Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

 She was very clear that her posts concerned general legal principles and the concept that jurisdictions would make laws assigning liability in ways that created incentives that served the state’s interest. Those legal principles are valid over any IS state and over different countries. She specifically stated that she was not providing information about specific laws in NJ, or any specific jurisdiction, for that matter. So given that she was not claiming that she was given information about specific, actual laws in any jurisdiction, it is irrelevant as to what country is licensed in.

Please let’s not go through the whole Bronze medal thing again.

She seems to BLAME Barisone for shooting her. Whereas you are the ringleader of a group who wants to say the shooting was her FAULT because she harassed him, wouldn’t leave, yadda, yadda, yadda.

You’re doing the victim blaming thing when you subtly or unsubtly keep hammering her to “take responsibility” for the fact that she got shot.

In your opinion, is anything ever the fault of MB or MG? It’s NOT a rhetorical question, although I’m sure you won’t answer.



Actually, it is spelled out in legal papers

What group? When did eggbutt say LK got herself shot and she should accept blame for that? I admit I’ve been skimming since LK mentioned me and I responded so perhaps o missed that.


Another big mess?
Lets make them guess?


Well, well, aren’t we the little hypocrite. You can harangue all day long about something but when it becomes uncomfortable, let’s drop it, right? I brought up the Bronze Medal fiasco because it is LK who is always saying she has so many accomplishments. What are they? She can’t dismiss others for what she poo-poos for not achieving as much as she imagines herself to achieve. (:eek: what nasty sentence structure! Pile on.)

Actually, it is mentioned in one of the documents by MB’s civil attorneys that LK had “an obligation to leave” the property but didn’t. So, it’s more than simply me who has questions about her actions. Heck, the entire brief is about her bullying, etc. to the point of an “emotional breakdown” for MB.

“Ring leader”? Not quite. Go to any social media public post she’s mentioned in and you’ll quickly see I am far from the ring leader calling her out for her antics, innuendos, and threats.

(Yes, I apologize for providing more attention to YD.)

Edit: Yes, MB/MH should be held 100% responsible for allowing LK into their life for whatever reason they did. I agree that it definitely wasn’t talent in either her horses or her as a rider to take her on, but an opportunity to make easy money. They should have had signed documents in place for every single action they agreed to perform for LK as well as any living conditions well before they left FL with her in tow.

     Stuff like, “I have repeatedly asked you to explain why you didn’t leave ...”, and “why won’t you admit to the role that you played in this tragedy by provoking and harassing MB”. Much of it is in previous threads. 

     She is usually somewhat more subtle than saying “Lauren refuses to take blame for making MB shoot her”, but not all that much. 

     There is a group of about 4 or 5 posters who chime in and repeat the same message. I’m not saying you are part of the group.

I can promise you, those questions asked by so many will be the primary questions that will need to be answered in the criminal trial.


I’m not on Facebook for a reason, so I’m not going there. You were a major player in the first nasty thread, you started the most recent two threads, and I think you were prominent in a couple intervening threads as a houseguest alter.

Yes, obviously MBs attorneys on the civil case are going to try to establish that she was at least partly at fault in their counterclaim.

As you know, I would post a lot less if you did not respond to my posts.

So you’re saying MB/MH should be held responsible for “allowing LK into their life”, but are silent on any responsibility for shooting her? Thanks for making my point.

Yes, the details of how the prosecution handles this will be interesting, do they push for a plea? throw the book at him? I don’t know what the political climate is like for the DA on this one. As YD said, I don’t see MB avoiding blame, but what could the defense do to mitigate his actions?

I mean, who takes a gun to an argument and doesn’t expect it to go downhill from there?

And in the civil suit, it will be interesting to see (if it goes to trial) whether the players take the stand (which for the peanut gallery, would be like a month of sundaes!). That seems like a tricky thing to navigate, if LK speaks as she writes.


I am so not a criminal law expert, but I imagine the victim wouldn’t need to take the stand here. It’s the state v. MB. Were I on the prosecution team, I would do everything in my power to keep her out of the court room. Her behaviour can only work against them. Not legally, [you cannot shoot someone no matter how big a jerk] but the impression she would leave on the jury would likely be bad and I would try to avoid the involvement of anyone as unpredictable and emotional as LK.


