Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Who’s to say it didn’t? Who’s to say that MB refused to pay RG for work he did on the house because it was subpar and didn’t pass inspection, and he found out he wasn’t liscensed, and who’s to say that LK and/or RG didn’t go at the water pipes with a sledge hammer and cause a flood that ruined the house because MB wasn’t going to pay? Who’s to say that LK didn’t pile cat feces all over the children’s bedrooms and take pictures? We don’t know how crazy this wench is. We’ve seen hints of it, but I won’t put anything past her, and judging MB for not being more thoughtful and logica. and “why didn’t he just evict them” is disingenuous of anyone here who has read all the material Kanarek has provided for us. Honestly.


“and “why didn’t he just evict them” is disingenuous of anyone here who has read all the material Kanarek has provided for us.”

Plus when you go and look at what a landlord has to do in order to evict someone at all, even if there is serious damage done to their property, is appalling. I know there are AWFUL landlords in this world. AWFUL. People who collect money and deliberately ignore real problems.

I doubt Barisone rose (sunk?) to the levels seen below.

And of course, if anyone ever saw what havoc a hoarder can do that can get overlooked as long as the rent is paid on time and apparently there are no problems with the property, you would weep.


It is a real shame that there isn’t a way to fast-track repairing a property/evicting a bad tenant. I know it would take a lot of money and several miracles to have happen! It is still a shame.

NONE of the above is me speculating that anyone damaged the property deliberately. I am simply pointing out that when you have a bad tenant or landlord, it isn’t easy to resolve the problem. Even when it is clearly overwhelmingly BAD.


Thank you for the synopsis. This sounds like a total sh!tshow. I would be surprised if MB’s lawyers in the criminal case aren’t successful in raising reasonable doubt about this whole thing.

And LK civil suit could really backfire.

This is a good example about how the legal system is not actually set up to deal with mental health or domestic violence issues at all.

  Isn’t one of the few things that we know that the pipes burst in the winter when everyone was in Florida?
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I can verify that evicting someone is a long and arduous process. It requires a vast amount of paperwork and many, many steps, some of which you would never guess.

Landlord/Tenant law is my area of expertise and I have been involved in all facets of it from writing court orders in the courtroom to evaluating the proper papers being filed in a case so that I can issue an eviction warrant. Were you sitting in the courtroom and looked up, you would see the judge and you would see me.

And this has been since 2007.

I’ve witnessed many crazy cases, serial tenants, slumlords, everything.


You fundamentally misunderstood what I was saying. I’m saying that ppl who behave like LK or SW or people on those reality shows usually get their way b/c most people are willing to match them crazy for crazy. In this case I think you are exactly correct: b/c she and RG were on site and all the other reasons you mention/mentioned here, in this case the target of her behaviour could not back away. My observation was not about these exact circumstances. It was a general observation that unfortunately people willing to act as outrageously as LK has acted her whole life get away with it for a long, long time b/c reasonable people won’t sink to the same behaviour.

ETA for brevity: I agree with everything you wrote. It must have been hell on that farm and I would not have left my property and horses to people like that. I was just saying these types of actors get away with craziness against others all too often in most cases.


I was a real estate paralegal, and I was also a business manager for small businesses which had me managing rentals and rental property. Skating that fine line between being a good landlord and not tolerating any bullshit and ferreting out the serial bad tenants before they can do damage, how to get someone out of a property before they could damage it, is a talent. I was in Connecticut.

In CT, the eviction process could start after 90 days of non-payment, and if you accepted any payment during that time, the 90 days would start all over from the begining. During that period, the property could be trashed. Anyone who lived on the property for a certain length of time could consider themselves a tenant you would have to evict, including squatters. The easiest, fastest, and least time consuming way to get someone off your property was to pay them to leave. Pay for their first last and security deposit in a nice, new place you find for them, show up with a truck and movers and move them at your expense. If you could get them to agree to that, you were golden. If you left it too long, and they realized that they could squat there for months and months and harrass you it might be hard. Not a great solution, but one landlords often resorted to. The crazy is real, with tenants. Many people will never do it again, once their eyes are opened.

Allowing someone to live on your property in exchange for goods “in kind”, like doing work on the place, like hiring the landlord to train your horses, and paying for that training board, and he lets you live there in exchange for your business, would only complicate the crazy. How do you get rid of them? You have a training contract. You can cancel that contract, but you need to stop accepting their payments for your services, yet the horses still have to eat, during the time you can’t get them out of there. Then, who owes who what? What a mess.


I don’t think I read anything you wrote after you were engaging YD, so, no, I neither misunderstood you, nor meant to address anything you were saying.

Yes, this, times 10.

The crazy is real.


Yes. And that’s it. We don’t know if MB actually hired RG. We don’t know if he did hire him, that he still owed RG 50k. That all came from only LK. Like it or not, her story changes enough, doesn’t have to be for nefarious reasons, to make many people not trust what she says.

