Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

People currently posting on this thread?

My point is no one posting now, this thread, this month…, and certainly not all who have suggested that LK should have anticipated some reaction to her own actions… Also wrote or meant she deserved to be shot.

In fact, disclaimers to that effect are repeated.
Ad nauseum, but for good reason… Because the terrier has a bone it won’t let go of, regardless of not one other soul having any interest, or investment in it whatsoever.

To keep harping on it, when it wasn’t anyone presently conversing, is ridiculous.


My bold, was that referring in general or this thread? No really has even touched on that in this thread because we are trying to discuss the civil case.


And Desperate

Saying something over and over and over doesn’t make it true. It doesn’t work that way. Well, perhaps it does in specific alter realities but not this one. Yet, once again, page after page is spent yakking away explaining to YD what something means while she isn’t going to bother to cite her evidence or thoroughly read the responses given her.

We need to MOVE ON and let her ramble to herself to her heart’s content.

I would like to know if anyone knows if there is evidence in law enforcement’s possession showing the house was bugged and/or had video. Does anyone familiar with the actual parties know the answer? Does anyone have access to the house now?


Exactly. Want to hold people accountable??? g’head!!!
But don’t hold us all accountable for what someone else wrote.

When I turned 16 my mother said to me “don’t bother getting your license, youre not driving my car”
She said that because my sister had had DWIs, DUIs, wrecked cars… And even though I had repeatedly demonstrated I was nothing like her, clearly I was going to be punished without ever doing the misdeed or being given a chance to.

Suggesting that because someone or a few someone’s say LK is responsible for getting herself shot means all who don’t give her a pass on her reprehensible behavior must be in agreement with that… Even when they’ve said, demonstrated they do not… Is wrong.

How about the quote of Eggbutt’s quoted in the NYT article on the victim blaming aspect of the case.
There are plenty that have not been deleted. Asking four hundred times “Why didn’t you leave if you knew you were in such danger?” is technically a question, but after the first, oh, 30 times, it’s basically the statement that it’s her own fault for getting shot because she could have left and didn’t.

NYT quote: “Yes, you were shot by an obviously provoked man … but you accept zero accountability,” reads one direct reply to Ms. Kanarek on an online forum hosted by The Chronicle of the Horse, an equestrian publication. “What a narcissist. It’s always someone else’s fault.”

Just before the shooting, Ms. Kanarek had asked the Division of Child Protection and Permanency to investigate Mr. Barisone for potential abuse of a child of his fiancée, according to Jeffery Simms, the lawyer who represented him at the arraignment.
“The alleged victim is not a victim,” Mr. Simms told reporters then. “She’s a villain.” Ms. Kanarek said she did not recall placing the call to child services.
Mr. Barisone’s supporters also point to Ms. Kanarek’s inflammatory social media presence. She has at least one pending charge against her for cyberstalking in North Carolina, where she used to live.
“Lauren Kanarek took her bullying too far. Everyone has limits,” Susan Wachowich, who runs a popular site covering the sport, wrote on Twitter the day of the shooting. She wrote that the site “100% supports Michael Barisone in his actions.”

And to be perfectly clear, here is the entire post that quote of mine was taken from:

Sep. 8, 2019, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by La-LaPopRider View Post

I wish everyone understood how MB operates. Over the years, I have threatened to leave. Mb has walked out on lessons. Pretty typical, actually when you’re training 4 horses and riding ALL day. Mb could act one way one minute- then totally opposite the next. Still, we all went to dinner (or ordered in) at days end & all was good. Every single news report has my friends who knew the real story - stating “I can’t say more but the situation was very, very complex.”
Idc what anyone says- there was no eviction notice. Nor a request that we leave. If there were, that country would have it! They don’t. The situation was very, very complex. Very. 🤷🏼*♀️

OMG! Once again the total victim. I think you are dumb as a brick to stay two years after all the negative things you’ve said. You “threatened to leave”? I’m surprised he didn’t show you the gate.

Yes, you were shot by an obviously provoked man…but you accept zero accountability. What a narcissist. It’s always someone else’s fault.



There you go.

I had a post a couple pages back explaining why I think that identifying things that someone can do to statistical reduce their chance of being victimized is different from victim blaming, both in the rape case, and in the attempted murder case. If you disagree as to whether there is a distinction, that’s where we disagree.

Eggbutt never said it though. Other people did. Stop harassing eggbutt


Again, wrong. And obviously and purposefully so.

Saying, “if you knew you were in danger why didn’t you leave” to most of us means: we don’t believe you actually thought you were in danger. Which is the much more reasonable and straightforward interpretation of that sentence.

The one where it means: “it’s your fault you got shot” is a huge stretch and it’s made only to serve a specific narrative.

Because no one is actually saying it, we have to put up with make believe math in which repetition = something outside the plain reading of the language + the genuine first-hand explanations of the speakers. And that’s utter fantasist BS made up to prop up a fabricated narrative.

Provide actual text evidence or stop.


Here’s an idea - I live in a hut in the jungle with pit vipers all around it. Deadly poisonous pit vipers. I’m told and told I should leave because they are dangerous but I ignore the suggestions. Instead, I harass the vipers and get in their space and disrupt their routines. Weeks pass. Still, I say and I’m offered help to move and I still decline. One day the vipers have had enough of my intrusion and I am mortally bitten. Of course, the vipers are killed by the villagers but they were only there protecting their home that I invaded. I had been offered a way to leave and I declined. Who should be held accountable? Who should be held responsible?


To the extent that she violated criminal laws, let’s hope she is charged with the crimes, and prosecuted. To the extent that she harassed and defamed MB, or MHG, I hope his lawyers have whatever success is warranted in their counterclaim in the civil suit.

I’m happy to move on from the rape analogy if you want to move on, but I’m not convinced you do.

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And since we’re back to semantics, let me explain the difference between accountability and responsibility. The main difference between responsibility and accountability is that responsibility can be shared while accountability cannot. Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but also ultimately being answerable for your actions. Also, accountability is something you hold a person to only after a task is done or not done. Responsibility can be before and/or after a task.


Dang! I go out for a walk and to feed my horses, and y’all take off like a house on fire.

A certain obtuse poster here should be very ashamed of herself, but my gut tells me 1) she is too obtuse to comprehend, and 2) she is no where near that self aware.

As for the rest of us, we need to congratulate ourselves on being mature, caring people. If this thread has done anything, it has taught us that we can be empathetic and kind. Now, I know a certain poster is going to attempt to pick that statement apart because of a million reasons she will pull out of her butt, so we should just continue to ignore her.

Let’s give us all a round of applause for moving forward and ignoring that which deserves to be ignored!


She’s not great at letting things go. She harped on something I said in one thread on the next thread. Something I had apologized for and everyone else had moved past.


I have never said that anyone who makes anti LK posts is guilty of victim blaming.

Carson Kressley!!! He is much more likable than William Shatner!


The dog with a bone analogy has never been more accurate in my entire life experience.


I cited the quote of Eggbutt’s quoted in the October 15, 2019 NYT article by Sarah Nir that was explicitly on the topic of victim blaming. In this thread, Eggbutt said she was proud of the quote.

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