Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

MB & MH moved into the barn because they were trying to maintain distance from LK/RG, and to make sure the horses and employees that lived over the barn were safe. They were afraid of what LK/RG might do.

 If you turn off the water at the house intake, the pipes can still burst due to the water already in the pipes, although that would help.  

  To prevent bursting, you would need to drain the pipes.

Am I misremembering the Fire Marshall condemned the house?

LK has said that the notice on a door was not an eviction notice, but instead that it was a notice of uninhabitability, and that it pertained to a different apartment within the house, not the one she was occupying.

That’s nice. I’m really disinterested in LK’s responses since it’s with an agenda to make it seem like it was a random act of violence. I say that because when she was looking to leave with her horses, many people offered trailering, stalls and a place to stay. She turned them down.

If I’m in fear of my and my horses wellbeing in the manner she herself posted about prior to the shooting, I would take an empty field and a shed to get away. However, I’m a rational human being and I don’t fancy ever getting shot.


I remember LK coming on maybe the very first thread and implying that MB was somehow responsible for the pipes bursting in order to get an insurance settlement b/c he wanted to do renovations. Her accusation was that it was basically insurance fraud to cover the cost of expensive upgrades demanded by MH. Too busy to look for it now though.


Correct, LK did claim that.


You do realize that my post was referring to admitting evidence of a victim’s online behavior towards people other than the defendant and his family, don’t you?

As I mentioned, it depends upon the judge but it is unlikely that it would be considered relevant.


If LK acts in person as she acts online, I could totally envision her promising to move and even getting a few things, then scooting right back inside as soon as the marshal is gone.


@Knights Mom can a house be partially condemned as alleged by LK in a way that allows people to still live in it?


Why wouldn’t it be relevant? We’ve seen rape cases where the victims alleged promiscuity or sexual history or clothing choices were spoken of at trial. For a Supreme Court Justice pick drinking in college was presented.

Given the amount of allegations against her by others I would dare say it’s relevant.


OK. Do you believe that there were multiples living units within the one house, and see the possibility that perhaps it was a unit not occupied by LK that the notice referred to? That would be a logical story that is consistent with your recollection that some dwelling unit was condemned and with KMs statement that once condemned, the unit is vacated.

 Is there another hypothesis that fits the minimal facts we have?

  Contrary to what everyone assumes, I don’t blindly believe something LK says, just because she says so. I consider what she says, and think, does this logically fit with what we know? Usually, it does. 

 So, go ahead and put zero weight on what LK says. What is your alternative speculation as to your having learned of the notice, while at the same time, LK had not been immediately booted by the building department?

So LK has an agenda. Do anonymous posters who are insiders to the MB side, such as long time friends of MG also have an agenda?  Do you believe what they say just because they’re anonymous?
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The cease and desist order I was referring to was for an unlicensed person advertising re-modeling or building services. It had nothing to do with evictions.
If you complain to the local authorities here, about an unlicensed “contractor” advertising their services, they do indeed send a cease and desist letter, pronto.

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If the pipes froze and burst in January 2019, while everyone was in Florida, I don’t see how any of them could have caused the damage.

Once the damage is done, though, there is scope for insurance fraud by saying more damage was done that actually was done.

That’s pretty difficult to do since the insurance company sends someone out to appraise the damage. Any furniture, clothes, or whatever else needs documentation. I just went through this with my move. Not damage from pipes bursting but from the moving company breaking stuff.


No the ENTIRE house had the eviction notice. It was not condemned in that it needed to be knocked down, just brought up to code.


We need a Cliff Notes for these threads for those who haven’t read them all or have forgotten.

MB’s house was split into apartments. A main apartment for him, MH and her children; another one for LK/RG and, a basement area for other trainers/visitors. A community kitchen, dining and sitting room was on the first floor if I recall correctly.


Insurance fraud was another LK statement without merit.


@eggbutt thank you and yes I agree. I can’t keep it all straight.

@tryintogethere thank you.


Uhm, didn’t MB’s wife (ex?) also live in the house?