Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

This has been curious to me, too. So he’s just laying low? I wonder if what happened is not at all what LK said, and RG knows it, and might even have to tell his side of it. RG, now ‘boyfriend’ and not ‘fiance’. RG may well have to testify. “Tell you what, RG, we let all that ‘unlicensed contractor’ stuff go, but you have to tell the truth, here.”

If he knows something different than LK is saying, and he was an unlicensed contractor, he may have been told he’d be better off not suing, and better off not perpetuating her stories, because he may be asked on the stand about them.

Just my speculation. Just my thoughts.


I’m not willing lay blame on RG. That speculation is just as bad as YD’s IMO. Pipes can burst for a variety of reasons that have zero to do with tinkering.

I would say it’s plausible the story about the 50k was created to explain away staying in a place with an eviction notice due to it being uninhabitable. I think it’s plausible that the bursts pipes gave MB a reason to immediately evict LK due to not having a contract and allowing him to avoid a lengthy eviction process.


Is it possible, the extent of the damage wasn’t discovered until later? Or is LK telling the truth, that they moved into the barn for other reasons?

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Yes and that article belonged on page six. The ONLY person the reporter talked to was LK. I was disappointed in the story as it should have been done in a manner so it wouldn’t be construed as completely factual. It created more questions than it answered.


Ok, I’m wrong. I do apologize. I thought they had come home early August and the pipes burst at that time. My mistake.


Honestly we need a spread sheet at this point :lol: And maybe a Ven diagram.


The pipes froze and burst in January 2019 while everyone was in FL. That is a fact. The person checking on the house notified MB of the issue in January, unfortunately since they did not check every day, the water ran for a time. The burst pipes had nothing to do with MB & MH moving out of the house into the clubroom in the barn.


I did think that they moved into the barn because the house was uninhabitable, and that LK and RG should have left, then, as well, but I am rightly corrected from speculating, and I guess that is all something that will come out in the trial, and not something we will know. Its interesting though, because all this somehow plays into the scenario as it escalated, doesn’t it.

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In the first court appearance it was brought up that the Fire Marshall declared a building uninhabitable. Was that the house? Or did LK and RG live in a dependency and it was that building?

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Don’t most people turn off the water when they’re away for a long time?


It does and I can’t remember what all was said about it. There seemed to be confusion about where on the property LK lived.

This confuses me. In my jurisdiction once the fire department declares it uninhabitable they remove you and no court can put you back in.


I think they refused and hadn’t gotten to the forcibly part yet.

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It was the house that LK, RG and MB, MH were living in before MB & MH moved into the barn.


So they all shared the house and when it’s said MB drove to LK’s it means he drove to his house?


Actually, it was posters other than LK who said they moved into the barn long after the pipes had been fixed.

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Not always in old houses with steam heat radiators. They don’t always make out well without some heat.


No you are removed right then and there.




I’m aware. I was asking why.

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