Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Which we all knew.
Some reputations precede the person…


No need to repeat, @smoofox.

Oh I have a PM about reputations too…


I know this is totally off topic but… Am I the only one that learned the whole point of Linked in is to post your professional credentials so you can connect with other professionals and stay connected to other professionals?

Thank you once again Mod 1 for taking such good care of us and keeping us informed.


Seeing the post by Moderator 1 was very much appreciated.

Anyone else want a flute of sparkling cardboardeux to salute Mod1?


Thank you @Moderator_1! Appreciate your help!


LK lied? Imagine that!!

Perhaps all of us who received threatening PMs from her should start a new thread in CE and post the messages for comparison! She probably wrote one message and then cut and pasted it to others with minor tweaks. What a sad, sad creature.


Yup, I just deleted my last response because really, this says it all.


So maybe show your lack of interest by, … not posting?

Yep, everyone else also read all of J_Lu’s posts re: her qualifications but only one person felt the need to cyber stalk/attempt to dox her. No one else effing cared enough to put any effort at all - large or small - into identifying and harassing her. Telling, indeed.


How LinkedIn is used and whether it is used depends greatly on the industry and job type. I would say the main uses are: posting your resume so that potential employers can search for employees who fit their need, and in applying for jobs on line, conveying your resume by providing the LinkedIn link. LinkedIn also provides job listings.
There is a feature in which you can make “connections” to other users. If one of your “connections” changes jobs or acquires a “skill”, you receive an email notification. I’ve never used that feature, but perhaps some do.

There were only a couple of people who were the recipients of multiple instructions from J-Lu that they had no business posting on a scientific topic in biology, because they were not “professional scientists” or did not have PhDs in biology, as she did. Actually she has multiple advanced degrees.

Did she say that to you?

Does LK’s posting of threatening lies to multiple PM’s constitute harassment such that she should be banned from the forum? Or do we actually want her coming around and acting crazy from time to time?


Good question. Related: does lying about legalities regarding the platform and the actions of the platform owners while using that platform to harass, threaten, and intimidate other users constitute behaviour worthy of being banned from the forum?


@La-LaPopRider generates interest in posts with her “interesting” commentary and therefore increases clicks to the forum, which equates to advertising dollars for the forums.

If Lala and YD were banned, who would keep the threads going, or get them locked? The best thing to do is to Ignore them both, particularly since we all now know for a fact LK can be dishonest.


Although I can take care of myself I have a definite preference. I prefer LK being banned. Folks have been banned for less.



I’m not personally worried about posters who come on the open forums and say stupid things in general. We all have the option of ignoring them, and their actions are visible to all including mods. If they descend into insults they can be banned.

I was more thinking about posters who use PMs as a back channel to say things that wouldnt be allowed on the actual forum or to threaten individuals in ways that wouldn’t be allowed. Invisible from mods or community oversight.

I don’t have an answer for the posters who like to come on and start long wrangles that shift everywhere and can’t be resolved. We usually have a couple of these, generally fixated on their own hobby horse topics. I think you just have to figure out how to ignore them.


Agreed, I was also referring to the back channel PMs and mystery quoting to threaten and intimidate without doing anything in the open. The PM to KnightsMom specifying that COTH was subpoenaed and COTH turned over identities was all via PM. So I was thinking the same as you.


I’d say threatening PMs to multiple people shouldn’t be acceptable, but that’s just me.

Also not surprised that it wasn’t true.


Perhaps now some will believe others like HaleyBot and Joey about the threats and harassment…and even Barisone.

Edited to add no one deserves to be shot (or harassed).