Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Circular arguments are a logical fallacy, oftentimes used as a tool by conversationalists who lack the appropriate skills needed to have a bidirectional conversation.


Yes, be careful not to say a$$. Apparently it’s inappropriate language [eye roll emoji].:eek::lol:


My Yankee Doodle rewrite got edited due to a synonym for poop. :cool:


That make sense. Thanks for asking your friend. I guess you would want to bring in all the other people she has targeted to establish a pattern, but I can see how that wouldn’t be allowed.

One thing I note in life: If one party is willing to be totally outrageous, they usually get their way b/c most reasonable people won’t rise to the same level of BSC. They will eventually back away so the person willing to just go all out cray cray sadly usually gets away with it.


Yes, this. Although the cray cray has to be carefully wrought, otherwise you fall down the long dark hole… Certainly having money and being of a privileged class help stave off the falling.

But humans, like horses, are generally agreeable, adaptable types who tend to take on the social expectations thrust upon us by others.


Oh, dear.

I don’t know the significance behind your screen name, but whenever I see it I start singing Ackee 1-2-3. Such a happy song!


You are correct. BSC people with no shame who will act any way, say anything, who have ethnic privilege for wherever they live, and money and support are practically untouchable. You see it not infrequently. They will escalate indefinitely so even reasonable people will let them get their way rather than engage. It can be infuriating.


He also said that doesn’t believe that someone who hires a contractor who is not licensed would be in any legal trouble, unless they were, for example, building a large commercial building that housed many people, or offices and workers (think apartment complexes or office buildings), but that the permit processes for those types of buildings would pretty much make it impossible to do so, without being complicit in a massive fraud involving many entities.

Not his area of law, but he’s pretty sure that for residential remodels, such as the one in question, the onus is on the unlicensed “contractor” and that law really frowns upon unlicensed re-modelers/builders. If an unlicensed person advertises re-modeling or building services, anyone can ask, and point it out to the local authority and they will issue a cease and desist order very quickly.


I agree, sadly - now a days the bad guys are winning and supposedly, good people are supporting them! it’s terrifying… look at what is happing in the world right now! there is a lot of bad taking over. they keep lying until they exhaust us - if they say it often enough it must be true.


I don’t know if it’s the rise of reality TV or something else. But all these famous bad actors get so popular (that Dance Mom woman, whatever Honey Booboo was, something about ducks, real housewives, Jersey Shore, and now I just watched that Tiger King thing). But being outrageous and threatening and escalating everything seems to be way more normalized lately. LK said a few pages back that all incidents with all those people who she’s “supposed” to have stalked, threatened, shot at, etc. will all be disproven.

What never seems to sink in is this: most of us don’t even have ONE person who would come out of the woodwork to claim we stalked, threatened, harassed, assaulted, or shot at them. No one got a restraining order against us, or served us with papers we dodged. No drug use, alleged or not, would be mentioned. No rap sheet could be screen shot and produced from any state or country. Most people have zero of these incidents. It is shocking to me that anyone could believe having this many entanglements - even if all untrue - is anywhere near normal or okay. That’s the thing that gets me each time.


Don’t forget bar fights where you defend yourself with a bottle of cranberry juice.


Good god :lol:.All roads really do lead to Python


If someone is an alter – and I’m not implying anyone is - Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons” could be a possibility.


FFS people, why is it so hard to ignore the troll? The original content of this thread is really interesting and many of us, being outside observers, have gained valuable thoughts and input from legal professionals. This story will make a riveting Netflix limited series someday and all of us who have been following along from the beginning will feel a weird, if not direct, personal connection to it. The insane SM content is a key part of the story. Please stop engaging the troll!


If you are referring to my post, in times of trouble you can laugh or cry. I am not invested in this debacle, nor am I interested in a sleazy Netflix version of this incident.
Some of us have to see humor where it exists. :slight_smile:


Naw - fascination with sketchy characters is baked into us as a species. Bonnie & Clyde, Billy the Kid (which makes me think of Ry Cooder singing the song about him), Alcibiades, etc. (Billy the Kid)

I prefer FDR in Trinidad:


I must be a different species. I’ve never been fascinated by psychopaths and murderers like “Billy the Kid” or Bonnie and Clyde and I’ve always found the romanticizing of their brutal crimes against innocent bystanders disgusting. The murderers of the past are no more interesting to me than the murders, sociopaths and psychopaths of today.

I just don’t find sick, sleazy people and their behavior entertaining.


Eggbutt = GreenWithEnvy?

Well, remember that information on who they are and how they behave is the best way to recognize and avoid getting entangled with them. Just like knowing how to identify poisonous snakes is good to know - even if you never have any intention of handling one.

Of course, snakes are less likely to seek out humans regardless of their size or if they’re venomous or not. They mostly just want to be left alone. Although I want every single Burmese python released in the US to be hunted down and slain without mercy. Rock pythons too. At least Ball pythons don’t get larger than 5 feet, as a rule. They shouldn’t be on the loose either. Correction: all non-native snakes need to be either safely contained or dispatched.


Question from someone who is learning a lot in this thread. In these legal documents what does the terminology “upon information and belief” mean?

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