Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

OK, so now you are admitting that you did “sarcastically [say] something snarky about how proud [you were] to make the NYT”.

So, you’re confirming what you demanded documentation of a minute ago.

Gee, when Eggbutt orders me to “Not mention me again or attempt to quote me at all”, in all CAPS no less, my immediate response is to get right on it.


Once again, you have reading comprehension issues. The question wasn’t about the vipers, it was about the human killed. Were they responsible for their death or were they accountable for their death? Did the human deserve what happened to her? Did the human do anything to prevent or provoke what happened?

See, in your world, it’s all about LK is right and pure as the driven snow and Barisone and all others are the evil bad people who try to paint your buddy in a different light. No one has said Miss Kanarek deserved to be shot. No one. But, even as the lawyers have stated, sometimes one has an obligation to remove oneself from perceived danger before it bites you in the butt.


Actually I don’t care who you are. Just find it weird you created an alter to snark. To each their own.


Philosophical question: if one doesn’t watch Colbert’s show, is MB still a celebrity ?


So much for the moderator handling offensive, divisive and malicious posters - I can’t believe these horrible posters are allowed to post on these threads. Makes me question the integrity of COTH and the moderators. It’s disgraceful. Shame on you COTH for allowing this vitriol from these obviously malicious LK interlopers. I too am out! PEACE


Philosophy? :smiley:


🤔 if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?

My experience with philosophy is summed up in a pair of socks I bought from work, “PhiSLOTHophy. Can’t reach it, don’t need it.”


?? Why so antagonistic? Why so combative? Why on earth do you think that everyone on this thread that you may not agree with is some kind of a “pack” that will “come after you”? Why would anyone bother with that?

Most of us are just here to discuss and follow what has become a very involved and intricate case. Most of us are not insulting or going after anyone - including LK - nor are we seeking to get the thread(s) closed, constantly asserting our vast superiority in assorted ways… or doing anything other than simply following events. We do not give a rip who anyone’s other ID is, why they decided they needed an alter - or who anyone is in real life. We also are not on any “sides” - not pro MB, not pro LK. Apparently none of that is permitted as we are subjected to taunts and sneers and comments like the one I quoted above… why is that exactly?

I get very tired of having others tell me how I think, who I “support”, how I would act, how I should act… and all in a superior “tone” that says more about the poster than those they seek to condemn.


I’ve wondered the same thing. Consider Kanarek’s comments, repeated ad nauseum - “You’ll have to wait for the trial to find out!” and “All will be revealed in the trial! Just wait!”

Its as though she thinks this trial is going to be filmed and play out on TV or something. She’s a nobody from some backwater nowhere. Why would any of this be public? We’ll be lucky to get reports about the procedings from news media. I doubt even that.


Maybe the Chronicle will send one of their area reporters to cover the trial. Or gosh, even the ace reporter with many errors, Sarah Nir, will cover it. For sure will have someone there and might do daily updates.


To answer your question in a serious manner, no, I would not have known who Barisone was if not for his Colbert T.V. stint.

I didn’t realize who he was after the shooting, until someone connected the name to the Colbert show.

I remember thinking he was a good sport for doing the show, and for putting Colbert on a horse, at the time the show aired. It was obvious though, that it was not the first time Colbert has been on a horse. :yes:


You cannot make this stuff up. A self-identified victims’ advocate and crusader against victim blaming who browbeats another woman about this.

I haven’t commented on this, YD, because it has nothing to do with the distinction between active escalation of interpersonal conflict by multiple parties and inherently one-sided forms of violence that I addressed in my first post on this thread.

As tantalizing as I find your offer to end further discussion if I simply let you put words in my mouth, it works more to your advantage than mine to take the shovel out of your hand before you dig yourself into an even deeper credibility void. And yet you are not worth a moment of lost sleep to me, so I’m afraid I must end the discussion anyway. Bonne nuit.


LK needs to control her social media postings because she is trying to prosecute a case important to her, and her social media postings collectively create such a web of lies that her stories about what happened to her have been proven, my her social media postings, to be lies. Of course, she doesn’t’ have to. We just wonder, agog, why she doesn’t stop for her own sake. Why she doesn’t of her own accord think it would be prudent to stop putting crazy shite on Social Media. And, then we wonder further why her legal team doesn’t stop her. But she doesnt have to stop.

If wwe talk about her, eh, who cares? We dont’ have to follow the obvious rules of “stay off social media and don’t talk about your case” because we don’t have a case pending in the courts.

Your snide sarcasm dosn’t do you any favors. You sound pretty toxic yourself. In fact, you apparently created an alter to make toxic snide comments, not to contribute to the conversation. Don;t worry, there isn’t any pack mentality out to bget you. You aren’t the topic of this thread. Are you?


So since you are so morally superior to the rest of us, why are you actually here?


Thanks for confirming that you stand by the NYT quote. No apology, fake or genuine, is offered.

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They floated over from a COVID-19 thread on the H/J forum discussing when shows, etc might start back up. There was friction there too.


This is truly a super question for several posters on this thread, isn’t it, Mom?

   In the actual Barisone/Kanarek tragedy, I do not fault LK for proceeding on the assumption that Barisone was in control of his actions as is normally expected of a human adult. 

    If she had been so bizarrely ungenerous as to believe he had the moral and ethical standards of a reptile, I think she may well have left out of self preservation 

     I don’t think Barisone is innately evil. I think he committed a very serious violent crime for which he is wholly responsible.
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Actually, most all of us know what you think and honestly don’t care.


Bo Derek
Wayne Newton

…although they might be celebrities who became equestrians. (Whoops, Skydy beat me to it.)