Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I could be wrong, and I’m sure LK will point it out if so, but I wonder if it is because MB refused to pay RG (for whatever reason), and then LK found out that she and RG had no legal recourse.


Dude, it doesn’t make sense to any of us!

I suspect the actual facts of what legal process did or did not take place leading up to the shooting is what will be revealed in the criminal and civil case, don’t you think?

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I remember LK making a big deal about MH consulting RG a lot about colors and materials for the construction. But doesn’t every homeowner do that? Maybe LK had a problem with jealousy.


Someone who isn’t thinking clearly.


Before I saw your last sentence I was thinking, a little Burt Bacharach is never a wrong contribution. Yum.


Not if it contributed, nay, created, the trauma and mindset of the defendent at the time.


The Sweet Grass Farm lawsuit was closed in January. RG was a party to that lawsuit, along with LK and MB dressage. Hopefully this link will work.

If not, you need to search under “Special Civil”, rather than just “civil”.

Special Civll handles landlord tenant disputes and small claims, and unlike the cases listed in the “civil” part of the site, you cannot read the filings. My guess (only) is that the case became moot after all of the parties finally moved off of the farm.


@I’dratherbe the link requires a login and password.

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Maybe. But if they are living on your property, if you have to leave your house, your actual dwelling because you need to “back away from” even being around them, if they actually have done work on your house which has made it unlivable and cost you money, if they are hooting and hollering outside your windows as you and your family try to sleep at night, you may not be able to just “back away”. Back away to where? Where are you going to go? To your barn apartment? Where she is standing below your windows screaming at you? Calling the cops on you?

You people all make these simple statements about how a logical person would have behaved, how do you know even how you would have behaved after that systematic torture and harrassment? How sane would you have been? How logical would it have been for you to stop and think, I’m not going to carry a gun to this fight because, logically, that never ends well? What makes you think he was thinking logically? Or thinking straight? or thinking? After dealing with CPS investigation? Have any of you ever endured a CPS investigation?? All the logic in our tiny minds means diddly squat, if you have contacted attorneys, sent out evictions, if you know that it will be months before your “local authority” will issue a cease and desist order “very quickly”. A local authority doesn’t issue cease and desist orders, a judge does. His legal troubles have YET to be heard. Give me a break, all you who think he should have been so logical and who think he DIDN’T do all the things you said he should have. d


Absolutely no way she thought things were good. Her posts leading up to that date said things like “a 6’ man is bullying me” and that she “feared for her life”.


Hmm - I did not use a login and password to get there. If you go to

(same place others have been accessing the LK/MB, etc. filings if that link also wants a login), and choose special civil, rather than civil next to “search for case” you can then look up Sweet Grass Farm as the business name and get to the docket pages

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Not to mention that vindictive people can do a lot of damage to a place physically, or a lot of damage to a business’ reputation, if left undefended. Not saying that this would have happened, but it certainly would be a consideration that MB would’ve had on his mind. Leaving could have cost him property damage and/or the loss of clients.


Excellent post Ambitious Kate! This cannot be emphasized enough!

Thank you!  So if there were a claim against RG regarding unlicensed contractor work, it would have been in that suit?

 In any case, it looks to me that nobody is suing anybody over the renovations. 

  If the property owner bears zero responsibility for knowingly hiring an unlicensed contractor, and MB hired RG and agreed to pay him $50,000 for the renovations, then as someone said, it would be a total “dick move” for MB to say “Thanks for the work, but I’m not paying what I agreed to”, even if it were legal for him to do so. 

  LK has said that one reason that she didn’t move was that MB “owed” them $50,000. I can see that she would consider that the money was owed, even if she knew she had no legal recourse.

If you go to the link provided by a Eggbutt in her first post on this thread, you can enter just using CAPTCHAS.

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no, it doesn’t

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I found it now, using their other link (and instructions). But the first link asked me for a log in and password - I tried it four times.
Now that I found the case via the new link the first link takes me right there.

So… Yes it did. Now it does not.


Revealed? No. But all the hints that Lauren has given us suggest that she and her boyfriend wanted 50k from MB for the work he did on the house. Other factoids which emerged tell us that the house was uninhabitable because of a water leak. Other representations tell us that although MB and his family moved out of the house, LK and company refused to. Lauren then tells us that she was screaming in the driveway to the police on numerous occasions. 911 calls tell us that she was screaming in under the windows of the barn apartment late at night. I have assumed that she wanted her money and that she was going to sue to get it. When 911 calls from MB came about her harrassment, and how they wouldn’t leave the property, and how there was an eviction notice given to them but she tells us that she wouldn’t leave, and had a right to be there, the crazy of the situation is apparent. I think there was even a statement from lauren that her father was hollering at MB and his family one night as well. Lauren tried to make a big deal about MH and MB’s relationship and how MH didn’t deserve the attention MB gave her, possibly a difference between how MB was attending to MH in florida vs. LK, and an obvious jealousy reared its head on LK’s part, who was trying to say that MB was just using MH. Most of us here put a stop to that kind of assinine commentary from her pretty quick as entirely non of fher goddamn business. Who knows what she was harrassing MH about. That gives me a pretty good picture of what was happening.


Plus, weren’t there posts in the earlier threads of RC sleeping outside her horse’s stall because of threats of doing harm to her horse as well as MB/MH’s horses and other boarders’ horses?

Would you leave your own property, lock, stock and barrel to escape “squatters” who refused to leave so they could do any damage they wanted? Not me. I would probably hire armed security to patrol the property 24/7 to keep everything, human and otherwise, protected from RG & LK. Hindsight is always 20/20.


He did. There was a big sign on the house that they were evicted. He didn’t make that up. It really was true. He evicted them. They still wouldn’t leave, and she still denies that he ever did it.