Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Not sure you’re understanding what that means, in a “without prejudice,” ruling. The order denied (until further proof is presented) - was a freezing of certain assets of one named party. Nothing more. If the ruling had been “with prejudice,” it would mean, the order was permanently denied. As you can read, the ruling on the original request- (court date of March 20 th- making the counter claim & our own specific & separate request, dating far, far far before the set court date) - was denied with the option to present further evidence to the court. (“Without prejudice.”) Therefore, order to “show cause,” is not the “denied request.” Just to clarify. I’m sure the actual facts (facts- not “answers/responses/accusations” - the latter being that which is exactly required from the opposing attorney in a law suit) will be made clear by our own “answers/responses/accusations” to any counterclaim. And, of course, during the civil trial- which has yet to take place. Apparently, Ms. S.D Eggbutt seems to think this IS “the civil trial.” Not even close.

If it’s “totally a rumor,” - which it is, why post it? Clickbait? Fascinating. Then again, there are just as many items you’ve posted as “fact,” which are also “totally a rumor.”

In all seriousness, all of your “predictions,” wrt me “finding a trainer,” & “being unable to board all my horses, after this “ & so many other ridiculous predilections have been wrong. I promise, the day I’m unable to hire the trainer I want or find myself “unable,” to board all my current horses & any new horses, I will send you a message in Morse code. I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. But… you are right in that, my original plans to bring at least 4 of my horses to EU or stay in Fla past June have been temporarily halted due to COVID -19. Of course, the post about going overseas in the first place, was made over 2 months ago. The post re: being unable to go… was made last week. Maybe your “friend of a friend of a friend,” should sharpen his/her reading skills??

I have perfect understanding. I also find you tedious and boring right now. You don’t know what you’re talking about. As I do not wish to insult you I would strongly advise you to leave me alone at this point. I am uninterested in continuing conversation with you lest I become rude to you at this dark, dank point of your life.


What is your professional background and education? After all of these threads and junk floating around, I actually don’t even know such a basic piece of info. But I haven’t been reading consistently either.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹But one doesn’t always have to work hard or have any life accomplishments to own, ride, train, and compete horses. Many people fall into fortunate life circumstances or find themselves in a good financial situation due to trust funds, inheritance, family money, a wealthy partner, etc.


hahahaha…the side eye “indeed”


Someone mentioned a lottery annuity on one of the threads. If accurate, money that literally fell into her lap. Less than $5 - $10 required. I don’t play the lottery, I have my 401Kaput with which to gamble. sigh

I am lucky. If I should ever play the lottery and win, I can remain anonymous. Have the newly-minted lawyer set up a trust for me, go and accept it on my behalf. Legally she couldn’t talk about it either despite being family. But I would pay her well for her services and put some money aside for her newborn. I am SO glad she gave birth before this hit the area. By the skin of her teeth!


And the lottery is working hard?! I know it was also discussed money from previous lawsuits or Daddy’s money.


Honest question: What is druggie face?

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LK doesn’t look like those pics. Those are quite frightening. If that’s what heroin does to your face, then I would have to believe that she is not doing it.

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This actually may be something she’s planning to do with her expected millions in damages she wants to get from MB


My life and accomplishments are not in question, but I’ve done nothing in my life to be ashamed of in any way, as I suspect most of the other posters on this thread can also say about themselves. Everything I’ve posted in this thread is a matter of public record with a link to that record, with the exception of a rumor I was told that has since been verified by LK herself.

Once again, this thread was about to fizzle to an end until Lauren appeared and gave it new life, as expected. Yoga, knitting, paint-by-number, binging on Netflix…all good suggestions, as well as reading this drama in real life.


IT looks like those links are to that whole faces of meth thing. That I understand. What I don’t understand is what generalize “druggie face” would be and/or how it relates to herion use.

It was an honest question but I will say I don’t think it should be mentioned with respect to anyone in this situation, esp LK. To me, she looks like a perfectly average woman of her age in the NYT pic.


I would guess that heading to Europe with horses to train is probably LK’s plan with what to do with the millions she is expecting to be shoveled her way after suing MB. If she is actually talking about doing it in the “present” I wouldn’t be surprised, as grandiosity and bragging about herself would be her MO. Money seems to be her giddy expectation out of all of this.


LK, what do you do for a living?


Those are meth faces before and after. Heroin isn’t the same as meth. Alot of habitual opiate users are somewhat functional, and blend in to the world in a basic way, but there is a whole Nurse Jackie type of ‘drug brain’ that goes along with it which includes a lack of inner monologue keeping you from doing really impluslively stupid sh*t in order to maintain your supply and a lifestyle which funds it.


Mine was specifically heroin face and is labeled as such. Meth faces have wounds. Heroin affects skin and they get skinny a lot of the time.


Hard living ends up showing, eventually. Whether from Meth, Heroin, or just alcohol, smoking and late nights.


The drug face photos are typically people who are also poor, in general ill health, and often living rough.

An addict with money does not deteriorate nearly as fast. Our city has been in the midst of the fentanyl overdose crisis for several years. Fentanyl is being used by dealers to beef up heroin but also other drugs. It’s cheaper and stronger.

At the start there were a handful of deaths among casual, recreational, suburban users who no one knew were using needle drugs at all. Also think about all the musicians who are well off and doing drugs (dying of them even) but look fine.

If you know someone like that in real life that is using, you will see small tell tale signs but not “drug face” like in those scare photos. Most of the tells will be in erratic behaviour, or glassy eyed moments.

I would add that for someone who has addiction issues past or present, surgery or injury requiring prescription painkillers is a very dangerous time. They can easily relapse. Or start self medicating with street drugs which they might prefer.


THIS. ^^^^^