a recent ruling about posts on social media and forums being handed over in the civil case. If it was my civil case I would be going back and reading what I posted to refresh my memory so I know what I said, no surprises.


Isn’t the COTH post in which she says she doesn’t know who you are from fall 2019?

The screen shots above are of private messages, and it looks like they are a day apart.


She’s been PM tons of members. The bafflegab she sent me doesn’t even make any sense. Not worth my time to respond to


If ya’ll think she is so crazy maybe realize there is a LOT going on here, and also trauma carries its own issues. If you think she has serious mental health issues which by most of the posters here many posters claim over and over she does, how do you not realize piling on someone in that state is not in any way helpful and in fact turns you into the exact person you are claiming she is.

I don’t think playing into things is making you look any better. Block and move on.


I suspect that when she can’t get her itch scratched in a open thread she pulls out old posts and starts attacking via PMs. I’ve certainly been an object of her attention via PM, with thinly veiled threats of legal action.

I won’t play via PM, which I made plainly clear to her, so she’ll leave me alone for a bit, then pull out another couple of posts to PM about and start in again.


Wasn’t Lauren required by court order to produce all of her posts on COTH? She would have to go over each of the old threads.

Sdel, I have more PMs from her too. All threatening, all demeaning, all laughed at by me.


YD I don’t believe PMing me to attempt to degrade me and threaten me is court ordered. That is just bad behavior.