Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Thank you so much for saying that. No, we absolutely should not need to be teaching women how not to get raped. You don’t minimize your chances by dressing yourself in conservatively. You minimize your chances by teaching boys that they are not entitled to anyone else’s body. It should never even be asked what she was wearing, what she had to drink, if she was walking alone at night, etc.


Thank you for the kind words. Seeing so many women all on one thread is a horrible reminder of the “1 in 4 women” statistic for rape. It may even be higher now, but that’s where it was when I was a freshman in college.


RIGHT! I got confused when she typed that … I thought there was a “celebrity” rider who killed two people that I had not heard about - but then realized it was MB she was referring to. I didn’t know top riders were concidered celebrities…


Carson Kressley
Patrick Swayze
Andrea Bocelli


Possibly…ok yes!


Clearly MB is a celebrity because he was on Colbert’s show.


They were celebrities first, before they became equestrians, were they not?


I love you!

(Although I’m more of a D-ring gal, myself, I do have some really old eggbutt’s in my big old trunk!)


I think Carson grew up riding Saddlebreds and Arabians. Andrea and Patrick were after they were famous I believe.



I love you!

(Although I’m more of a D-ring gal, myself, I do have some really old eggbutt’s in my big old trunk!)[/QUOTE

I’ve been Snaffle before too. Love those easy bits!


Thank you, KM. Thank you.


If this is an honest question, then:

If LK had been a friend of mine and described the situation she was in and explained that she thought the civil courts would uphold her side of the dispute and even if I thought she “had right on her side” morally and ethically, I would have advised her: given that this is looking not just hideously stressful, but actually dangerous, it’s not worth it to put yourself at risk. Give him what he wants and get out of there.”

Whether someone advised her of that or not, she chose to stay. She got shot. Just because there was a simple expedient way of reducing her risk ex ante, and she chose not to take it, none of that is any excuse, not 100%, not 50%, not 10% for MB having shot her. So saying that she knowingly made objective decisions that made her vulnerable to physical danger is not at all the same thing as saying she is morally responsible for getting herself shot.

I feel very strongly that I have the legal and moral right to walk down a deserted street at 2 am, to wear clothes that make me feel sexy and attractive, and to enjoy alcohol responsibly. Nevertheless, I may choose to deny myself some of those things to some extent to reduce the probability that I am a victim of rape, or assault, or robbery. If I, or a acquaintance or relative, chooses to have 5 drinks instead of 2, and a criminal commits a crime (rape, robbery, murder) against me, the blame is still 100% on the person who commits the crime. It is not my moral or legal responsibility to avoid being an easy target, but I may rationally choose to avoid being an easy target.

Obviously, in retrospect, there are things LK could have done to avoid what happened. But it is not her legal or moral responsibility to avoid causing emotional stress to MB. (Well, perhaps in the civil case, he can sue her for the emotional stress.) But in the criminal case, it’s 100% his responsibility to refrain from “taking his life back” with a gun, no matter what the provocation. (Unless it was self defense, which I don’t believe.)

So that’s why I continue to think the analogy with victim blaming of rape victims is an appropriate analogy. Not long ago I gave my own daughter the above advice on what she could do to proactively avoid being a victim of rape. I certainly don’t think she is a slut or a tease or a drunk. If she had taken some risks and been the victim of rape, I would not have suggested she was at fault. Why some people seem to think victim blaming of rape victims is horrible, yet victim blaming of the victim of attempted murder is OK if the victim is sufficiently unlikeable makes no sense to me.

Where. Quote a post that suggests this.


I cringe saying this because I’m not trying to defend YD, but they got deleted in the first thread. It actually was stated. Now how YD knows about them is beyond me, but they were there.

People later apologized.


People can say LK is a worthless human being and still think she should not have gotten shot. That’s what you are missing. LK is not someone I would want contact with or have any involvement with. That doesn’t mean I think she deserved to get shot. MB is also not someone I ever want contact with. MB is not someone I would ever ride with or do business with because he shot someone. That’s just me.

The rape analogy is not a good one no matter how many times you try to explain it. Quite frankly we don’t care to understand your logic. What YOU need to understand is most here think LK’s behavior is completely unacceptable and criminal. That doesn’t mean we condone the shooting.


I have said repeatedly that LK should be held accountable for her actions. Is that the same as taking responsibility for HER actions? Absolutely. I have NEVER said she should take responsibility for being shot. She should have left the property that was not hers, she had no business staying and had plenty of options to leave. She should not have filed false reports to SS or CPS or made up stories about black SUVs. She should not have illegally wired the premises for her own surveillance. She should not have posted hateful, harassing, provocative posts on social media to gain attention. There’s a lot she should not have done and should be held accountable for all of her nasty actions.

The thing is, Lauren Kanarek has never taken responsibility for ANY of her actions. She’s always been bailed out by daddy.

I refuse to give YD the time of day," but this snippet from her last post is incredibly disgusting, “But it is not her legal or moral responsibility to avoid causing emotional stress to MB.” WTH??? Why this woman is still allowed to post is beyond me.


I just typed an incredibly long post, backspaced it, and I’m going to step away for a bit. Some of these posts are absolutely reprehensible not to mention irrelevant to any situation between MB and LK.


Yes, but she’s been banging on about it for three threads now.

I agree with the other poster: put up or shut up. Show where people in this thread or even the last said that or stop banging on and on and on and on about it.

And when she finds that text evidence, she may target those accusations to those exact posters. She must leave the rest of us out of her fantasist palaver. Garbage in, garbage out, and I’ve had enough garbage for a lifetime from that quarter. She must stop painting us all with that brush. It’s BS and it’s tiresome and it’s dishonest and, most importantly, patently untrue. And she knows it.


You’re right. But there is evidence of it in the other threads.


Advise women to proactively avoid making themselves vulnerable to rape

  • point out that dressing too sexy,
  • Being significantly inebriated, n
  • having access to their own means of transportation
  • walking alone in a sparsely traveled place at night
    … all reduce the statistical chance that they are the victim of a crime like rape

But all the harassing actions of LK had nowt to do with the escalation of the situation on that farm?t
Didn’t increase the statistical chance that someone she was pushing might reach a limit and snap?

If pointing out the latter is victim blaming, so is the former, toots.