From one of MB’s attorney briefs:

[I]“Defendant was not competent at the time of the alleged incident and, as a result, should have no liability to Plaintiff for her injuries, by reason of Barisone’s mental state and/or condition which included but was not limited to battered-person-syndrome cause by Plaintiff’s campaign of emotional battery against Defendant and/or persons in his care.”

“Plaintiff’s claimed injuries and damages, in whole or in part, are the direct and proximate result and consequence of Plaintiff’s unreasonable failure to take advantage of preventative or corrective opportunities; her unreasonable failure to avoid harm; and/or her unreasonable failure to mitigate injury and damages.”

“Plaintiff was unlawfully at the premises where the incident occurred, making unlawful use of it at the time the incident occurred, and therefore should be barred from recovery.”[/I]

He proceeds on from there listing all the harassment, threats, CPS, etc.

Since both sets of attorneys probably attend both civil and criminal hearings they will more than likely present a unified case with lots of evidence. “Fascinating” isn’t it?


Ah, okay. I just assumed you meant me because I had spoken of personal experience with her.
Maybe she was harassing them, haranguing them, etc…the proper response to that is never “shoot someone”. Yeah, she should have left when she stated she was in fear of her life but that still doesn’t mean she’s culpable in her own attempted murder.

As for the people who have speculated on first degree attempted murder charges vs. second degree, unless there is some kind of proof; texts, emails, web search history, the recordings (if deemed admissible), it’s not “easy” to establish premeditation. People keep mentioning a dog, and LK did make a post about her knowledge of firearms (yes she said she didn’t have them in NJ but one could argue that if she had been harassing MB, he may not have believed she didn’t have a gun with her) so I think that could definitely sway a jury away from premeditation and into MB taking precautions about supposed threats to his life by bringing a gun. Will all depend on what proof is available during trial as well as how silver tongued the lawyers are.


I don’t know that they will all attend each other’s proceedings, and I don’t know that the prosecution cares all that much about the civil trial, except perhaps as a source of more motions in limine for the defense.

And yes, it is fascinating, because we are all biologically driven to be alert and watchful of danger.

This case seems to be providing some nuance about what exactly the danger is, hence the continued fascination.


I agree that her threats about owning/using guns and not being responsible for what her other personalities would do could be decent evidence of his feeling that he may need protection when confronting her. Usually those kinds of threats are just verbal and hard to prove, but she wrote and published them on SM so his team must be relying on that as part of their defense.

It is true that many people take a gun somewhere not intending to use it and then use it. That’s why all this carrying of guns on the regular is so worrisome to those of us who don’t wish to be shot.


But remember, it’s not just the rantings on FB prior to the event, it’s also going to be the testimony and evidence of other people she allegedly stalked, harassed and assaulted as well as evidence of her alleged firing of a weapon towards her paramour.

Together, it may very well be a damning package to that one juror who is not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of the intent to murder.

Look at it this way: We here have had months of ex parte testimony (no input from Barisone) and many here don’t believe her.


This is not true… and no one wishes to be shot. You will find that MOST people who carry LEGALLY don’t just decide to use the gun. They aren’t carrying it INTENDING to use it or not use it…


This post is not logical to me. Suppose the defense is able to convince the jury that she has done things like “stalk, harass and assault” people prior to the shooting.

Unless that behavior, if established, is a legitimate basis for shooting someone, why will it have ANY effect on the jury’s decision regarding whether MB had intent to kill? If anything it will explain WHY he had an intent to kill.

Also problematic is the 911 call in which he said that he was “going to take his life back”, indicating the intention to do something. A couple days later, he shoots her, nearly killing her.

If Barisone had shot some other client with whom he did not have this well publicized ramp up of conflict, an accidental shooting without intent would be easier to argue. But given that there is all this evidence that she was a major thorn in his side, that makes it easier for me to believe that he did indeed intend to kill her.

Saying that he did intend to shoot her, but because of all the (alleged) harassment he was not in his right mind, is a somewhat different line of defense.

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Because every thread in which this has happened has been shut down. Consistently.

Why reward bad behavior? She twists other’s words, is purposely obtuse and seeks to goad. Why play her game? Why get another thread shut down?