We don’t know that MB hired RG and we certainly don’t know if they were owed 50k.


Yes, it is a good example of how the legal system does not handle mental health violence, like LK’s.

It would probably be a good idea, though, if you were to read the other threads and catch up on the facts already apparent that we are addressing in this thread. Yankee Doodle is not a source of information about the case. She routinely twists people’s words, asks inane questions which have been answered over and over, and doesn’t read the cases, asking questions readily answered in the case she is addressing, and conming to conclusions the facts of the case have refuted. I realize you would like to get the information about the situation, yourself, but we all have had to read the other threads in order to learn it, and read the cases, so the “shitshow” has been on display for a long time, and learning about it the same way we all did would probably help you answer the basic questions you have. Just an observation.


Actually, we don’t know that the pipes broke when they were in florida over the winter. They were in florida during the summer, apparently, just before coming home in August, when the entire thing blew up. “Winter” was 10 months prior to this. There’s nothing saying that the pipes broke in the winter, except YD, who makes things up.


I vaguely remember in the first thread someone confirming the pipes did actually break. Either through SM or friends.

I could be wrong and I’m not that motivated to look!:lol: Regardless, YD wasn’t the first to bring it up.


In my state tenancy is assumed after 30 days of occupancy. A Holdover petition requires 30 days notice prior to filing a case. Come to court, pay the fee, get a court date, serve papers. Court day comes and tenant does not appear the court notices them for another date. That day comes and a default judgment for non appearance can be entered providing landlord has the deed. Every party must be named on judgment. John/Jane Doe permitted.

LL can then apply for warrant with a fresh non military Affidavit and if all paperwork is complete an eviction warrant is issued.

Marshal serves warrant, tenant can come to court to pause it by filing an Order to show cause. OSCs are often a delay tactic with tenant not appearing. They can usually get away with 2 if these, giving them 4 to 6 weeks after.

A stipulation can be entered into but tenant can ask for extension. On a Holdover the max time a judge can give from date of final order is 6 months but often tenants get more due to paperwork insufficiences, Marshal workload etc.


That’s a point, we don’t know if he hired RG at all. I remember when I heard her say that, I thought, well, that sounds like something made up to make it look like MB owed them money and they had a right to stick around or something. I mean, that’s an awful lot of work, to cost 50k. Alot of work. Certaainly more than a bathroom. Rememb er LK just recently sneered that RG rehabs bathrooms, that he worked for a bathroom company, not a bathroom and kitchen company, (without saying he was actualy licensed), by way of justifying his credentials as a “contractor”, so Its reasonable to conclude that is must have been a bathroom that RG rehabbed, because LK cried that he was the expert contractor of bathrooms, not kitchens. If someone built me a bathroom and charged me 50k, I might not pay either.

But its only LK that says Barisone owed them money. Certainly, as observed, RG hasn’t gone to court or brought it up in any of the complaints. Or even put himself on the docket as a plaintiff. Not even for having been so badly injured by barisone with a broken hand, (or so says Kanarek).which required no bandaging or stabilizing, or favoring (according to photos of him days after the incident).

For all we know, there was no work done by RG at all, and LK only made it up to make her and RG look like they were invested in the living arrangements, rather than just being there at Barisone’s sufferance.


I liken it to RG’s broken hand/wrist. We all know it didn’t happen based on pictures LK posted. Also, I am fascinated by the fact the RG isn’t anywhere on the civil case. I’m sorry, but if someone tried to shoot me and some of my bones were broken in the process, you bet I’d be suing!


The early NYT article said that MB had moved out of the house due to damage to the main house from burst water pipes. In some thread or other, posters said the NYT article was wrong about that being the reason MB moved to the barn, and that the pipes had burst back in the winter and had been fixed by August, so his moving to the barn was not due to burst water pipes as claimed by the NYT.

My point was that pipes freezing in winter would not be an example of LK trashing the house, as I thought Kate was suggesting, if LK, along with everyone else was in Florida when they burst.

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Yes, they broke, but YD is saying they broke the previous winter. I never got the impression they broke the previous winter. I got the impression that they broke around the time of the downfall of the relationship and were part of the bad blood between them, and was a big part the reason the family had to move out of the house which was inspected and uninhabitable, which was why it was so outrageous that LK and RG continued to live in the house. If they broke while they were all the way, its more likely they broke while they were in Florida in the summer, and they all came home to the ruined house. There were no frozen pipes in summer. If there was a cause for the bust pipes, I would suspect RG’s shoddy bathroom tinkering.

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The pipes burst in January 2019. Everyone including LK came back from FL in late April, early May.


Pipe bursting, as opposed to a small leak, almost always occurs in unoccupied houses in the winter, not in July!

But thanks for accusing me of “making up” this particular item, since it’s clear to most posters that I didn’t.