Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

It is. They seem to believe they are here to school the rest of us and hold their moral superiority over our heads. Oh well, to each there own.


Patrick Swayze.

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Tommy Lee Jones

This is true. When someone made a reference to Anne Elk, I thought it was a real person! I also did not bother to look at the clip provided to explain the joke!

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Yes. that is exactly what I said. Learn caterpillar, learn. If you don’t bother to know what you are talking about, you present yourself as a fool. :yes:


I retract my apology.

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If you know what I think and don’t care, why do you keep asking me questions?


Strangely, I’m not embarrassed to be ignorant of Anne Elk, Joe Exotic, or Princess Bride.

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That’s too bad. A broad knowledge of literature and culture are helpful when communicating with others.

A quote to remember, (especially when you are unfamiliar with what is being said and have not bothered to research) is: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” :wink:



Man, how is this thread still open?

And to @HeckYesAnAlter maybe creating an alter for your vents and snark is helping you through this time or alleviates some sort of stress. I hope that you are well. You’re free to express your opinion, so I’m not hating there.

wow, what a snotty remark. I have never seen the Princess Bride nor have I read the other people you mention yet I manage to do quite well in my communication because I don’t feel the need to pretend I’m smarter than them.

LOL, it seems the other two mentioned are also t.v. characters. I guess I should watch more T.V. to be smarter!


The more I think about the theory concerning MB’s girlfriend being the real target the more I like it. I agree that like most women she tended to go after women…MB was protecting his woman and her kids, not just himself.


yd is such a buzzkill. I come on here intending to catch up, and I last about 10 seconds after I see one of her lame posts. Just can’t stomach it anymore even though I want to read what the other 99% of the posters are writing. I couldn’t even get through page 146. (this page).
There, I said it.


That s the point. She’s making it about her.



Until you have a toddler in your home.

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Question for the smart people - if you retract something you did not do, does that mean you have now done it?


I took at it more as - if you do not understand a reference in a post why not look it up or bother to read any of the information given by the large number of posts that follow it.
You do not have to like any of those things to be willing to get the references.
(I have only seen Princess Bride once and I thought it was weird, I looked up some of the Monty Python references since it has been 30 years since I watched my last Monty Python skit, etc.)


And you do exactly the same thing, but with/to COTH posters who suggest that LK bears some responsibility for her own words and actions that lead to the faltering relationship between herself and MB et Al … perhaps to the precipice even of that final altercation.

You take what they write, decide you don’t like it, and stretch it like Mrs Incredible to become what the poster never said, meant, implied, nor hinted at. Refuse to look at details, known facts claiming people are inventing things, invent things yourself … Refuse to recognize that any course of events is as likely as the ones you’ve personally endorsed…


Well that is not what she said so I stand by my remark, it’s snotty to think we should all be on the same page as someone else when it comes to literature etc. I read a lot but don’t expect everyone else to enjoy what I read and look up quotes I may use in a conversation. I will usually refrain from using the quote unless I know they get it, or I will explain it.
Sorrow floats for example…my mom and I loved The Hotel New Hampshire and quote a lot of stuff from that book to each other. If I tossed it out there to a lot of my friends they wouldn’t get it. So what?

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This topic can be opened when there is further documented progress in the case.