Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Not that I recall. There are statements that she was occupying the premises illegally per the attorneys of MB’s LLC partners. Reading all this legal stuff is interesting but runs together at times!! EDITED: I found this in the first post: “She was living essentially as a squatter on a horse farm where Mr. Barisone operated his world-class, Olympic level, dressage equestrian training facility.”

There must be a reason why RG isn’t suing.


Disclaimer: The alleged perpetrator MB, should not have shot LK.

Do you think when this goes to trial that the defense will ask for a change in venue?
And if so, will they get it?

The reason I ask is because I am not familiar with the farm, and so I dont know the size of the town and how difficult or easy it would be to find impartial jurors.

All it takes is one sympathetic juror to hang the jury and cause a mistrial.

If that is the case, would the DA continue to pursue the matter?

I know I’m looking way ahead into the future but there have been many famous trials where the verdict was not the one people expected.


I have absolutely no idea, but simply brainstorming your post, I would think MB’s defense would find a more favorable jury in the area and not ask for a change of venue because he is known in the area and LK is more the stranger.

As others have said much of what has been posted here may not be allowed in the criminal trial but I would think MB’s attorneys will throw everything they can at the wall and see what sticks as far as LK’s behavior and past.

Interesting tidbit that is totally rumor…a friend of a friend of a friend messaged me today saying LK has been talking about heading to Europe with her horses to train. I have absolutely nothing to base this as truth, and it seems like a strange plan considering Europe is currently in worse shape than the US as far as the virus. Who knows? Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe she is working with European BNTs who are fleeing FL now that all shows are canceled and are begging her to come with them. :tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink:


I don’t want to go back and wade through all those documents again to be certain, but IIRC, his attorney stated somewhere in the response that MB’s actions were due to extreme mental duress caused by LK’s harassment.

I can’t speak to justification. But I thought it was interesting that the idea of diminished capacity was being raised.


I’ve been following these threads with some interest. AFAIK from previous accounts, Barisone allegedly came up to the porch, shot Lauren then “shot at” RG but somehow RG ran at him and tackled him to he ground without getting shot. This seems a bit odd, to run AT a gunman and not get shot.

Carry on.


Agreed. I guess I’d have to see the thousands of pages of evidence that the defense has to see if that rises to the level of justification.

Thanks OP. I am a Law & Order junkie and I grew up watching Perry Mason and my grandparents were glued to the television when Matlock came on.

I appreciate the legal eagles posts explaining how the law really works because I know that TV shows are for entertainment purposes only.

This case interests me for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is that the victim pops up and explains what happened in technicolor.

I gotta say that is a first for me.


She is going to run to avoid the backlash that is about to hit her right between the eyes. People like her that spend their whole lives living a lie, abusing everyone around them while acting like innocent victims eventually have a downfall. She thought she would get away with this, but she will not. She is looking to head out of the country where no one will know anything about her and she can begin “fresh”.
I am not surprised to hear she [c]ould be a drug user. My guess is that with a little more digging, something will come out about her true past, not the fiction that she tries to get people to believe.


In what way has he suffered damages at the hands of Barisone, given that the bullet missed?

I think all travel out of the US is on hold now. And will be as long as the American Covid 19 cases keep doubling every three days. The USA is now running second behind Italy in total cases I believe. Canada initiated the border closure with the US last week.


Speaking of COVID-19, MB is really at risk sitting in prison. He has put himself in a bad situation.


She is [edit] clearly her own worst enemy. This will be a Dateline Episode one day and Keith Morrison will be giving her the side eye.


Yeah, but with enough money, she could be one of the first to go when they re-open the border. For the time being, she just needs to avoid process servers, which apparently she’s been very good at in the past.


Seems like all the bad evil people are winning these days - very discouraging. The saying goes “good always wins” … doesn’t seem to be the case these days.


“Without Prejudice.” Only took 2 seconds to point this very critical wording out to you. Additionally, do you not understand how civil suits work? (Rhetorical.) The only thing “denied,” was a freezing of HIS assets. His alone. And again, “without prejudice.” (You can google that.) You have way too much time on your hands. “It’s fascinating isn’t it?”

In the last thread you opened, I noticed you seem to believe Michael Barisone’s “life accomplishments,” somehow surpass mine. I have to disagree. [edit] I must have different idea of what constitutes “life accomplishments,” since, if had none, I probably wouldn’t be able to pursue buying horses, boarding them & continuing my training in this sport - or any other. As they told me when I was 20, (my parents) - “Work hard now- play later.” And… here I am. Doing exactly what I planned since 20 yrs of age. Fascinating, isn’t it? [edit] Though, like I politely suggested to you on FB… yoga maybe? Seems like your glory days have ended long ago & this your new version of knitting?

Carry on! We were just curious as to when you, specifically, might decide to open yet another thread about me- then call ME a “narcissist.” We now have our answer- despite this counter claim NOT being “news,” or “new news,” for quite some time now. While you have all of this time on your hands, you should also google “What does a civil complaint, answer & counterclaim mean?” Or… yoga. That really would be “fascinating.” K! All done!

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Well at least now I know I wasn’t seeing things in the wee hours of the morning. The Order To Show Cause was indeed denied as confirmed by LK.


OK… :confused: For many people it is apparently not all about you. It is about the manner in which the legal system works. Honestly I don’t (and don’t care to) know you, your boyfriend, or Mr. Barisone.

Your online behavior is reminiscent of those reality television shows where people scream at one another without listening to what the other is saying.


Why does she type like a Bond villain giving a monologue?


Yeah! I agree! That all would be very interesting. Just as having 10,000 fb friends would even be possible. And, yes. All sorts of unintended tidbits in a person’s history will be “seen by the world.”
Unfortunately, it seems you fail to realize (much like Eggbutt & despite it is literally in writing at the end of each page) “these facts presented are in dispute.” For a layman - this means, precisely, they are accusations- NOT “fact.” This contradicts Eggbutts entire first sentence in her second (??) post on this thread. Hopefully, an actual attorney can step in here, and explain to the class how a “counter suit,” works. It would be far too exhausting to have to do it myself - especially with this crowd- who collectively have the legal knowledge of one very committed 3rd grader. No offense.

“She shot at her boyfriend on his motorcycle, in a fit of rage!” It’s almost like … they just make this stuff up. No wait. It’s exactly what they do. Duh. They’re being sued. This is how counter suit attorneys bully plaintiffs into “settling.” It is the entire reason counter suits are filed, to begin with. I should add, (again) this is not “news.” Probably why “Eggbutt,” removed the date of the claim from her post. I suppose, anyone that desperate to use a normal proceeding originally filed almost two months ago - to pretend some “new,” information has emerged, merely to continue spreading lies & opening new threads, should continue to do exactly she knows best. Obsessing, obsessing & obsessing. I’m flattered ???

I am disinclined to believe you. As an officer of the court the attorney cannot knowingly lie or deceive the court in his filings. So it seems the attorney either believes what his client has told him or has discovered these things for himself.

Newsflash: You overestimate your understanding of law. You underestimate others’ understanding of law.

Therefore, I will await the facts in court even though your behavior is a giant red flag.

A note to any heroin or drug users out there: you may not notice it but druggie face is easily recognizable. As are behaviors. Please respect yourselves enough to not do drugs. Ever since I read of injecting heroin into eyeballs I’ve had the huzz and I mourn all the lives lost or that will be lost to fentanyl, heroin, meth, coke, etc.

I’m very sensitive to this right now as the sister of someone I know overdosed on fentanyl 6 days ago, and with the virus, didn’t even get a decent burial. I lost my own cousin to a crack overdose in 1997.