Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)


No. Not even close


No, I did not. Find the post where I said I was “proud of the quote”. I am sick to death of your inaccurate accusations. Put up or shut up darlin’. I know exactly what I said. Come on, you brought this on, now finish it. Either provide the post where I said I was “proud of the post” or stop posting. Period. I think I’ll have plenty of others to back me up on this demand.


What would make you (and others here who hate her) satisfied that LK is held accountable? More hundreds of pages on forums and other social media about how much you loath her, or is there some atonement you have in mind? It’s obvious that several months and hundreds of pages mostly saying the same things over and over hasn’t brought her here to deeply apologize for all her sins. It seems to actually do the opposite.

And if she has mental issues, as some here assert, is continual baiting, bashing, and mocking the appropriate way to react and engage with such a person? I just don’t get that part at all. I can understand being curious about a case with so many complexities, and discussing different scenarios on why such a thing happened. But when posters continually throw out insults about her, RG, LK’s father, etc, that’s not discussing a case, that seems to be merely venting your wrath, and perhaps trying to get a rise out of LK. If LK needs mental help, are these posts going to do that, or push her to the point of breaking, which is what some claim happened to MB, and what MB is now using as his defense in shooting her.


QFP My bolding


It gets asked repeatedly because it’s never answered in a manner that makes any logical sense.


I personally would not try to hold a viper legally or morally responsible for mortally attacking an annoying person in their space. I am inclined, and I think the courts are inclined, to hold an adult human morally and criminally responsible for attempting to kill an annoying person in his space.

Morality and criminal laws apply to adult humans, not reptiles.

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I think it’s hilarious that this group goes around wondering why LK can’t control her social media postings and then can’t walk away or refrain from replying to people in a thread despite having a thread mom with some bizarre tally of days they didn’t respond (except they did everyone of those days). Plus all the “funny” jokes and not at all veiled references and digs at the poster they hate.

Oh no, I’ve just compared you to LK, how dare I? Go on living in your delusional world where you are the righteous few and you believe your behavior on SM is wholly justified. But not a single one of you can refrain continuing a toxic communication. And thread mom’s latest post that you all have learned empathy. Talk about delusions. It’s all fascinating!

Disclaimer: I don’t know a single one of you in real life nor any of the people involved in the shooting. But hey, just walk on by! :applause:


Actually, as I remember it, it was a reference to your bucket list.

The NYT article has been linked many times, and is easily available by google. Are you now saying you regret having written that in the first thread?

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Quelle surprise. After failing to respond to the logical flaws in her analogy between actively fomenting conflict and being targeted for an inherently one-sided form of assault, failing to ever actually apologize for her incredibly rude posts about sexual violence, spouting the same paternalistic gaslighting nonsense that so many responsible, self-aware women and girls hear when they’re being blamed for their own assaults, and claiming an unfounded position of moral superiority, YD is “ready to move on from the rape analogy”.

You’ve shown your true colors, YD. You cannot ask others to unring that bell for you.


I am sick to death of your twisting things to suit you. Oh, yes, I sarcastically said something snarky about how proud I was to make the NYT. YOU SAID I SAID I WAS PROUD OF THE STATEMENT. YOU, YOU, YOU CONTINUE TO BRING UP THE SAME TIRED ARTICLE. YOU REFUSE TO READ ANY OTHER LINKS ANYONE PROVIDES YOU BECAUSE LOGIC AND TRUTH AND REALITY UPSETS YOUR AGENDA.





She answered. You didn’t like her answer. What is the point of keeping up the drumbeat, unless it’s because you want to state, over and over, “It’s your own fault you got shot because you refused to leave”? If you think you’re being subtle by phrasing it as a question instead of a statement, you’re not.


I find it hilarious and sad a supposed long time poster creates an alter to snark around boards this past month.


And to make it crystal clear to you, absolutely NO, I do not regret having written that in the first thread.

By the way, no fake apology from you is requested or needed. You have shown your true colors time and time again for the entire group to see.


You are all speaking to someone who assumes Anne Elk (Miss) is a real person, and who can’t be bothered to ask or verify.:cool:


If you add her in the ignore block you won’t know if she quotes or tags you.

I give this thread until tomorrow morning


This thread has gone off the rails.
Stay safe and healthy ladies, I’m out.


That’s exactly what LK & Co want to happen - shut the thread down.


Awwww…my feelings are hurt. If you think I would engage this pack under my normal user name think again. See you’ve already demonstrated that you were trying to figure out who I was so you could come after me.


I have explained several times that I think that advising a woman on proactive steps she can take to reduce the probability of being raped is, in my mind, distinct from blaming a woman who chooses not to take those steps for her own rape. If you refuse to see a distinction between those two things, I don’t see any point in further discussion.

I did not at first understand your post and did apologize for misunderstanding.

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